Hello warthog335,
Thank you for your question.
PenHero.com has a history of this pen if this should interest you:
"The rollerball pen - the ball pen that writes wet like a fountain
pen. They are commonplace today, even offered in very cheap throwaway
pens. The first really successful rollerball, in terms of performance,
was a Parker. Parker introduced their new rollerball in 1975 along
with a new pen line, the Systemark. The name indicated that it was a
pen that took advantage of multiple writing modes, including a felt
marker. Parker announced the new pen with the slogan, "You've got to
feel it to believe it."
...The new pen could take any one of three refills: the new
rollerball, a "Super Soft" soft-tip marker Parker introduced in 1966
in the Touché pen, and a plastic tip Stylus marker...
...The Systemark was discontinued in 1983..."
I searched extensively for refills for the "Super Soft" and found
nothing online. Even finding Parker USA was difficult, but located
them at:
Parker Pen USA, Ltd.
1400 North Parker Drive
Janesville, WI 53545
They have been there, it seems, for over a century! I called 800#
information and got the number as 800-237-8736
I called.
They do have a newer model rollerball refill that WILL work in these
pens in both blue and black. fine and medium. For example, the number
of the black / fine is 30213. The black / medium is 30215. These are
readily available.
Unfortunately, the fiber refill was discontinued in 2000. I did call
their 2 largest distributors to see if they had old stock:
Kens 4 Pens - 800-841-7053
They have 10 Blue Fine in stock for this pen at $1.49 each. I would
call right away!
Gray Enterprises - 800-970-7367
They have none. I would be dialing Kens as you read this!
Search Strategy:
Parker +"super soft" +refill +buy OR Order
Parker Pen Wisconsin
I trust my research has provided you with source for some of these
refills. If a link above should fail to work or anything require
further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |