Hello Hagar,
I found the following industrial distributors in South and Central
America selling fluid sealing products:
A.W. Chesterton Co.
225 Fallon Road
Middlesex Ind. Park
Stoneham, MA 02180-9101
Phone: 781-481-2206 Fax: 781-481-7605
Web Site: www.chesterton.com
Chesterton, established in 1884, is a manufacturer of mechanical
seals, mechanical packings, hydraulic/pneumatic seals, technical
products, polymer composites and pumps and pump parts for marine,
process and manufacturing industries.
(enter ZIP code to find nearest distributor)
Garlock Sealing Technologies
1666 Division Street
Palmyra, NY 14522
Phone: 315-597-3139 Fax: 315-597-3300
Web Site: www.garlock-inc.com
Garlock Sealing Technologies has eleven global locations. The main and
original manufacturing plant is located in Palmyra, New York. Since
1887, Garlock has manufactured compressed and filled Teflon gasketing,
compression packings, Klozure® oil seals, elastomeric expansion
joints, hydraulic seals, mechanical seals, spiral-wound gaskets,
metallic gaskets and specialty and molded rubber products. Leader in
new product development and technical sales and service.
Garlock distributors
(enter ZIP code to find nearest distributor)
Sealing Equipment Products Co., Inc.
123 Airpark Industrial Road
Alabaster, AL 35007
Phone: 800-633-4770 Fax: 205-403-7592
Web Site: www.sepcousa.com
Sealing Equipment Products Company Inc. (SEPCO) is a manufacturer with
a long-standing tradition of providing high quality fluid sealing
products throughout the industry. We offer a full line of products
that include braided packing, mechanical seals, cut gaskets, sheet
gasket material and die-formed rings.
For additional information on becoming a SEPCO distributor or to visit
with one of the Regional Managers, you can contact the sales
department at: mailto:sales@sepcousa.com
Teadit International
558 Garden Oaks Blvd.
Houston, TX 77018
Phone: 800-999-0198 Fax: 713-699-8072
Web Site: www.teadit.com
Manufacturer and supplier of industrial fluid sealing products such as
compressed gasket sheet, braided pump/valve stem packings, spiral
wound gaskets, metal expansion joints, and expanded PTFE joint sealant
and gasket materials.
TEADIT - North America, Inc.
558 Garden Oaks Boulevard
Houston, TX 77018
(800) 999-0198; Fax: (713) 699-8072
E-mail: sales@teadit.com
Dirección: Quesada,5045/47
CAP 1430 Buenos Aires
Tel: (5411) 4543-4849 Fax (5411) 4544-4748
Contacto: Nicolás Palacios - Gerente Comercial
E-mail: ventas@teadit.com.ar
VENTEC - Ventas Técnicas S.A.
Dirección: El Rosal 4590 Huechuraba
C.P. 6582409 - Santiago
Tel.: (562) 740 9090 Fax: 740 0710
Contactos: Luis Loyer - Gerente General
E-mail: lloyer@ventec.cl y
Eduardo Diaz - Coordinador de la línea Teadit
E-mail: ediaz@ventec.cl
RAISA - Repuestos Auto Industriales, S.A. de C.V.
Dirección: Allende 117 Col. Emiliano Zapata C.P. 64390 - Monterrey
Tel.: (52 818) 371 3177 Fax: 373 6490
Contacto: Carlos Chapa - Gerente General
E-mail: raisadecv@prodigy.net.mx
INSERTEC - Ingeniería y Servicios Tecnicos Ltda
Dirección: Parque Industrial Manzana 24 n° 80 - Santa Cruz de La
Sierra - Cassilla 3601
Tels: 591 3 465-260 / 472-121 Fax: 591 3 461-755
Contactos: Gonzalo Maldonado - Gerente General y
Gabriel Lizárraga Torrico - Coordinador de la línea Teadit
E-mail: e-comerce.glt@insertec.net
Dirección: P. O. Box 10204-1000 - San José
Tel: 506 240-7878 Fax: 506 240-5969
Contacto: Marvin Sagot - Presidente
Dirección: 49 Av. "B" 3-61, zona 11, Molino de las Flores, C.A.
