This was an interesting search. I'd never heard of IMbot, but it
occurred to me that good search phrases might be "similar to imbot"
and "like imbot". That led me to this Business Week article:
Business Week
According to the article linked above, a service called MessageBlaster
was offering a service similar to IMbot. Unfortunately, I soon learned
that MessageBlaster is no more. A visit to will
divert you to Envoy Worldwide, none of whose current offerings
resembles MessageBlaster or IMbot.
In case you're curious about the defunct MessageBlaster, here's an
archived copy of the old MessageBlaster site: cache, - 04/04/200
Even though MessageBlaster proved to be a dead end, its name was
useful. I next tried a Google search using both the search terms
"imbot" and "messageblaster." That brought me to these pages, which
mention iPing as a competitor of both IMbot and MessageBlaster:
Instant Messaging Planet Getting the Word Out
I went to, prowled around a bit, and found that the
description of the Email2Phone service sounded like the sort of thing
you're looking for:
iPing: Email2Phone
Search terms used:
"similar to imbot"
"like imbot"
"imbot" + "messageblaster"
I hope this information will be useful. If you have any questions, or
if a link does not function, please request clarification; I'll be
glad to offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |