Hi Floyd!
Unfortunately, you cannot alter the e-mail address you use for posting
to Usenet via Google Groups. Google will send a verification letter
to ensure that posters use only valid e-mail accounts to register.
This does not mean, however, that you'll be forced to deal with spam
if you choose to post to Usenet. You have options!
If you *must* post through Google Groups (either because you don't
have access to an NNTP server through your ISP or because the bulk of
your posting is done from work), you can set up an account using a
disposable e-mail address from a service like Sneakemail (it's free!):
Let's say you've created an account at Sneakemail. Create an e-mail
address, set the filters to "allow", log in to Google Groups with your
current e-mail and password, and change your e-mail address to the
Sneakemail address.
It will look like this: 6pkmrtyz8kr19t2k802@sneakemail.com (This
isn't an active address. I just created it for testing.) Make sure
you write your Sneakemail address down somewhere!
When you receive your verification note from Google Groups, click the
link to verify, then log back in to Sneakemail. Change your filters
to "bounce" or delete the address entirely. Spammers might lift this
address, but it won't get them anywhere.
Of course, you'll want to include a way for fellow newsgroup
participants to contact you, without attracting the spambots. That is
easily accomplished when signing your posts. Simply add
floyd (at) myrealemailaddress (dot) com
to your signature.
If you have access to an NNTP server and AREN'T forced to use Google
Groups, you can alter your e-mail address with just a few clicks in
your newsreader. Of course, you'll need a newsreader first. My
favorite is Gravity:
Gravity (at Tom's Gravity Pages)
If your ISP doesn't provide Usenet access, register for access to a
free NNTP server. I like the one offered by the Freie Uni Berlin:
Otherwise, you can use the NNTP server provided by your ISP. (It
usually looks like this: news.yourisp.com )
Now let's configure Gravity! Once you've installed the program, it
will prompt you for setup. Give the news server you're going to use a
descriptive nickname (like Earthlink News or FU-Berlin News), fill in
your name and SMTP (outgoing mail server) information, and when you
get to e-mail address, fill in:
...or whatever anti-spam address you'd like to use. You can change
this at any time by going to Server-->Properties.
I hope this helps!
Search terms: None. I'm a Usenet junkie. |