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any necessary clarification/information. Thanks for your
The best option that I can see from my research is for you to contract
with a service such as the ones listed immediately below that can
provide "prefab" newsletter copy for your newsletter. You would
simply take this copy and flow it into it like any other copy.
This site seems to offer UK mortgage broker news for no-obligation
Mortgage Broker News
You may be able to license news from BBC by contacting them:
They have all sorts of mortgage oriented news daily, as can be seen
If not, they might be able to point you in the direction for getting
UK-based reprintable news for inclusion in your newsletters.
The following services are most likely US based, so this may present
an issue:
Newsletter Fillers
"NewsletterFillers.com offers a simple way to make producing each
issue of your own newsletter easier and faster. We provide quality
filler articles to those people who are responsible for producing a
newsletter. Now you will no longer need to search for the perfect
information to fill in those extra spaces."
Free news clip service. "Most news-clipping services charge $300 to
$500 per month, depending upon the scope of coverage. Clip&Copy is
the ONLY news-clipping service that makes it easy for you to get
permission to instantly use the news you need. Post the article on
your Web site, make multiple copies for press kits, e-mail it to
coworkers-all with the publisher's permission. You save time and
money. The publisher maintains copyright. Because RSiCopyright is the
licensing agent for hundreds of publishers and represents millions of
articles, you pay nothing for the clips, only for the news you use. "
How to Write a Newsletter
Kit contains templates as well as newsletter articles.
Specifically: http://www.aracontent.com/ara_search_result.cfm?categoryID=278
The following are newsletter templates and services:
"This massive newsletter collection is made in easy to use Microsoft
Word format. Nowhere, can you find a more comprehensive Real Estate
Word newsletters collection! Drafting quality newsletters from
scratch is a true time burner, and having them made is expensive!
These Microsoft Word newsletter templates are the sure fire solution!"
Template Packs from Template Zone
"The templates in these packs are compatible with Microsoft Word,
allowing you to construct quality Newsletters in a matter of hours -
with no hassle, at a low cost. Do it yourself and ensure that you stay
connected with your business contacts. Remember, out of sight - out of
Newsletters Direct
"We offer you an affordable community newsletter, produced when and
how you need it, according to your schedule. Your newsletter is custom
designed and unique to your community. We include all of your
important notices and information, and add in quality filler articles
to make your newsletter something your residents enjoy receiving."
"Personalized newsletters are the flagship products in our line-up. We
create newsletter programs for your representatives and provide them
with the ability to deliver a customized product with compliant
content directly to their client base. Our editorial staff supplies
compelling content, our design team creates mastheads and layouts
consistent with each organization, and we market the program in
concert with the efforts of parent organizations."
Pro Force Real Estate Newsletter Creator
"60 Newsletters designed to make you stand out from your competitors,
and generate business activity... "
Stock Layouts
"A sample template from this full layout and design service."
How to Write a Newsletter
Kit contains templates.
Write Express
Additional Link:
Financial Newsletters
Search strategy:
newsletter content
newsletter copy
"newsletter templates" financial
"newsletter templates" finance |