Hi Gail ~
As I'm sure you know, US brokers for Lloyds of London work through a
broker or syndicate with a broker in London. There appear to be
special provisions for the States of Illinois and Kentucky within the
continental United States.
I found contact information on the Lloyds of London site for
application to become a broker. The instructions read:
"Considering applying for accreditation as a
Lloyd’s broker? Then contact Lloyd’s Broker
Services department for an initial discussion,
who will be happy to talk through the application
process with you ..."
UK contact names and numbers are listed:
"Kevin Reeves +44 (0)20 7327 5807
Tracy Bailey +44 (0)20 7327 6524
Steve Boucher +44 (0)20 7327 6026"
- http://www.lloyds.com/index.asp?ItemId=4725
Lloyds brokers in the US, aren't listed on the Lloyds site, but
instead, the London brokers with whom US brokers work. (Who are not
listed by affiliation)
In addition, there is an accreditation guide available here:
- http://www.lloyds.com/index.asp?ItemId=2586
Information specifically regarding underwriting in the State of
Kentucky (as mentioned above) is here:
- http://www.lloyds.com/index.asp?itemid=2795
I hope this helps to get you started in the right direction and that
everything works out as you wish.
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