I found the following trade associations / publications relevant to
anti-fatigue mats:
Rubber Manufacturers Association
1400 K Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202-682-4800
Email mailto:info@rma.org
"RMA is the national trade association for the rubber products
industry. Its members include more than 100 companies that manufacture
various rubber products, including tires, hoses, belts, seals, molded
goods, and other finished rubber products."
Environmental, Health & Safety Benchmarking Association
Tel: (281)440-5044
The Environmental, Health & Safety Benchmarking Association is
forming an association of environmental, health and safety managers to
identify best business practices and compare operating performance.
Basic membership is currently available at no charge to qualified
individuals. Basic membership in the association is available to
employees of corporations that manage environmental, health and safety
issues. Participation in association activities will be charged
Free Newsletter
American Industrial Hygiene Association
2700 Prosperity Ave., Suite 250 Fairfax, VA 22031
Tel: +1.703.849.8888 Fax: +1.703.207.3561
"AIHA promotes, protects, and enhances industrial hygienists and other
occupational health, safety and environmental professionals in their
efforts to improve the health and well being of workers, the
community, and the environment.
AIHA is devoted to achieving and maintaining the highest professional
standards for its members. AIHA works in conjunction with the American
Board of Industrial Hygiene to promote certification of industrial
hygienists. Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) are recognized for
their expertise after fulfilling a demanding qualification process.
AIHA administers comprehensive education programs that keep
occupational and environmental health and safety professionals current
in the field of industrial hygiene."
The Uniform and Textile Service Association (UTSA)
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 750
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 703.247.2600
Facsimile: 703.841.4750
E-mail: info@utsa.com
"The Uniform and Textile Service Association is an international trade
organization representing textile supply and service companies. The
association has been in existence for more than 70 years and
represents 95% of the annual sales generated by the uniform service
industry and 65% of the annual sales generated by the linen supply
industry (a combined industry of more than $10 billion). UTSA members
provide, clean, and maintain reusable textile products, such as
uniforms, sheets, table linen, shop and print towels, floor mats,
mops, and other items to thousands of business in all industries.
These industries include light, heavy, and hi-tech manufacturing;
healthcare; restaurants; service, retail, construction and
transportation industries, and institutions.
UTSAs mission is to provide specialized information and educational
programs and work to influence governmental policies affecting the
industry, in order to enhance the business success of members and
increase recognition of the industry. Pursuant to this mission, UTSA
conducts lobbying efforts when necessary. The focus of these efforts
is the maintenance of a healthy economy and appropriate regulatory
environment in which our members may grow and prosper."
UTSA Publications:
Tooling & Manufacturing Association
1177 S. Dee Road
Park Ridge, IL 60068
"Recognizing manufacturers as value-added producers of goods and
services, and creators of high quality jobs for Chicago area citizens,
the Tooling & Manufacturing Association supports industry by providing
educational opportunities, industry representation, services to foster
member company global competitiveness and by:
* helping member companies train and educate personnel at all levels
* providing direct and indirect sources of information and assistance
* pooling the purchasing power of member companies
* representing and promoting the interests of member companies
* serving as a forum and a clearinghouse for the exchange of ideas and
* fostering a sense of mutual support and unity among the members and
the industry as a whole
What types of companies are members?
Members range in size from one-person sole proprietorships to large
multi-plant corporations.
Regular members include:
Tooling, machining, metal cutting, forming, fabricating, plastic
molding, and tool design firms
Heat treating, plating, polishing, engraving, finishing, and grinding
Contract or original equipment manufacturers with precision
metalworking or plastic molding operations
Associate and Affiliate members include:
Businesses providing industry specific and non-industry specific
services, equipment, or materials to regular member companies"
TMA Publications
These associations may also interest you:
International Ergonomics Association
Prof. Pierre Falzon
Laboratoire d'Ergonomie, CNAM
41 Rue Gay Lussac
75005 PARIS
Tel: +33-1-44-107802 Fax: +33-1-43-253614
E-Mail: falzon@cnam.fr
"The International Ergonomics Association is the federation of
ergonomics and human factors societies from around the world. The
mission of IEA is to elaborate and advance ergonomics science and
practice, and to improve the quality of life by expanding its scope of
application and contribution to society."
