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Suitable Floppy Drive Controller IC?
Category: Science > Technology Asked by: fugit-ga List Price: $29.00 |
23 Aug 2003 02:05 PDT
Expires: 22 Sep 2003 02:05 PDT Question ID: 247887 |
I'm designing an electronics circuit -- in fact it's a system expansion board which will allow a certain console to access a floppy disk drive (FDD) -- 1.44MB standard floppy disks, the regular internal drives you can pick up for PCs today. I've come to realise I need a floppy drive controller IC (integrated circuit - chip), but after quite a while I have been unable to find one meeting this criteria: * Relatively cheap * Supplier who can deliver/ship to the UK * DIP (dual-in-line package) * Datasheets / reference manuals availible (.pdf preferred) * Runs off +5v (most stuff does) (and perhaps, if possible: * Example circuits / sites on the internet) Of course, the easier to use/interface the chip is, the better. To gauge the level of use, I would like to be able to control the drive with (for example) a PIC processor (although this will not be done in the final design) -- the address/data bus, if present, must be no more than 8 bits. The less REQUIRED to READ information from the disk (including support circuitry), the better -- i.e. if it's possible to read bytes without interrupts,DMA, that would be perfect. I would like a list/table of any suitable chips, with as much information as possible, and a recommendation. | |
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Re: Suitable Floppy Drive Controller IC?
Answered By: hlabadie-ga on 01 Sep 2003 09:35 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Disclaimer: I am not an Electrical Engineer and cannot write a tutorial on drive electronics and interfacing. Data are provided from which the necessary signal and connection information can be extracted. First, here is a list of FDC chips with links to the sources of data sheets. Chipdir - Chips in the category FDC http://www.ntua.gr/electronics/chipdir/f/fdc.htm Among others, the Intel 8272 (and its variant 80277) and its functional equivalent the NEC 765 will meet the specifications that you require. Direct Memory Access (DMA) and interrupts can be ignored. (DMA is needed only if more than one task must be run simultaneously on the CPU, which is not a requirement here.) The data path is 8 bits wide. They are cheap, being old designs. Second, you have already found the data for the 8272: Intel 8272 Floppy Disc Controller http://andercheran.aiind.upv.es/~amstrad/docs/i8272/8272sp.htm See also: A-Z of CPC Chips In this issue, as promised, we're going to... http://www.wacci.demon.co.uk/james.htm See also the Intel site to which a link is provided at the Chidir site. Third, the pinouts for the typical floppy drive will be needed. Here are the pin assignments for the ordinary floppy's IDC. TEAC FD-235HF 3.5" 720k/1.4M FDD http://www.cpmspectre.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/hardware/fd235hf.htm Panasonic JU-257A 3.5" 720k/1.4M FDD http://www.cpmspectre.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/hardware/ju257a.htm PC/AT 3.5" Floppy Disc Drive Interface http://www.cpmspectre.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/hardware/pcat3_5.htm Sci.Electronics FAQ: Repair: Pinouts FAQ http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_Pinouts.html http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_Pinouts1.html#PINOUTS_049 Fourth, here are some references that will assist in the circuit design and programming: HOW MAGNETIC DISKS WORK http://www.suu.edu/faculty/gardnerl/Aplus/Marcraft/RefShChp10.pdf [This is basic information. See the section on disk drive operations for a general layout.] Interfacing a Floppy Disk Drive to an 80C186EX Family Processor AP-484 APPLICATION NOTE ftp://download.intel.com/design/intarch/applnots/27233901.pdf [A very detailed discussion of the 80278.] "A new addition to the Floppy Disk Controllers is the 82078, which is functionally compatible with the 82077AA/SL (software transparent) but includes the following additional features: 3.3V or 5V operation Small QFP package 44- or 64-pin New 2 Mbps data rate for tape drives An enhanced command set The 82078 is not pin for pin compatible with the 82077AA/SL but maintains the essential pins for pro- viding a PC compatible floppy disk controller. A note in Appendix B describes how to convert 82077AA/SL designs to 82078 designs." Fifth, suppliers in the UK can be located at: Reg's Electronic Links http://www.regstevens.co.uk/linkstext.htm Choosing one likely site: Astute Gateway electronic component product locator http://www.astute.co.uk/ A search yields this: Search Result Page http://www.brokerforum.com/bfparts3?/WEBWIZARD/LIST/MemberID=astuteel "8272 n/a n/a ASTUTE AVAILABLE ELECTRONICS 8272 n/a 198272 ASTUTE AVAILABLE ELECTRONICS 8272 n/a n/a ASTUTE AVAILABLE" [...] Alternatively, the US companies JDR Microdevices and Jameco ship worldwide. You will have to contact them by e-mail. Inquire for availability of specific part numbers. The 765A, for instance, can be purchased at JDR. JDR MIcrodevices http://www.jdr.com/interact/item.asp?itemno=gr-z80 Jameco http://www.jameco.com NOTE: You might need to introduce a READ/WRITE amplifier IC between the drive and the controller. One such chip: Read/Write Amplifier for FDD BH6627FS http://www.rohm.com/products/databook/magdisk/pdf/bh6627fs.pdf Another: Debco Electronics Inc. -- Floppy disk read amplifier (18) http://safe.spsp.net/cgi-bin/debco/MC3470.html OTHER RESOURCES: FLOPPY PINOUTS "To test or run the floppy you will need to apply the proper logic levels to the pins on the ribbon cable" http://www.ohmslaw.com/switches.htm FLOPPY CONTROLLER Floppy disc controller and floppy disc drives http://andercheran.aiind.upv.es/~amstrad/docs/fdc.html Floppy Drive Forum Re: How do I control a floppy? (Using PIC or anything!) http://www.eio.com/public/floppdrv/0253.html SEARCH TERMS ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=3.5+floppy+pinouts ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Floppy+drive+controller+circuit ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=integrated+circuit+retailer+UK hlabadie-ga | |
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Re: Suitable Floppy Drive Controller IC?
From: hlabadie-ga on 27 Aug 2003 17:11 PDT |
Just off the top of my head, the 8272 should work, although I would have to check. hlabadie-ga |
Re: Suitable Floppy Drive Controller IC?
From: fugit-ga on 01 Sep 2003 17:37 PDT |
I apologise. On the first couple of tries, the intel .pdf did not open correctly. There's a circuit diagram -- which is nothing short of perfect :D Thanks again..! |
Re: Suitable Floppy Drive Controller IC?
From: hlabadie-ga on 01 Sep 2003 21:07 PDT |
I'm glad (and relieved) that you could get the .pdf downloaded and opened, and that the schematics meet your needs. Good luck with your project. Thanks for the rating. hlabadie-ga |
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