Good Day ckatir-ga,
On my two initial visits to your web site your page rank was at 0/10.
After going through my usual routine of checking meta tags, back links
and such, the page rank was grayed out just like you indicated. The
Google bar stated that the page has not yet been rated.
There are many possible reasons for the web site being not ranked by
Google. Since I did see a rating of 0/10 for a while this sounds like
the "Google Dance" might be the cause. The term Google Dance refers to
the index update of the Google search engine. Since the Index is
stored on thousands of servers, their indexes will get updated at
different times. When you request a web site from Google, any of those
thousands of machines can respond. Some will already have been
updated, while others will still have the old information (or no
information as seems to be the case with your web site). At such
times you will see the PR value go up and down, and sometimes even
gray out. My web site experienced that phenomenon two days ago, where
after being listed at PR3 for a few months it suddenly was coming up
as Not Rated. This lasted only for about a couple of hours and I
appear to be back at my old rating of 3/10.
You can find a lot of interesting information on the Google Dance at:
Site: Google Dance - The Index Update of the Google Search Engine
Since your web site does come up in the search results of Google,
there is no reason to believe that you have been black listed or are
in any kind of "trouble" with Google.
While it is impossible to pinpoint exactly why your web site showed up
with a rating of 0/10 on my first two visits, and now is listed as
"Not Rated", there are some steps you can take to achieve a positive
ranking sooner than later.
As a first step I would recommend that you submit your web site to the
Open Directory at . Google takes a lot of
information from DMOZ.ORG. Because this directory is edited by humans
rather than just being classified by computers, your PR with Google
can go up just from being listed at DMOZ.ORG.
The second thing I would recommend is that you begin adding your web
site to directories of all sorts, and start exchanging links with
other web sites. Back links are one of the most significant PR
boosters out there right now. The more back links to your web site
from other web sites, the better PR you will get. Please keep in mind
that a web site with a high PR linking back to you will give you a
better boost than a web site with a low PR.
I strongly recommend visiting the webmaster forum before doing any
promoting of your web site. You will find more information on this
resource in my Sources at the bottom of my answer.
Your web site has good HTML to content ratio (how much code there is
vs. real content) and does not appear to use any technologies that
could handicap the sites performance in search engines (like frames or
flash). In my opinion, you have a good site and now you need to add it
to DMOZ.ORG and start getting back links in other places on the web.
As I was writing this answer I kept checking back with your site, and
at a couple of occasions the Google Toolbar listed the PR as 0/10.
Most of the time it still said the page is unrated. At this very
minute the page does have a rating which is still at 0.
I hope this information will prove useful in promoting your web site
and achieving a better PR. If there is any additional information I
can forward your way to make this answer more valuable, please ask for
a clarification before rating my answer.
Thank you for your question.
Search Strategy: Google search for "Google Dance"
I have acquired knowledge on this topic in the past mainly from
"Webmaster Forum" (URL: ), a resource I
strongly encourage you to visit. Forums that deal specifically with
this topic are "SEO - Search Engine Optimization" and "Google Forum".
slawek-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
05 Aug 2003 21:56 PDT
Thank you very very much for answering my question. I also looked at regarding Google Dance. Now this is very
interesting. Have you been able to get the results about updated
pagerank the way they describe at the end by:
If you can help me with this, I am willing to pay more for your
answer. Tell me how I should increase the payments.
Request for Answer Clarification by
05 Aug 2003 22:37 PDT
Hi again,
I have one more clarification type question please.
I have a website that some of the subpages of this site always remians
gray while the rest of pages are being ranked. All the pages have been
submitted at the same time. Is there a reason why?
Clarification of Answer by
05 Aug 2003 23:50 PDT
Good Day ckatir-ga,
I have not had a chance to get the code to work, but only had a very
quick second to try it. I will go over the text in detail tomorrow,
and see if I can get it to work. I won't have a chance to do that
until the afternoon though...
