Hi, my agency is preparing to purchase Claritas and/or Experian's
MOSAIC and/or PCensus, etc., but I am very confused by the different
modules and how all the packages work and don't work together. (I am
new to this, obviously.)
Where would I go or what demographics software module(s) would I need
to purchase in order to answer the following questions about my
research into the private paternity testing market in the U.S.?
1. What is the demographic breakout (ethnicity/race, age, gender,
household income, marital status, average number of children in
household, government agency density (or anything related to child
support enforcement), and/or "personality" e.g. PRIZM or MOSAIC
description)) by block group, e.g. street address and zip for all 50
The software package cited should also be able to answer these
questions for data in an existing database (e.g. a customer database),
and compare both the national and customer data. It should also be
able to handle complex queries (e.g. largest proporation of our
customers in Chicago were lower than average-income white males and
higher than average-income black females, compared to Chicago as a
whole). Preferably, it would be able to display this info in a nice
presentation format for the client. And to top it off, it should be
$5,000 or less, which is what I *think* Claritas would charge for all
this, although again, I'm confused by the vast # of modules and
companion software in their product line.
2. Which are the best media databases to buy in support of an offline
campaign? (radio, TV, magazines and newspapers, especially). I already
know the best online campaign resource -- Google AdWords! but I have
little offline media buying experience. Can you help?
If I have under-bid the price for this answer please let me know. I
have a meeting with my client tomorrow afternoon 8/26 and it would be
great to supplement my findings with your extensive knowledge. Thanks! |