sammylayne --
Thanks for the response to my comment and the opportunity to post my
information as an answer to your question. I'm glad that it turned it
to be exactly what you are looking for. Although the book is
apparently temporarily out of stock at Barnes & Noble's online
bookstore, it is available at the link I have provided for
Here is an excerpt from the description of the book at that
"Women and men, girls and boys, who have fought or are still fighting
cancer, share with us their personal experiences that you will find
both uplifting and inspiring. Heaven Can Wait for everyone." Heaven Can Wait
Additional Information:
Here is a link to a collection of on-line book reviews that includes a
review of "Heaven Can Wait: Surviving Cancer" that contains the
following high praise:
"Charlie Jones is a prostate cancer survivor. Kim Doren is a
motivational speaker. Together, Jones and Doren have compiled Heaven
Can Wait: Surviving Cancer, a poignant collection of the personal
experiences of cancer survivors, along with the wisdom and
observations of respected doctors and researchers in the field of
cancer. . . . If you, a friend or a loved one is dealing with cancer,
then give a careful reading to Heaven Can Wait!"
Midwest Book Review: Heaven Can Wait (1/3 down the page)
Also, the Los Angeles Times published a review of the book that
contains the following excerpt:
"Following the suggestion of co-author Kim Doren, who had teamed with
Jones on six previous books, he began talking to friends who had
undergone cancer treatment. He and Doren interviewed more than 100
cancer survivors, and this highly readable 194-page paperback is the
result. . . . Essentially, "Heaven Can Wait" is about winning
winning the game of life."
(This review is found on an Internet document that has been "cached,"
or saved, by Google, and the original page is no longer available.
However, you should be able to get to the complete review by clicking
on this (long) link to the cached page): Hot Corner: Heaven Can Wait,0,1416397.story%3Fcoll%3Dla-headlines-sports+books+%22cancer+survivors%22+-breast+interviews+OR+interviewed+2003&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
Finally, here is contact information for the publisher of the book:
Charlie Jones & Kim Doren
Seven Locks Press
3100 W. Warner Avenue, #8, Santa Ana, CA 92704
Search Strategy:
Before you provided the clarification of your question, I spent most
of my research time trying to figure out how to find the information
at the website of the Regis & Kelly show, found here:
Live with Regis and Kelly
This was unsuccessful, as were various general Google searches.
However, your clarification provided the clues I needed to design
Google searches that would narrow down the possibilities. As I said
in my comment, those clues included the gender of the author (male),
as well as the information that he is a cancer survivor, had a
co-author and had interviewed other cancer survivors.
After some new searches still returned an unwieldy number of sites,
the following search came up with the Los Angeles Time review as the
11th result out of about 550:
books "cancer survivors" -breast interviews OR interviewed 2003
Note that the term "-breast" ensures that breast cancer is not
mentioned in the web pages returned by the search. I chose that route
because so many of the large number of sites returned by other
searches were concerned with breast cancer survivors. Since I now
knew that your book was written by a man, using that search term
seemed like a promising way to reduce the number of irrelevant search
results, and I got lucky.
Thanks again for confirming that this is the information you are
seeking. It seems like that this is a truly inspiring book.
If any of the information is unclear, please ask for clarification
before rating the answer.
markj-ga |