Hello anhedonia8-ga!
Here is the information you requested. I have also included links to
several fonts that you can download for your computer.
The Angelic Alphabet
" When John Dee and Edward Kelley received a new magickal system from
Angelic beings in the late 1500s, it included information concerning
the Angelic language. We have only small samples of the language:
including the famed "48 Angelic Keys", and several tablets and seals
containing Divine and Angelic Names. It seems to possess it's own
unique grammar and syntax, as well as it's own alphabet. The Angels
informed the two mages that this was the language which all Angels
speak, as well as being the original language of Eden, with which Adam
named (in an occult sense) all things in existence."
Enochian Numbers
The Angelic Alphabet
(2 versions of apparently the same page, I included both because one
appeared clearer than the other)
Liber Loagaeth and the Angelic Alphabet
Liber Loagaeth
Pronunciation Key
Here are several Enochian fonts as well as
other various fonts.
Here is another Enochian font
" Celestial alphabets tend to be variations on Hebrew, and include
"Celestial", "Passing the River" and "Malachim". These appear to be
intended for Astromancy, the art of looking for meaningful shapes
defined by stars in the night sky. Such letters usually have small
circles at line ends and bends to represent star positions. C.C. Zain
(Elbert Benjamine) of The Brotherhood of Light characterizes the
Malachim alphabet as "Egyptian" in his book Sacred Tarot, but that is
nonsense. Zain may have copied and elaborated his Egyptian Tarot from
Practical Astrology by pseudo Saint Germain, 1901 e.v. Malachim
letters were used on the Tarot Trumps in that book."
Malachim font
Another Malachim font for free download
If you have any questions about the information in which I have
provided, do feel free to request a clarification of my answer.
And please be sure to allow me enough time to respond to your
clarification request before rating the answer.
Thanks so much!
Search Terms used:
Angelic alphabet
Angelic keys
Angelic script
enochian alphabet
malachim script |