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Q: Finding Girlfriend ( No Answer,   5 Comments )
Subject: Finding Girlfriend
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships
Asked by: lostworld-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 10 Jun 2002 03:01 PDT
Expires: 13 Jun 2002 15:03 PDT
Question ID: 24076
How to find a girlfriend if I live in the Bay Area, CA?
There is no answer at this time.

The following answer was rejected by the asker (they received a refund for the question).
Subject: Re: Finding Girlfriend
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 10 Jun 2002 03:34 PDT
Rated:1 out of 5 stars
Hi! Thanks for the question.

In terms of the Internet there are a variety of people search services
you could use which breaksdown the query to a particular area or city.

The following websites woule be of help.

Bay has a people search facility to find people in the Bay

The next sites are general people search sites but maybe better than
Bay since this is their specialty.
Yahoo People Search 

Who Where from Lycos 

Big Foot 

People Search 

Any Who 

You can also find your girlfriend using offline and traditional means.

People Trackers California

I hope this helps you. Thanks for being a part of Google Answers and I
hope you find your girlfriend.


Clarification of Answer by easterangel-ga on 10 Jun 2002 04:08 PDT
Thanks j_philipp for the advice. 
To answer both sides of the question. If you are looking for a "NEW"
girlfriend in the Bay Area. Singles On the has a list for the
Bay Area of &amp;amp;amp;quot;quality singles&amp;amp;amp;quot; (&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt;). The
other sites and groups I found regarding this topic are the following:
(All are for Bay Area singles)
Table for Six 
&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt; 
Endless Adventures 
&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt; 
Bayarea City Search 
&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt; 
If you love cycling this one is for you. 
Single Cyclists 
&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt;  
Best Dating 
&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt; 
Bay Area Asian Dating 
&amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;quot;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;quot;&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;&gt;<a href=""></a>&lt;/a&gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;gt; 
I hope I have satisfied the different angles of the question. Anyway

Request for Answer Clarification by lostworld-ga on 10 Jun 2002 17:33 PDT
In fact, I never find online or any artificial dating services useful.    

Clarification of Answer by easterangel-ga on 11 Jun 2002 04:49 PDT
I wish you could have given me a chance to clarify my answer before
you have given me a low rating.  
Reason this answer was rejected by lostworld-ga:
I was looking for a way to find a new girlfriend and the person ended
up sending me a list of people search engine like Yahoo! People Search
and Big Foot. Then after a request for confirmation he/she sent me a
list of online dating web sites. Not only that I already knew most of
them, I never find any online or artificial dating services useful.
lostworld-ga rated this answer:1 out of 5 stars
This is not what I am looking for at all. I am looking for ways to
find new girlfriends in the Bay Area.

Subject: Re: Finding Girlfriend
From: j_philipp-ga on 10 Jun 2002 03:41 PDT

I don't think the questioner is looking for a girlfriend he *lost*,
but he wants to find a completely new one -- of yet unknown name &

But then again, I could be wrong, or maybe I misunderstood your
answer. Good luck to you and Lostworld.
Subject: Re: Finding Girlfriend
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 10 Jun 2002 07:13 PDT
The best way to "find" a girlfriend is to go out into the real world
(not the artificial world of dating services and singles bars) and do
all the things you love to do. Get absorbed in life! Eventually you
will meet a woman who is doing those things as well. Then trust me,
the sparks will fly!

Best of Luck -- K~
Subject: Re: Finding Girlfriend
From: jeanluis-ga on 10 Jun 2002 09:39 PDT
I agree with knowledge_seeker, you have to get out there, I do know
people who have used online dating services, and it has worked in some
cases, but in my expirence it is a lot more fun to do it the old
fashioned way:
Get out there meet some ladies, and go for it!

Here are some things that I did to meet women back when I was single
(2 years ago): Join a gym, and go regularly, this makes you look and
feel better, which makes attracting the ladies much easier. It also
gives you the chance to possibly meet women at the gym, but I would't
count on it...

Take a class with a friend or by your self! Take a cooking class, or a
photography class, take a dance class! If you are by yourself, be
confident, and be social, talk to people about the class, about the
teacher, about anything, just talk to people, (men and women, remember
men can introduce you to women, plus women will see what a social
butterfly you are, and will think, "wow I bet he is fun to hang out
with"). I took a swing dance class, and I met a TON of women in class,
and even more when I went out swing dancing. It was great way to meet
women, and it was alot of fun, AND women really like guys who can
dance, it was a win-win situation.

Once you start doing stuff and start meeting women, then you have to
ask women out. This is the easy part, the hard part is actually
meeting women. Just pick someone that you like, and ask her out, be
confident! If she says no, politely brush it off, and say something
like "ok maybe some other time". Move on, don't dwell on it, and do
NOT let it get you down! When a women says yes (you might be surprised
at how often women actually DO want to go out with you, so dont be
scared) and you go out with her, listen to her! ask her questions
about her, be interested in her, joke around, make her laugh, have
FUN. Do not blab on and on about yourself, focus on her.
Believe me it works, I went from being a couch potato with ZERO women,
to having a bunch of women that I could call and ask out at any time.
AND I even had a bunch of women calling me to see if I wanted to hang
out/have dinner/party/etc...

The trick is just getting out there and doing it, because no one can
do it for you!
Subject: Re: Finding Girlfriend
From: lostworld-ga on 11 Jun 2002 02:00 PDT
My situation is a bit special since I am a software engineer and I use
to live in an environment where few females are around. I do not look
bad at all and have fairly successful career for my age (late 20's).
When I went to Europe and some other places around the world there
were interested ladies around almost everyday, but I don't have any
other reasons to move there. The fact that I am an Asian further
complicates things. I personally don't pre-select based on race, but
somehow the women here are usually intimated or tend to feel
suspicious when it comes to interacting with me. There are no other
places I have visited worse than here in terms of finding an intimate
opposite-sex companion. Moreover, the general expectation here seems
to be that as long as the woman is beautiful, she has done all she has
to do. I couldn't figure out any other reasons to explain what I saw,
and a lot of the women expected me to be enthusiastic about them right
from the start, which is something I cannot do unless I am willing to
be dishonest.
Subject: Re: Finding Girlfriend
From: jeanluis-ga on 11 Jun 2002 07:01 PDT
Well be patient, get involved, and don't waste your time with stuck up
women. One day, if you lead an active lifestyle, you will find a
normal down to earth woman who you have a lot in common with and it
will happen... It takes lots of time, but it is worth it.

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