On this web-site you find al diverent names about
"Spilanthes oleracea"
My request is to find "safety data sheet" or "toxicologic sheet" or a
compleet chemical analyse. this must be from an officially or trustworthy
Be carefull: It must be from "spilanthes oleracea" if you have questions
ask me. |
Request for Question Clarification by
31 Jul 2003 17:41 PDT
Hello verhaeghe-ga,
I'm not sure what happened to the earlier posting of your question,
and I don't know if you saw my comment there, so I'll repeat it here.
I don't think there is a toxicologic sheet or detailed chemical
analysis of spilanthes oleracea.
I've conducted a fairly careful search, and found about 18 scientific
papers that mention this plant, along with a number of more general
articles that discuss its culinary and medicinal properties.
From what is available, it's clear that spilanthes oleracea -- while
used as a food plant by some -- has some toxic components. But this
is hardly a surprise, as one could say the same for almost any plant
(including things we eat -- broccoli, for instance, is loaded with
small amounts of some pretty bad chemicals).
However, given the known chemistry and properties of spilanthes
oleracea -- it's an anti-marial plant and acts a bit like novacaine to
numb tooth aches, among other things -- it should probably be treated
with respect and some caution, as with any medicine. It is listed as
a possibly "poisonous plant" by the US Department of Agriculture.
If you'd like, I can list the references I have found on this plant as
an answer to your question. But as I said, I don't think the list
would quite meet your needs for a toxicological profile of spilanthes
Let me know.
Clarification of Question by
01 Aug 2003 04:23 PDT
I think that there are certainly such documents, since by it also
mothertinktures are prepared manufacturers for medical applications.
It will become in a lot of countries as a crime consider to bring such
plant-tinctures on the market without preventing medical or security
file and a chemical composition to avoid accidents.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Aug 2003 18:05 PDT
Hello verhaeghe-ga,
I have researched this plant as well and believe that the information
that pafalafa-ga is providing is correct. The plant has no known toxic
effects, and it is considered to be safe and edible. I could also
provide references to that effect. The plant may have toxic
components, and as pafalafa-ga points out, that is natural, although
you are not asking about its isolated components.
The best answer to your question is that the complete chemical
analysis and safety data sheet have not been done. Some questions upon
research are found to have negative answers, and in such cases, these
are the most valid.
Please consider accepting the information that either of us is
offering regarding references concerning the plant and confirmation of
its non-toxicity. I believe it is the best available.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Aug 2003 19:04 PDT
This is juust an update to let you know that I have identified the
scientist who has done the most extensive work, probably in the world,
regarding Spilanthes Oleracea, and may have an even more definitive
answer for you shortly.
Best regards,
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Aug 2003 16:00 PDT
Hello verhaeghe-ga,
Please bear with me as I continue to get the information together for
you. I shall be offline only for the next day or so.