Tel: 50 2 595-5262 Fax: 50 2 592-3200
Contactos: Gustavo Sandoval - Presidente y
Christian Sandoval - Vice Presidente
E-mail: gaser@itelga.com
Dirección: C.Gabriela Mistral nro.205 - San Salvador
Tel.: (503) 225-1105/ 225 6089 Fax: (503) 226 0056
Contactos: Carlos Edgar Ibañez (Gerente de Ventas) y
Rafael Ernesto Flores (Director Comercial)
Email: redi_import@telesal.net
Dirección: Calle Julio Herrera y Obes 1544 - Montevideo
Tel.: 598 2 908-5350 Fax.: 595 2 900-8597
Contactos: Jorge Montenegro - Gerente General y
Mario Franco - Coordinador de la línea Teadit
E-mail: sycon@internet.com.uy
Dirección: Jr. Sevilla Nº 530 Pueblo Libre - Lima
Tel.: (511) 463 3898 (mismo para el fax)
Contactos: Wagner Quiroz - Gerente General y
César Jonquet - Gerente de Ventas
E-mail: redesin@terra.com.pe
Site: http://www.redesin.com
Dirección: Calle 17 Nº 27-39/45 - Bogotá
Tel.: (571) 201 0111 e Fax: (571) 360 4325
Contactos: Gonzalo Serrano O. - Gerente General y
Gonzalo Serrano R. - Gerente de Ventas
E-mail: impofer@impofer.com
Dirección: Final Carrera 5 Zona Industrial II - Barquisimeto
Tel.: (582512) 691080 e Fax: (582512) 690280
Contactos: Luis Enrique Garcia - Gerente General y
José Rojas - Supervisor de Ventas
E-mail: layagar@cantv.net
Dirección: Dr. Eusebio Ayala 3747 - Asunción
Tel.: (59521) 602949 Fax: (59521) 606012
Contacto: Mário Tito - Gerente General
E-mail: provindus@provindus.com.py
Dirección: 12 y 13 calle 9 Ave. - San Pedro Sula
Tel.: (504) 557 3722 Fax: (504) 557 7207
Contacto: Mário Delgado - Presidente
E-mail: dirisa@netsys.hn
Website (S. America): http://www.teadit.com.br
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
201 Airport Road
PO Box 1488
Elkton, MD 21922-1488
Phone: 410-392-3200 Fax: 410-392-4817
Web Site: www.gore.com/sealants
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. is a privately owned enterprise with over
6,000 associates and nearly 50 plants worldwide. We were established
in 1958 for the purpose of developing and utilizing technology in the
field of fluorocarbon polymers, especially polytetrafluoroethylene.
Today we employ our ability to manipulate PTFE to provide innovative
solutions for problem applications. While teams of Associates operate
businesses in the industrial, electronics, medical, and apparel fields
(few people are unfamiliar with our GORE-TEX® waterproof breathable
fabric), our Sealant Technologies Group focuses much of its attention
on the fluid sealing industry. GORE-TEX® sealants are among the
world's tightest, chemically-resistant gaskets. They have proven value
to companies that handle aggressive or toxic materials that must be
kept in compliance with environmental and safety regulations. GFO®
fiber and SEQUEL fiber are fashioned into high-performance pump and
valve packings for the processing industries, and our ONE-UP® pump
diaphragms for air-operated diaphragm pumps are setting the standard
for longevity in demanding chemical applications.
For the distributor nearest you, call 1-800-654-4229 or fill in the
enquiry form here:
Interface Solutions
12 Davis Street
Hoosick Falls, NY 12090
Phone: 518-686-7313 Fax: 518-686-7205
Web Site: www.sealinfo.com
Interface Solutions, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of sealing
solutions, felt, and engineered composite materials.
