Hello candygale!
Yes, there is indeed an internet site where you can send a picture of
this horse to get an idea of its actual value. It isn't free, mind,
but if the seller is asking an exorbitant price for it and you're
really interested in purchasing it, it may very well be worth your
while to spend a few bucks to have it checked out.
The site is What's It Worth To You?
What's It Worth To You?
Appraisals for virtually anything are conducted by licensed appraisers
who are experts in their field. Online appraisals start at just
$9.95, and one such is aimed exactly at people interested in finding
out what an item they've seen for sale is really worth:
"This service is designed to give you an experts opinion as to the
value of an item that is for sale online, whether its at auction, or
listed for sale on a website.
An appraiser will visit the website, view the item, and give their
opinion as to the authenticity of the item as well as the fair market
value and replacement value."
Second Opinion- $9.95
Appraisal of a Potential Purchase- Find out if its worth it!
Somewhat more expensive (and said to be more in depth) is the "Ask the
Appraiser" service at The Collecting Channel.
Appraisals start at $19.95, and all appraisers are members of the
Association of Online Appraisers.
Ask The Appraiser
Quite a lot more expensive, but with a very broad range, AppraiseItNet
also offers online appraisals from members of International Society of
Appraisers (ISA), American Society of Appraisers (ASA), and Appraisers
Association of America (AAA).
Appraisals start at $35 per item.
I hope one of these sites will suit your needs (and I hope the fella
trying to sell it is being an honest joe about it!).
Good luck!
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