I have a Panasonic TV/VCR combination (Model PC C1320) and no manual
and the manual is no longer available on line. I want to hook up a
simple Sharp DVD player and can find the Audio/video in and outs, but
no way to switch TV to play the DVD. Wrote to Panasonic and they said
it (the TV/VCR) needed to be put into "line" mode, and how to do that
could be found on P.13 of the product manual. You can see my problem.
Any thoughts? |
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Aug 2003 16:03 PDT
It would be very helpful if you could answer two questions:
1. Can you tell me whether there is a button marked "INPUT" on either
the console or the remote control?
2. Is there any chance that this is a PV C1320? I can't find any
references to a Panasonic PC C1320.
3. In what nation did you buy the unit?
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Aug 2003 16:09 PDT
One more thing:
If your unit is a PV C1320, I can tell you where you can download a
user's manual online, for free.
Clarification of Question by
02 Aug 2003 18:10 PDT
I'm not sure how to answer any of these questions (within the system),
so I'll try comment. Yes, it is a PV C1320 and I'd love to download
the manual, but the Panasonic site does not have it. "Input" is
neither on the remote or the unit. As regards the posibility of
TV/VCR, mine reads TV/FM (for a radio) I can try to channel up and
down version, but if I could just find Panasonic's idea for putting it
in "line" mode which is in the manual, but a manual I do not have.
And yes, the unit is from USA, but seems like it was a fast burnout.
I hope I am doing this correctly to clarify.
Thank you so much
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Aug 2003 18:19 PDT
As I mentioned, I can provide a link where you may download the
operating manual for the PV C1320. The manual is in pdf file format. I
have successfully obtained the manual in this way, so I know the link
Would this link be satisfactory as an answer?
Clarification of Question by
02 Aug 2003 20:51 PDT
To pinkfreud
You answered it! It was the channel down. I turned on the TV, then
loaded the DVD and while it played, channel down (-ed) to 2 then one
more below and there it was. Very happy. I would appreciate that
link to the manual, if you have it. How do I "accept" this as an
answer. Please let me know and many thanks.