Accurate Felt & Gasket Mfg. Co. http://www.afgco.com/
Accutrex Products, Inc. http://www.accutrex.com
Active Industries, Inc. http://www.activeind.com/
AFA Gasket, Inc. http://www.apandg.com/
American Packing & Gasket Inc. http://www.apandg.com/
Automated Gasket Corp. http://www.automatedgasketcorp.com/
Beaverite Corporation http://www.beaverite.com/
Blue Ridge Fabricators http://www.blueridgefab.com/
Boonville Mfg Corp Email: mailto:randy@northnet.org
Boyd Corporation Email: mailto:cshelton@boydcorp.com
Caldwell Industries, Inc. Email: mailto:esitzlerjr@aol.com
CGR Valley Products (Alabama) Email: mailto:bbassett@cgrvalley.com
CGR Valley Products (North Carolina) http://www.cgrproducts.com/
Chambers Gasket & Mfg. Co. Inc. Email: mailto:cgmco@aol.com
Cincinnati Gasket, Packing & Mfg. Inc. Email:
Cleveland Gasket Co. Cleveland, Ohio - no website or email
Cooper Manufacturing Co., Inc. Marshalltown, Iowa
Crotty Corporation - http://www.crottycorp.com/
D V Die Cutting, Inc. Email: mailto:dvdie@aol.com
Die-Cut Technologies http://www.diecuttech.com/
Everseal Gasket, Inc. http://www.eversealgasket.com/
E. G. Gasket http://www.eg-gasket.com/
Freudenberg NOK General Partnership Email: mailto:dvv@fngp.com
Gasket Engineering Co., Inc. http://www.gasketeng.com/
Gasket Specialties, Inc. Emeryville, California
Gasket Specialties, Inc. Emeryville, California
Gasket & Seal Fabricators, Inc. Email: mailto:gsktseal@aol.com
Gasko Fabricated Products Co. http://www.gasko.com/
Global Automotive Parts Group Email: mailto:jkrieger@globalapg.com
Golden State Stamping & Gasket Email: mailto:gssgaskets@aol.com
Grand Haven Gasket Co. http://www.ghgc.com/
HB Sealing Products, Inc. - no website or email
Higbee Inc. http://www.higbee-inc.com/
Hoosier Gasket Corporation http://www.hoosiergasket.com/
Industrial Gasket & Shim Co Inc. http://www.igscorp.com/
Industry Products Co. http://www.industryproductsco.com/
Interstate-McBee www.interstate-mcbee.com
J. Miller Co. http://www.jmillerco.com/
Metal Tech Industries www.mtigasket.com
Midwest Gasket http://www.midwest-gasket.com/
Missouri Laminates http://www.missourilaminates.com/
Mueller Die Cut Solutions, Inc. (NC) http://www.muellernc.com/
Mueller Die Cut Solutions, Inc. (NJ) http://www.muellerbelting.com/
Neubauer Fabrications,Inc. Email: mailto:nfigasket@aol.com
Precision Gasket Company http://www.precisiongasket.com/
Prior Gaskets, Inc. Email: mailto:rgarcia@priorgaskets.com
Rol Manufacturing Co. LTD Laval, Quebec - no website or email
Seal Methods, Inc. http://www.sealmethodsinc.com/
Sealing Devices, Inc. http://www.sealingdevices.com/
Southern Rubber Co. Inc. http://www.southernrubber.com/
Stanhope Products Inc. http://www.stanhope.com/
State Seal Company http://www.stateseal.com/
Sur-Seal Gasket http://www.sur-seal.com/
Tecnicor International - no website or email
Twin Corporation http://www.twincorporation.com/
United Gasket Corporation http://www.unitedgasket.com/
Vellumoid Inc. http://www.vellumoid.com/
Victor-Reinz Div., Dana Corp. http://www.danavictor.com/
Walker Products http://www.walkerproducts.com/
Distributor listing:
Macrotech/Polyseal, Inc.
