Dear Sarah,
It was not easy at all; but finally, I can present my answer to you.
The absolutely oldest written language in Africa was without any doubt
Ancient Egyptian, which was written with the famous hieroglyphs as
early as 3100 BC. Unfortunately, the old Egyptian language died about
400 AD, and the knowledge of how to read the remaining written sources
was lost until rediscovered in the 19th century. However, though
Egyptologists can read what the ancient Egyptians wrote, we do not
know how they pronounced their words.
It proved, alas, impossible to find translations for your three words
in Ancient Egyptian. That is really a task for a highly-specialized
But then there is a descendant of Ancient Egyptian - Coptic! It is
still in use today in Egypt, written with characters developed from
Greek (with additional special characters). The Coptic language
alphabet came into being during the 3rd century BC after the Greek
conquest of Egypt. Coptic, a Semitic language which evolved from
ancient Egyptian. Coptic was an official language in Egypt until
around the 13th Century AD, when it was replaced by Arabic. Nowadays
Coptic Christians all speak Arabic as their every day language, but
use Coptic in their religious ceremonies. That makes Coptic the oldest
written language in Africa.
I did lots of research, and I finally found acceptable translations
for your three words. Since Coptic is not written in the Latin
alphabet, and Coptic characters are not supported by the Google
technology, I decided to make a graphic file and put it online for
you. Please follow this link to see your three words in Coptic:
Sources used:
Metalog: Walter Ewing Crum, A Coptic Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1939 English-Coptic Dictionary
Omniglot: Coptic Alphabet
The Coptic Alphabet, by Hany N. Takla
Search terms used:
coptic dictionary
"coptic dictionary" online
"coptic alphabet"
"coptic language"
I hope I was able to help you!
Best regards,
Scriptor |