I'll assume that you want statistics for the United States.
"More than 21 million children live in urban settings."
Christian Science Monitor
I checked data at the Census Bureau. And the CS Monitor is just about
As of March 2002, there were an estimated 20,971,000 children living
in what the Census Bureau calls "Central City/Metropolitan Statistical
From the "Children's Living Arrangements and Characteristics March
2002" :
Type of residence: (number of people under 18 in thousands)
Central city/Metropolitan Statistical Area: 20,971
Outside central city/MSA (i.e., suburban): 38,194
Outside MSA (i.e., rural): 13,155
Source: Table 8, page 16, "Children's Living Arrangements and
Characteristics March 2002," published June 2003 by US CENSUS BUREAU:
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search strategy:
"million children live", urban
census.gov, "current population survey", children
I hope this helps. |