American Podiatric Medical Association
9312 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 571-9200 or (800) ASK-APMA
Fax: (301) 530-2752
The APMA approves products & companies with the APMA Seal of
See anti-fatigue mats category:
APMA provides foot health information to the public in a number of
ways, including through its toll free number, l-800-FOOTCARE. There
are more than three dozen different foot health brochures available at
no charge.
The NACS (National Association of Convenience Stores) published a
study called Ergonomics 101 - The Basics, What Retailers Need to Know.
Although this is an informal document and not intended to set any
standard, it identifies MSD's and Risk factors found in the industry
and suggests possible job controls. It suggests anti-fatigue matting
should be provided at cashier stations where employees stand all day
to perform their jobs.
Ergonomics 101 - The Basics, What Retailers Need to Know
NACS Magazine:
Association for Repetitive Motion Syndromes
Contact Information
Stephanie S. Barnes
P.O. Box 471973
Aurora, CO 80047
303-369-0803 (Voice)
"The Association for Repetitive Motion Syndromes is a national,
non-profit organization whose focus is to support and inform at risk
workers and employers regarding the legal, medical and professional
issues involved with repetitive motion syndromes, including carpal
tunnel syndrome.
Books and a quarterly newsletter for members are availble.
Information/support via telephone: have lists of local and national
resources, including support groups."
I hope this information is useful!
If you need any clarification, please let me know.
-- -------------------------
Search terms used on Google:
"anti-fatigue mats" association
"anti-fatigue mats" associations
"anti-fatigue mats" OR "anti-fatigue matting" "trade associations"
""anti-fatigue" magazines OR journals OR publications
. |
Clarification of Answer by
12 Aug 2003 07:14 PDT
Hi again Mike,
Thank you for requesting a clarification.
I found a few more contacts which you may find useful:
Polyurethane Foam Association
PO Box 52246
Knoxville, TN 37950-2246 USA
Telephone: 865.546.7661 x237
Fax Number: 865.523.7300
"The mission of the Polyurethane Foam Association (PFA) is to educate
customers and other groups about flexible polyurethane foam and to
promote its use in manufactured and industrial products. This includes
providing facts on environmental, health and safety issues related to
polyurethane foam to the membership of PFA, polyurethane foam users,
regulatory officials, business leaders and the media. PFA also
provides its members and their customers with technical information on
the performance of flexible polyurethane foam in consumer and
industrial products."
Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry
1300 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
Tel: (703) 741-5656 FAX (703) 741-5655
"The Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API) is a business unit
of the American Plastics Council. Its members are U.S. producers or
distributors of chemicals and equipment used to make polyurethanes, or
are manufacturers of polyurethane products."
British Plastics & Rubber
37 Nelson Road, Caterham, Surrey CR3 5PP England
Telephone: +44(0)1883 347059 Fax: +44(0)1883 341350
"British Plastics & Rubber is the monthly magazine for plastics and
rubber processors in the UK. It monitors technical developments from
around the world for the benefit of senior managers in British polymer
processing companies."
ISOPA - European Isocyanate Producers Association
Avenue E. van Nieuwenhuyse 4, Box 9
Brussels B-1160
Tel: +32 2 676 74 75
Fax: + 32 2 676 74 79
Email: main@isopa.org
"ISOPA is the European trade association for producers of
di-isocyanates - the main building blocks of polyurethanes.
ISOPA promotes the highest standards of best practice in the use of
ISOPA ensures that all stakeholders have accurate and up-to-date
information about them.
ISOPA shows how polyurethanes help fulfil society's present and future
49, Square Marie-Louise, B-1000 BRUSSELS (Belgium)
Tel.: 32 2 238 97 42 Fax: 32 2 230 19 89
mailto: tspeeleveld@fedichem.be
"EUROPUR brings together the National Associations representing
flexible polyurethane block foam manufacturing companies, and, where
such associations do not exist, manufacturers themselves.
Countries represented are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Contacts with producers from
Portugal, Central (Poland, Estonia) and Eastern European countries are
The national associations regroup the PU-foam producing companies.
Amongst them, some are multinationals with subsidiaries in different
countries, some are also active in other sectors of polyurethane, such
as moulded or rigid foam, some are present in other segments of the
rubber and plastics industries and others are also present in
downstream activities, mainly mattresses manufacturing and production
of components for the automotive industry."
Portal to the Polyurethane industry
123Plastics.com - Trade Associations
I hope this helps!