1754 West 500 South
P.O. Box 26627
Salt Lake City, UT 84126
Phone: 801-973-9171 Fax: 801-973-9188
Web Site: http://www.polyseal.com/
Privately owned manufacturer of seals and sealing devices, normally
injection molded, compression molded or machined.
MPI Distribution Partners:
A.F.M., Inc. - http://www.afmusa.com/
Email: info@afmusa.com
Active Packing Gaskets, Inc. - http://www.activepacking.com/
Email: info@activepacking.com
American Inventory International
Email: AmerInvInt@aol.com
Dygert-Peck Company
Email: info@dygertpeck.com
E.S. Dygert Company - http://www.esdygert.com/
Email: sales@esdygert.com
Hercules Hydraulics, Inc. - http://www.herchyd.com/
Email: info@herchyd.com
HPS, Inc.
Email: info@hpsseals.com
HydraPak Seals, Inc.
Email: info@hydrapakseals.com
Martin Fluid Power - http://www.mfp.thomasregister.com/
Email: info@mfp.com
McMaster & Koss Company - http://www.mcmasterskoss.com/
Miller Seal & Engineering, Inc. - http://www.millerseals.com/
Email: info@millerseals.com
OmniPAC, Inc. - http://www.omnipac.com/
Email: sbattenfield@omnipac.com
O-Ring Sales & Service, Inc.
Email: info@oringsales.com
PLM Seals Hydraulic Pneumatic
Email: info@plmseals.com
Pneumatrek - http://www.pneumatrek.com/
Email: info@pneumatrek.com
R.F. Carlson Company - http://www.rfcarlson.com/
Email: info@rfcarlson.com
R.L. Hudson and Company - http://www.rlhudson.com/
Seals & Packings, Inc. - http://www.sealsandpackings.com/
Email: info@sealsandpackings.com
Seals Unlimited, Inc.
Email: info@sealsunlimited.com
International Seal de Mexico S.A. DE C.V. - MEXICO
Riotec Comercio de Borrachas Tecnicas Ltda. - Brazil
Email: info@riotec.com.br
Lapinus Fibres Inc.
42705 Grand River Avenue
Suite 201
Novi, MI 48375
Phone: 248-374-1818 Fax: 248-374-1229
Web Site: www.lapfibres.com
Lapinus Fibres is the world's leading supplier of engineered mineral
fibres used to reinforce composite materials. The range of Rockseal
products supplied by Lapinus Fibres are specially engineered for
application in gaskets, seals and technical papers.
Lupinus Fibres distributors of Specialties Rockfibre:
Akzo Nobel Rheology Additives, Inc. - www.akzonobelrheo.com
Lamons Gasket Co.
7300 Airport Road
Houston, TX 77061-3932
Phone: 713-547-9520 Fax: 713-547-9502
Web Site: www.lamonsgasket.com
Lamons is a diversified manufacturer of all types of industrial
gaskets, including spiral wound, ring joint, jacketed or solid
metallic, and non-asbestos sheet gaskets.
Power Engineering Co. (Division of Lamons)
Email: billh@lamonsgasket.com
Power Engineering & Equipment Co. (Division of Lamons)
Email: ronk@lamonsgasket.com
Email: DavidD@LamonsGasket.com
Email: GaryK@LamonsGasket.com
Email: JamesD@LamonsGasket.com
Email: ChrisC@LamonsGasket.com
Email: TomM@LamonsGasket.com
Email: MVaughn@LamonsGasket.com
Email: TammyF@LamonsGasket.com
Email: DaveM@LamonsGasket.com
Email: bret@lamonsgasket.com
Marco Chilena - CHILE
Contact: Rodrigo Taboada
Contact: Alfonso Sobrevia
Email: asobrevia@marco.cl
Distributor listing:
Fluid Sealing Association - http://www.fluidsealing.com
I hope this helps!
Jackburton-ga |