As far as I know, there is no way to increase a value amount of the
answer, but you will be given the opportunity to add a tip when you
accept the answer. If you can wait till tomorrow afternoon (GMT
-5hrs) I will post any additional information I discover on this
subject and you can judge what it is worth to you at that time. :)
In response to your question about the sub pages, and why some get
ranked and others do not:
You should only submit a top-level domain to any search engine. When
the search engine comes to visit the top-level domain, it will try to
follow the links on the page and spider them.
The better the content on a page, the deeper the spider will dig for
information. If it sees something interesting, it will try following
it. Otherwise it might just quit at any given time. Your decision to
make the links to the other pages as text links was a good one, but
you can do one more thing to "keep the spider interested": Instead of
just using Part X as the link, give those links titles with some key
words or topics that are contained in the link.
Search engines like text links and place a lot of value on the
keywords used in them. If for example I linked to your web site with a
text link of "click here", and Joe linked to you with a text link of
"Report on Internet Advertising, eMarketing, Branding Analysis", the
value of Joe's link to your web site would be higher. With my link I
would mainly increase the chance of your page coming up as a search
result when searching for "click here" (yes, not very useful), where
Joe's link would improve your positioning on search terms like
advertising, internet, analysis, report, etc...
Having said that, sometimes it just takes some time to get listed and
rated. The spiders are busy little guys, and they might take a while
to dig through all the content, index it, and publish the results.
Clarification of Answer by
06 Aug 2003 12:08 PDT
Good Day ckatir-ga,
I have found how to get the methods described at to work. Unfortunately I am not sure if
policy allows me to go into details on performing this action. Before
I post the information I have to clear it. I have sent an E-mail to
the editor and will reply to you one way or another as soon as I have
received a response.
Request for Answer Clarification by
06 Aug 2003 13:31 PDT
Hello Sir,
Thank you for clarifying and hopefully the answer is positive.
I have a trivial question.
I sometimes have to copy and paste other people information to some of
my pages. Is it possible that Google can recognize plagiarizing yet?
Thanks again for your help.
Request for Answer Clarification by
06 Aug 2003 13:33 PDT
Hi again,
By the way, I did not know you have posted an answer, so I posted the
question again. I wish I could receive email letting me know you have
posted an answer.
I then tried to colse the question and then I saw it open again. Can
you close my second question please.
Clarification of Answer by
06 Aug 2003 15:16 PDT
Hi ckatir-ga,
I have received a response from the Editorial department, and been
asked not to elaborate on the information provided at . This is due to the fact that this
information could be abused by someone, and may potentially interfere
with the operation of the Page Rank system.
I regret not being able to help you further on this matter.
In response to: "I sometimes have to copy and paste other people
information to some of my pages. Is it possible that Google can
recognize plagiarizing yet?
Thanks again for your help. " The answer is no. There would be no way
to the robot to know who's text was original, whether it is
copyrighted or not, and whether the text is maybe posted by the
original copyright holder in multiple places.
While you do not need worry about Google coming after you for
plagiarizing, I would still advise you against such practises due to
the fact that the real owner might find you. :) I would recommend
asking for a permission to quote with a link back, or simply using it
as the basis for your ideas. A quote with a link back is often
welcome by web site owners as it increases their PR and exposure.
Clarification of Answer by
06 Aug 2003 15:24 PDT
Good Day,
I do not have the access to close the question you reposted, but you
should be able to do so from your account? While I am very familiar
with the controls and ways of a researcher, I have only asked one
question myself and am not able to walk you through the process.
You should have received a notification from Google about the answer
having been posted, but that would have been done when my original
reply to you went online on 05 Aug 2003 09:36 PDT. After that you
would probably receive a notification on activity on the account when
I posted a clarification. I believe there is a control in your
account to enable or disable notifications. Please make sure they are
If you are still having trouble, please write to the editor at and request that the duplicate question is