Hello again nronronronro and thank you for your question.
Here they are! but be warned, they are not very cheap!
"GPS Pet Tracker
The Pet Tracking system is a wireless, state-of-the-art electronic
pager device that easily and remotely monitors the location of
animals, especially pets. The Pet Tracker unit sends and receives data
via a sophisticated satellite communications system. Now, by simply
using the Pet Tracker system
you can monitor the location of your pet
via the Internet anywhere in North America. Simply log into the site,
and you can view the location of your pet easily. The device comes
with a collar, and attaches like any other collar."
Not GPS but an alternative:
"The all-new Command Series II Professional Premium Tracking System
combines multi-frequency compatibility with pin-point accuracy for
coon hunters, field trialers, and hound enthusiasts across the
country. It operates simultaneously on the four frequencies of 216,
217, 219, and 220MHz. This means that a single multi-frequency
receiver can track a collar operating on any of the four frequencies.
Frequency matching problems are a thing of the past"
"Zhou said Digital Angel next month will introduce a pager-size pet
tracker, with smaller wristwatch-size devices to come that incorporate
biosensors for use with humans."
I couldn't find the product described above, but keep an eye on their
Digital Angel:
Thank you for your question and if you neeed any clarifcation of my
answer do not hesitate to ask.
Very best regards
Search stratregy included:
gps "pet tracker"
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&as_qdr=all&q=+gps+%22pet+tracker%22&btnG=Google+Search |