I have a Smith Corona Model NA3HH typewriter which is in perfect
condition, but I cannot locate operating instructions. I want to
donate it to a charity. Can you help locate a source for a copy of the
instuctions? |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Sep 2003 02:46 PDT
Hi jlibb,
I have contacted a company who may have this instruction manual, but
they do not recognise the code "NA3HH". Is there any other identifying
name or number on the typewriter (e.g. XP, XL, XE, SD, Electra,
Coronet, Galaxy, Zodiac)?
Clarification of Question by
04 Sep 2003 12:01 PDT
The Smith Corona Typewriter is a "Display 900 Dictionary Typewriter"
It has a 25000 word dictionary which will automatically indicate a
misspelled word and
can correct it. Hope this helps find instructions. Thank you.
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Sep 2003 12:20 PDT
Thanks for the clarification. I'll give them a call tomorrow, and let
you know if they've got it or not.
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Sep 2003 02:58 PDT
Hi Jlibb,
I have located a copy of the instructions for the Smith Corona PE 900
typewriter. Please take a look at this picture, and let me know if
this looks like your typewriter. The person i spoke to believes this
is likely to be model of your typewriter - he faxed me this picture
from the instruction manual.
Clarification of Question by
05 Sep 2003 12:10 PDT
Tried to go to villagephotos,com , but site wouldn't open. "Use from
this location denied"
Is there another access to the picture of the printer? Thanks much.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Sep 2003 00:44 PDT
Sorry about that! Here's the correct link:
Clarification of Question by
06 Sep 2003 14:44 PDT
The PE 900 Smith Corona appears to be the same, though the image is
not too clear. Even if not identical, the instruction manual would
probably be OK. How can I get the document? Thanks for your help.
Sorry it took so much of your time.
Regards.... jlibb