Hi macie-ga :)
Further to my clarification request above, I've subsequently come
across some further information which I believe will allow me to
answer your question in full.
My initial search took me to this site:
American Sign Language Browser (you need to have Quick Time
Quick Time free download:
where you can view a video clip of each sign listed in their
directory. I initially searched for "pride" and didn't find it listed
HOWEVER, with thanks to researcher Pinkfreud-ga, I am told that the
American Sign for "proud" is the same sign for "pride".
Pinkfreud-ga: <<ASL often uses the same sign for multiple words, and
for different forms of a single word. My friend....who signs...tells
me that the sign for "proud" is the same sign used for "pride.">>
I have also, thanks to Pinkfreud's prompting, confirmed that you can
view a video clip of the signing for "proud" at the site indicated
Of further interest, you might like to view the American Sign Language
finger spelling of the word "pride" here:
American Sign Language Fingerspelling Converter:
Kind regards
Search strategy:
Keywords: american sign language
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=american+sign+language |