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Q: Getting a google search hit. ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Getting a google search hit.
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: mitmail-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 16 Aug 2003 23:23 PDT
Expires: 15 Sep 2003 23:23 PDT
Question ID: 245578
I'm writing a paper on "The Trinity of God", but want people to find
it, perhaps within a top 40 hits via a Google search.  I can put this
document on the free web pages offered by Yahoo, "", but
that's all I know how to do right now.  I also do have a nice HTML
program which can convert this document into HTML code, if that could
help somehow.

Is there a program or strategy that will help me get a top 40 hit for
a document?

Request for Question Clarification by robertskelton-ga on 17 Aug 2003 14:30 PDT
It all depends on the keywords you wish to do well by. If you want the
article to make the top 40 for "mp3" it would be extremely diffiuclt
if not impossible. If the keywords are "The Trinity of God", then
making #1 is quite possible with some simple techniques. The
techniques require adjusting the HTML code.

Clarification of Question by mitmail-ga on 17 Aug 2003 18:36 PDT
Mind you, I'm new at all this, so be gentle.  If there is "something"
you know of that is better at helping me create or post this HTML page
on the web (other than the free, I'd be willing to pay
for it, as long as there is not some monthy fee. I'm obviously not
making money off this.  Actually, I'm not even sure if geocities does
free pages in HTML only.  (?)

I suppose the keywords would be something like "trinity explained" or
"trinity god".
Subject: Re: Getting a google search hit.
Answered By: serenata-ga on 17 Aug 2003 20:04 PDT
Hi Mitmail ~

As my colleague said, there is a chance you can get your paper, "The
Trinity of God" in the top 40 listings on Google, but there are no
programs or strategies that will guarantee you placement there, or
even if your paper will be listed in Google's index at all.

Google indexes over 3 billion pages, and explains its search
technology in "Google Search: Our Technology"
   - ://

Google's aim is to deliver *relevant* content to match a searcher's
search term, "Google combines PageRank with sophisticated
text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and
relevant to your search..."
   - ://

While it may be possible to get your page listed in the top 40 returns
when you do a Google search, it is going to take some work on your
part to help get it there.

For instance, using "The Trinity of God" as a search term, Google
drops the common words "the" and "of", and returns "about 638,000
results". I am pretty sure that all of those would like to have their
site listed in the top 40 results, too. Even half that number is a
large amount of other sites who are already listed in Google's indexed
pages. So what can you do to get a top 40 listing out of 638,000

Search Engine Optimization
and/or Submission Services

Google addresses rash promises to get you listed or get you a high
ranking in search engines in a page devoted entirely to the subject.
   - ://

Notice the section entitled, "No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on

          "Beware of SEO's that claim to guarantee
          rankings, or that claim a "special relationship"
          with Google, or that claim to have a "priority
          submit" to Google. There is no priority submit
          for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a
          site to Google directly is by using the page at
          :// You can do
          this yourself at no cost whatsoever."

Once your paper is written and properly adapted to HTML for web
viewing, you can submit it to Google yourself.

What You Can Do To Increase
Your Paper's Visibility

Google gives some very good advice about how to get your website (and
hence, your paper) listed and help get it ranked well in its Design
and Content Guidelines. Following these guidelines will help Google
find, index, and rank your site, which is the best way to ensure
you'll be included in Google's results
   - ://

     "* Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links.
        Every page should be reachable from at least one
        static text link.
      * Offer a site map to your users with links that
        point to the important parts of your site...
      * Create a useful, information-rich site and write
        pages that clearly and accurately describe your
      * Think about the words users would type to find
        your pages, and make sure that your site actually
        includes those words within it.
      * Make sure that your TITLE and ALT tags are
        descriptive and accurate.
      * Check for broken links and correct HTML."
   - ://

If those terms are confusing to you, then you may want to consider
learning at least the basics of HTML or getting help from someone who
can help you present your paper in the best light online.

Without some basic knowledge of HTML, it is conceivable that Google
wouldn't be able to index your page in order to list it anywhere.

There are other Guidelines on that page, which, if followed, will
increase your chances of being indexed and included on Google. If the
terms seem foreign, then you really should get good help to make sure
your paper is presented in its best light.

Other Information
& Google FAQs

Google offers additional information on how it ranks pages here:
   - ://

and in its Frequently Asked Questions here
   - ://

As you can see, there is no substitute for good content and correct
HTML, as well as the number of links to your page (Google's PageRank
Information) for getting listed and placed well in search engine

Finally, when your site is ready, Google suggests:
    "* ... submit it to Google at
     * Make sure all the sites that should know about your
       pages are aware your site is online.
     * Submit your site to relevant directories such as
       the Open Directory Project and Yahoo!.
     * Periodically review Google's webmaster section for
       more information."
   - ://

And then remember, it can take as long as 6-8 weeks to see your site
listed on Google. Indexing over 3 billion pages and producing the
results takes a great deal of time. (See "Submitting Your Site)
   - ://

Search Strategies

The above answer is based on personal bookmarks, knowledge of Google's
Webmaster Information and Guidelines, and every-day experience in
search engine optimization.

I realize this might not be the information you had hoped for, but it
is solid information as suggested and recommended by Google to get
your site included in Google's index.

Google is the only one who can speak for Google. Please remember that
Google Answers Researchers are independent contractors and do not
possess any inside information on Google's closely-guarded algorithms.

I can tell you that over time, sticking with Google's suggestions and
recommendations will serve you well in getting listed and staying
listed on Google.

Good luck on completing your paper and getting listed.

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