Hello radmac-ga,
An initial search lead me to this press release page by Nemetscheck
announcing "new libraries [that] allow VectorWorks users to access
CADsymbols' libraries directly through the VectorWorks Resource
Browser, making it easy to add realistic 3D symbols such as
architectural details, appliances, doors, windows, hardware, exterior
objects, antique furniture, classic furniture, bathroom objects,
kitchen objects, over-door and over-window arched stone and brick
trims and soldier courses, office furniture, shop objects, balusters,
eyebrow dormer assemblies, and many more. ":
The Nemetscheck Addons page is referenced, so following that I got a
list of available addons, one of them being CADSymbols (the library
mentioned in the press release):
From here, there is an August bundle sale - the entire collection of
2,381 symbols are being offered for $249 and it is also stated that
these are compatible with Vectorworks.
Hope this helps :)
answerguru-ga |