Hi Hammer!
In the state of Ohio, a legal name change for a minor must be filed by
the child's parents or legal guardians in the local Probate Court
where the petitioner resides. In Portage County, that is:
Portage County Probate Court
203 W Main St # 301
Ravenna, OH 44266
You can view the county site here:
Portage County Probate Court
The name change can not be initiated for the purposes of derfrauding
anyone, escaping from debts, or avoiding legal action (not a likely
scenario for a minor, but must be noted).
I spoke with Lynne, the Portage County Probate clerk (330-297-3873) to
find out what information is required and what the change of name
procedure is.
You may either pick up a "Legal Name Change for a Minor" packet at the
Portage County Probate Court, or call the clerk (330-297-3873) and
request that one be mailed to you.
The packet will contain:
-- Application for Change of Name for a Minor - reasons and other
required details
-- Consent to Change of Name for a Minor - to be filled out by the
child's parents (must be notarized)
-- Entry Setting Hearing and Ordering Publication - sets the matter
before the court for a hearing
-- Notice of Application - formal notice that the Application for
Change of Name has been set before the court. This notice must be
published in the local newspaper at least 30 days prior to the date of
the hearing (contact the Classified department, and publish it under
"Notices" or "Legal Notices"). You'll need to obtain a copy of the
published notice and file it with the court.
-- Order Changing Name of Minor - this is the final court decree that
the name has been changed. Once the name change is granted, this form
is signed by the judge and filed with the court. Upon filing, the
name change becomes effective.
[ NOTE: Although the following page is for Franklin County, it does
offer a good overview of the procedure. I did doublecheck this with
Lynne in the Portage County Probate Court:
Name Change
http://www.co.franklin.oh.us/probate/departments/name_change.htm ]
All forms must be filled out in triplicate, and must include a
certified copy of the original birth certificate.
The filing fee for a Legal Change of Name for a Minor is $68.50. Upon
the granting of the legal change of name, a certifified copy of the
Entry Grant is mailed to the petitioner. Additional certified copies
are available for $1.25 each, and may be obtained by contacting the
Probate Court clerk.
If the change of name is granted, it is the petitioner's responsiblity
to notify the Ohio Department of Vital Records, the Social Security
Administration, and any other entity who has the child's original name
on record (such as a school, church or club).
In Ohio, a legal change of name does not effect a change of name on
your birth certificate. Rather, it becomes an addendum and part of
your birth record if you were born in the state.
To file the addendum, the following information must be sent to the
Ohio Department of Vital Statistics, along with a written request to
amend a birth record:
-- the name prior to the change
-- changed name
-- name or county of the court
-- case number
-- final date of the change of name
-- signature of the probate judge or deputy clerk.
-- court seal (not mandatory)
Legal Action - Name Change
Though usually not necessary, it's helpful to also include the date
and place of birth, and the parents' names.
Send the request and information to:
Ohio Department of Health
Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 118
Columbus, OH 43216-0118
To obtain a certified copy of the amended birth record, mail this
completed form:
Application For Certified Copies
...and a check for $15 (made payable to "Treasurer, State of Ohio")
Ohio Department of Health
Revenue Room
246 North High Street
P.O. Box 15098
Columbus, OH 43215-0098
For additional information, you may contact the Department of Vital
Statistics by e-mail or telephone:
(614) 466-2531
You'll need the old birth record, the court order for the change of
name and this form:
...to get the child's name changed on her Social Security card. Fill
out the form and either take it to the local Social Security Office:
Social Security Office Locator
[ See also: How To Apply for a Social Security Card
http://www.ssa.gov/replace_sscard.html ]
According to a representative at H&R Block, it isn't necessary to file
any forms with the IRS when using the child's new name at tax time,
but it's not a bad idea to include a copy of the old birth record and
a copy of the court order for the name change just in case.
To notify the school, simply advise them in writing that the child's
name has changed, and enclose a copy of the name change order. Follow
this same procedure with the child's physician, church (if applicable)
and any organization or club to which the child belongs.
I hope this answers your question! If I've missed anything or you
just need further assistance, please let me know. I'll be glad to
lend a hand.
Search terms: [ "legal name change" minor Ohio ], [ Portage County
Probate ],
[ "birth certificate" "name change" Ohio ],
[ "Social Security" "name change" ]...and some quality phone time with
the nice ladies at the Portage County Probate Court. |