Hello Scottwyatt,
In response to your clarification that you wished to accept the two
reports as an answer, I extracted the following relevant information
for you and am providing the links to the complete reports.
The Condition of Education 2002
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics
Student Participation in Distance Education
Despite the proliferation of distance education offerings, fewer than
one in 10 undergraduates enroll in these classes.
Despite the expansion of distance education offerings, 8 percent of
undergraduates and 12 percent of master's students enrolled in such
classes at postsecondary institutions in 19992000. A higher
percentage of students at public 2-year colleges than at 4-year
institutions participated in distance education classes (9 versus 7
percent). Of the undergraduates who participated, more used the
Internet (60 percent) than live audio or television (37 percent) or
prerecorded audio or television (39 percent). Similarly, more master's
students who participated in distance education classes used the
Internet than live or prerecorded audio or television (68 percent
versus 45 and 29 percent, respectively). Among students who
participated in distance education classes, master's students were
more likely than undergraduates to report that their entire program
was available through distance education.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics,
Percentage of undergraduates who participated in distance education
and among those who did, percentage whose entire program was available
through distance education and percentage using each mode of
participation, by student status: 19992000.
Participated in distance Education: 7.6%
Among those who participated:
- Entire program was taught through distance education: 29.0%
- Participated via live TV or Audio:
- Participated via prerecorded TV or audio:
- Participated via Internet:
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, NCES. National Postsecondary
Student Aid Study (NPSAS:2000)
Percentage of masters students who participated in distance education
classes at postsecondary institutions, and percentage of participants
with various experiences with distance education: 19992000
Total percentage participating: 12.3%
Among those who participated:
Live TV/Audio: 44.9%
Prerecorded audio/TV: 29.3%
Internet: 68.3%
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, NCES. National Postsecondary
Student Aid Study (NPSAS: 2000)
Title: Distance Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary
Institutions: 2000-2001
Web Release: July 18, 2003
This report presents data on distance education at postsecondary
institutions. NCES used the Postsecondary Education Quick Information
System (PEQIS) to provide current national estimates on distance
education at 2-year and 4-year Title IV-eligible, degree-granting
institutions. Distance education was defined for this study as
education or training courses delivered to remote (off-campus) sites
via audio, video (live or prerecorded), or computer technologies,
including both synchronous (i.e., simultaneous) and asynchronous
(i.e., not simultaneous) instruction.
Data were collected on a variety of topics related to distance
education, including the number and proportion of institutions
offering distance education courses during the 20002001 12-month
academic year, distance education enrollments and course offerings,
distance education degree and certificate programs, distance education
technologies, participation in distance education consortia,
accommodations in distance education courses for students with
disabilities, distance education program goals, and factors that keep
institutions from starting or expanding distance education offerings.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics
You may download the complete publication here:
Enrollment in Distance Education Courses
Institutions reported the total enrollment in all distance education
courses and the enrollment in college-level, credit-granting distance
education courses, both overall and by course level (i.e.,
undergraduate or graduate/first-professional). If a student was
enrolled in multiple courses, institutions were instructed to count
the student for each course in which he or she was enrolled. Thus,
enrollments may include duplicated counts of students.
In the 12-month 20002001 academic year, there were an estimated
3,077,000 enrollments in all distance education courses offered by 2-
and 4-year institutions. There were an estimated 2,876,000 enrollments
in college-level, credit-granting distance education courses, with 82
percent of these at the undergraduate level. (page 23)
- 1,472,000 enrollments in distance education courses in public 2-year
- 945,000 enrollments in distance education courses in public 4-year
- 589,000 enrollments in distance education courses in private 4-year
Table 4 (page 45)
Number of 2-year and 4-year Title IV degree-granting institutions that
offered distance education courses, total enrollment in all distance
education courses, and enrollment in college-level, credit-granting
distance education courses, by institutional type and size: 20002001
Total number of enrollments in all distance education courses:
Number of enrollments in college-level, credit -granting distance
education courses
Enrollment in courses at both levels: 2,876,000
Enrollments in undergraduate courses: 2,350,000
Enrollments in graduate/first professional courses: 510,000
Source: National Center for Education Statistics
I hope the above information helps you in your research.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |