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How safe is the neighborhood I live in?
Category: Family and Home > Home Asked by: john_sara_dillard-ga List Price: $20.00 |
21 Apr 2002 08:55 PDT
Expires: 21 Apr 2003 08:55 PDT Question ID: 2462 |
I have recently moved, and I would like to know "How safe is the neighborhood I live in?" I live at 6551 Locke Ave. (zip 76116) in Fort Worth, Texas. Thank you for responding to my question. jd |
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Re: How safe is the neighborhood I live in?
Answered By: zrica-ga on 21 Apr 2002 12:03 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello, JD. Congratulations on your recent move. Different sources provide different measurements about your city and neighborhood. The ranking for your ZIP code, 76116, is four on a scale of one to ten. According to APBs News Crime check, a four represents the lower end of a moderate risk for crime. A rating of one indicates your risk of violent crime is less than one-fifth the national average. A rating of ten indicates the risk is 10 times the national average or more." http://www.apbnews.com/resourcecenter/datacenter/crimecheck/result.html? zip=76116 According to the Relocation Crime Lab at HomeStore.com, Fort Worth, Texas has a Relocation Crime Lab Index of 181 which is a higher crime rate than the national average. Crime Category 1999 Figures Robberies 246 Rapes 61 Homicides 11 Aggravated Assaults 396 Motor Vehicle Thefts 764 Crime Lab Index 181 Results, compiled from data reported for 1999 by various government, regional, and local sources, are available at: http://www.homefair.com/homefair/servlet/ActionServlet? pid=134&cid=homefair&fromCountry=USA&toCountry=USA&fromState=TX&toState=TX&previ ousPage=133&fromCityPreSelect=&fromCity=4827000&toCity=4827000 Also, in Morgan Quitno Press' 8th Annual Safest City Award ranking, Fort Worth was 239 out of 327 cities. This December 2001 survey analyzed six basic crime categories murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft. http://www.morganquitno.com/cit02safe.htm In 1993, the City of Fort Worth implemented a Neighborhood Patrol Officer Program to increase patrol officer and resident communication. For more information, contact Captain R. L. Parker at (817) 871-5005. Additional Websites that may interest you: Fort Worth Crime Statistics from the Fort Worth Police Department http://www.fortworthpd.com/crime.htm Monster Moving Fort Worth City Profile http://www.monstermoving.com/Find_a_Place/Cityprofile/results.asp?City=1330 Search Terms Used: Neighborhood crime check City crime rankings Fort Worth Police Department US Safest Cities Relocation Best of luck in your new neighborhood, Zrica |
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Re: How safe is the neighborhood I live in?
From: jmccorm-ga on 21 Apr 2002 12:03 PDT |
It is foolish to give out your address like that. Also, are you talking safety just in terms of crime, or other safety factors as well? However, I do have a page that will help answer your question in a way other than raw crime statistics for your city. Take a look at this page: http://www.ersys.com/usa/48/4827000/index.htm Now, click on the different Demographics on the left hand side of the screen. You've got age, density, education, ethnicity, families, growth, income, and skills. And they are overlayed onto a map so you can see exactly where you area fits and how it relates to the areas around it. When I buy my next home, I'm going to use this data, for sure! BTW, you can also pull up air quality, general radon risk, and a few other things. Interesting stuff. It probably doesn't COMPLETELY answer your question, but that'll give you a few good things to go on. I would have done some more research and given a real ANSWER to your question, but I'm not authorized to do that yet. Enjoy the website. Who knows HOW they make money off of it. |
Re: How safe is the neighborhood I live in?
From: louise-ga on 21 Apr 2002 12:22 PDT |
This site will produce an assessment of your RELATIVE risk of crime, based on your zipcode: http://www.apbnews.com/index.html The rating for zipcode 76116 came out as a '4' on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is the least risk (less than 1 fifth the national average), and 10 is the highest risk (10 times the national average!). A rating of '4' corresponds to a low- moderate risk (i.e. it was at the bottom end of the 'moderate' risk band), so I would conclude that your neighbourhood is 'averagely safe', or perhaps even slightly better than average! The rating is calculated on various demographic (social) factors that have been shown to be strongly correlated with crime, rather than just on historical crime statistics. As the website points out, however, the risk is not necessarily uniform across the whole area encompassed by the zip-code - there could be 'pockets' of higher risk, where a disproportionate number of crimes occur - equally, there might be favoured areas, where the risk is lower (perhaps because they're next to a police station? ;-) ) AACTUAL crime statistics for the whole of Fort Worth are given on the Fort Worth Police Department website, here, together with a comparison against recent years, so that you can see whether trends are improving or declining: http://www.fortworthpd.com/crime.htm One thing you CANNOT do from this, however, is deduce what percentage of incidents occurred in your particular district - it might, potentially, have been hardly any! The following page summarises IMPROVEMENTS in the Fort Worth crime rate in the 10-year period to 1996: http://www.ncpc.org/tour20/ftworth.htm If you had mentioned where you had moved FROM, I could have entered he details into this neat litle calculator for you, which will provide a comparison of crime rates in your old and new locations: http://www.homefair.com/homefair/calc/crime.html Acording to this site, Fort Worth as a whole has a crime index of 181, which means its crime rate is 1.81 times the national average. But bearing in mind that MOST cities will have an index significantly above the average, I don't think this should give you undue cause for concern. Hope this has been of some help, and PLEASE don't worry - I have seen nothing in my research to indicate that your location is the new Crime Capital of the World! Louise |
Re: How safe is the neighborhood I live in?
From: anashel-ga on 21 Apr 2002 17:12 PDT |
Greeting John, First of all I want to say Im a French person so I apologize for my English writing. According to Gomez study for Summer / Fall / Winter 2000 and Spring 2001, your regional crime score is 4 out of 10 as Zrica say but unfortunately, district 76116 (Ft Worth) is ranked 7 out of 10. For the fun of it, if your home has been build before 1995 you can take a look at it at the following URL: http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/image.asp?S=13&T=1&X=404& Y=2264&Z=14&W=2 You will find interesting information on demographic profiling for district 76116 at the following URL: (Use the pulldown to consult the 3 differents demographic groups in your region) http://homeadvisor.msn.com/pickaplace/demographicdetail.aspx?zip= 76116&id=48&NHname=Ft%20Worth%20%2876116%29&county= Tarrant&sState=TX&sregion= Finally you can have a summary details of your neighborhood through MSN HomeAdvisor : http://homeadvisor.msn.com/pickaplace/nf_details.aspx?search=1&zip= 76116 Hope you find this interesting. Have a nice day! - Anashel |
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