I have found Unique Management Services, Inc. to be the library
collection firm most often mentioned on the Web. This company serves a
variety public libraries, from the very large (New York City, Los
Angeles) to the very small (Holland, Michigan).
"Unique Management Services partners with libraries to recover overdue
materials and monies. Our gentle yet effective approach yields results
without alienating patrons. We work exclusively with libraries and
understand their special needs. Our partnerships with automation
vendors make it easy for libraries to use our service with minimal
commitment of staff time. And our emphasis on material recovery and
patron goodwill sets us apart from traditional collection agencies.
Please contact us today to arrange a risk-free trial of our service...
Unique Management Services, Inc.
119 East Maple Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
mailto:info@unique-mgmt.com "
Unique Management Services, Inc.
Below you'll find a selection of the many online mentions of Unique
Management Services:
"In an effort to collect some of the $400,000 owed the county in
overdue fines and lost inventory, Durham [North Carolina] officials
have hired Unique Management Services Inc., an Indiana collection
agency that specializes in tracking down scofflaw book borrowers...
Based in Jeffersonville, Ind., Unique has been in business 10 years
and has contracts with more than 520 library systems in United States
and Canada, including New York City, Dallas and Seattle."
The News Observer: Library is out to get its dues
"A recent presentation by a Unique Management representative convinced
[Herrick District] library leaders, who agreed to a 90-day trial of
the system, with continuation based on evaluation of its effectiveness
at that point. The library will pay Unique after charges or overdue
fines are successfully collected from patrons...
Unique Management has experience working with libraries and
specializes in the recovery of overdue materials, according to Gary
Pullano, Herrick's public relations coordinator. Within the Lakeland
Library Cooperative, of which Herrick is a part, the Grand Rapids and
Kent District library systems use Unique as well."
Holland Sentinel: Library hires collection agency for overdue books
"The Lubbock City Council approved a contract at its February 27
meeting to allow the Lubbock Public Library to use a collection agency
to help encourage patrons with overdue materials to return them to the
library. Unique Management Services, Inc. has been selected as the
collection agency for the library."
Lubbock Virtual City Government: Collection agency to retrieve overdue
library materials
"The Henry County [Missouri] Library Board of Trustees enacted a
policy at its September board meeting to use a collection agency to
help encourage patrons with overdue materials to return them to the
library. The Library Board voted to pass the cost of this service on
to each patron whose account is handled by the collection agency...
Unique Management Solutions has been selected as the collection agency
for the library. Unique Management works with libraries throughout the
United States and specializes in the recovery of overdue materials and
has an excellent record of treating patrons professionally."
TACnet: Henry County Library Using a Collection Agency for 'Overdues'
"Boone County [Kentucky] Public Library officials figure if residents
won't return overdue books out of the goodness of their hearts, maybe
they'll do it for the good of their credit ratings. On Aug. 15, the
library will begin turning over accounts for patrons who have
materials at least 60 days overdue worth more than $50 to Unique
Management Services Inc., a collection agency based in Jeffersonville,
Ind., that specializes in recovering overdue library materials."
Kentucky Post: Library to use collection agency
"The debt collection system of Unique Management Inc. is now
integrated with Library.Solution to help libraries recover overdue
materials and fines/fees accumulated by patrons. When a patron exceeds
overdue balance thresholds specified by the library, the system
provides the patron's information to Unique Management. Unique
Management then writes or phones to recover the overdue fines and/or
materials. Unique Management uses a gentle, professional manner to
maintain the patron's goodwill throughout the process.
The debt collection is an automated process reduces library staff time
spent on collections, maintains patron goodwill, and recovers a high
percentage of overdue materials. Libraries can configure the debt
collection module to run for the entire library system or for specific
branches in an automatic or manual mode of operation."
The Library Corporation: Library.Solution Third Party Add-ons
"Unique Management Systems, collection agency under contract with New
York City's three public library systems, is taking tough approach to
borrowers who fail to return books and pay late fees."
New York Times: Steel Library Card in Velvet Glove
"Though library use of a collection agency has been controversial in
some communities, like San Francisco, the Los Angeles Public Library
Board of Commissioners has approved a pilot program with such an
agency. According to the Los Angeles Times, borrowers owing more than
$50 for 45 to 90 days will be turned over to the agency, Unique
Management Services Inc. If, after 120 days the material is not
returned or fines paid, the fines will be reported on the borrowers
credit record."
Library Journal: LAPL To Use Collection Agency
"Dynix, the worlds leading provider of library technologies,
announced today the availability of Horizon Debt Collect 2.0 for both
Horizon and Dynix ILS customers. Dynix has also relaunched its
relationship with Unique Management Services, the sole-source provider
of automated recovery solutions for Horizon Debt Collect customers."
Dynix Library Information Systems: Newsroom
"VTLS Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of an interface
between the Virtua - Integrated Library System and Unique Management
Services, Inc. Unique Management is the leading material recovery
service for libraries in North America."
VTLS Inc.: VTLS Develops Interface to Work with Unique Management
Here are a few remarks regarding the successfulness of library
collection services:
"Only one-tenth of one percent of items checked out of the library
becomes overdue and most of those are returned within a week of the
notice being mailed.
The fraction of items that become seriously overdue are now handled by
a Collection Agency specializing in libraries.
In the past ten years, they have collected the return of long overdue
library materials totaling over $ 60,000 in value, and $ 25,000 in
overdue fees and costs."
Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County: Overdue Items
"Betty Parry of Winnipeg Public Library provided information on the
implementation process for automating WPL's materials recovery
program. Using Unique Management Services, a collection agency
specializing in libraries, and the DYNIX Debt Collect module, WPL was
able to use technology to successfully recover overdue materials. If a
collection agency fee is charged, the service can be cost neutral to
the library, and it does not create extra workload for staff."
Canadian Library Association: Practical Technology Applications in
Public Libraries
"I've successfully used collection agencies in two libraries. We now
use Unique Management Services and are very happy. They handle
everything electronically. Our former service had us fill out
The public response had been pretty good. No one likes to get a
message from a collection agency, but it sure gets them to bring in
their materials. I don't mind when folks complain about being turned
over to the agency. The deadbeats are stealing public property when
they keep library books.
We use the gentlest letters offered by the collection agency so we
don't come off as thugs. It isn't cheap, but it is much less expensive
than replacing books that have not been returned."
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE: Collection Agencies
"Mr. Weeks also reported on the successful material recovery of almost
one million dollars in materials and money through the use of Unique
Management Services. Mr. Weeks reported that circulation has gone up
12% - more than twice the previous year. He felt part of the reason
for the increased circulation was the fact that materials were being
brought back into the collection from the retrieval efforts. Mr. Weeks
explained to the Board that he had taken several calls from patrons
who had received the collection letter. Patrons were not angry but
rather concerned that they not be black listed and unable to have
access to library materials."
Sno-Isle Regional Library: Board Minutes
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "libraries" + "overdue books" + "retrieve"
Google Web Search: "libraries" + "overdue books" + "collection"
Google Web Search: "library" + "collection agency"
Google Web Search: "unique management services"
I hope this information is helpful. If anything is unclear, if a link
does not function, or if you have any questions about my research,
please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance
before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |