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Q: Search engines penalize dynamic pages? ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Search engines penalize dynamic pages?
Category: Computers > Internet
Asked by: gjcmg-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 05 Sep 2003 12:07 PDT
Expires: 05 Oct 2003 12:07 PDT
Question ID: 252653
A web marketing person told me:

"Many search engines penalize sites with dynamic pages in thier
ranking algorithms because [...] sites often use this technique to
submit sites using keywords that do not apply to the actual content."

Therefore, this person recommends providing a static home page.

I think there must be serveral meanings for 'dynamic'. I've used
'dynamic' to refer to web pages built from code and information from
databases. The page is generated by the web server. To see what is
generated, one can simply view the source code in a browser and there
will be all the html, but none of the code that was used to create the
page on the server.

I use the Microsoft .NET Framework to develop such sites. The code is
fully compiled on the server, so I can't imagine a search engine could
ever see it.

I believe any search engine can only ever see web pages that have been
rendered by the server software, never the page file as it exists on
the hard disk of the server. So the page should look 'static' to the
search engine spider.

Therefore I do not think that the quoted statement above applies to
the sites I create.

So here is my question:

Do search engines like Google penalize 'dynamic' pages, and if so what
is the meaning of 'dynamic' that applies. Specifically, would web
pages rendered from .NET machine code and information from a database
fit the meaning of 'dynamic'?

I would be grateful for any links to further informaiton.

Thank you,
Subject: Re: Search engines penalize dynamic pages?
Answered By: serenata-ga on 06 Sep 2003 02:15 PDT
Hi gjcmg-ga ~

You ask a that many people ask about, usually wanting to know how to
get dynamic pages indexed in search engines.

Please remember that Google Answers Researchers are independent
contractors. We are not privy to any inside information about Google's
(or any other search engine's) well-guarded algorithms.

In answering questions of this nature, I rely on information used on a
regular basis in my own business and other information provided by
experts in design for search engine optimization (SEO), recognized
experts in the field of SEO and other reliable resources to provide
the most current reliable information available.

My quick interpretation of what you were told about being 'penalized'
for dynamic pages is that they will not always be indexed, so any
content on those pages that are created dynamically are not likely to
show up in search engine results. I think your marketing person was
referring to 'penalized' as in: If you want that information to be
indexed and to show up in search engines, it won't.

What Google Says

Here's what Google says about indexing 'dynamic' pages in its :

"Your pages are dynamically generated. We are able to index
dynamically generated pages. However, because our web crawler can
easily overwhelm and crash sites serving dynamic content, we limit the
amount of dynamic pages we index." (See Google's "Reasons your site
may not be included" ).
   - ://

Google also addresses dynamically generated pages in its "Design and
Content Guidelines", saying:

"If you decide to use dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a '?'
character), be aware that not every search engine spider crawls
dynamic pages as well as static pages. It helps to keep the parameters
short and the number of them small."
   - ://

Your concept of dynamically generated pages, "I've used 'dynamic' to
refer to web pages built from code and information from databases.
..." is correct, and that is precisely why some search engines cannot
always index dynamically generated pages and produce those pages as
search results.

If every page, including your index page, is created dynamically, then
it will be especially difficult, if not impossible, for any search
engine to index and list your site. Therefore, you are 'penalized' by
not being included.

But What About MetaTags?

In an ideal world, you could dynamically generate your entire site,
and let the search engines rely on your keyword and description
metatags to deliver your site on a search of your key words.

Unfortunately, a lot of people caught on to the 'keyword' thing and
were stuffing those and the description metatags with terms which
didn't necessarily exist on the page, but which might get them a high
placement under certain search terms.

Because of that, most metatags are now ignored or weigh so little in
search engine algorithms, and there has to be something else there for
a search to index and follow.

For designing a page that's easy to index, Google recommends:

   "* Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links. Every
      page should be reachable from at least one static text link.
    * Offer a site map to your users with links that point to the
      important parts of your site. If the site map is larger than
      100 or so links, you may want to break the site map into
      separate pages.
    * Create a useful, information-rich site and write pages that
      clearly and accurately describe your content.
    * Think about the words users would type to find your pages,
      and make sure that your site actually includes those words
      within it.
    * Try to use text instead of images to display important names,
      content, or links. The Google crawler doesn't recognize text
      contained in images.
    * Make sure that your TITLE and ALT tags are descriptive and
    * Check for broken links and correct HTML.
    * If you decide to use dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a
      '?' character), be aware that not every search engine spider
      crawls dynamic pages as well as static pages. It helps to keep
      the parameters short and the number of them small.
    * Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer
      than 100)."
   - ://

The reason for having at least one page with all the recommended
design points is to give the search engine something to link to and

On the other hand, if you're dynamically generating your entire site,
there are ways to make it easier for search engines to crawl your site
and index the pages. There are several articles which explain how this
can be done.

Some articles you may want to take a look at:

1. J.K. Bowman, proprietor of the Spider Food web site, offers an
informative overview of both the problem and the solution for many
types of web databases.
   - Optimization for Dynamic Web Sites

2. Search Engine Optimization Ethics discusses it in an article
entitled "Optimizing Dynamic Web Pages"

3. SEO Chat also has an excellent article by Barry Schwartz, "Dynamic
URLs In The Eyes Of A Search Engine" dated June 9, 2003, that helps
explain what the search engine sees and how to get the dynamic pages

4. Jill Whalen, recognized as one of the foremost search engine guide
recently wrote another article on Optimizing Dynamic Content for
Search Engines (8/11/2003)

5. Brian Gilley of SEO Position wrote an article, "Dynamic Content for
Search Engines", January, 2003)

Dynamic Pages
With Certain Search Engines

In addition to the above articles, there are some discussions among
the webmasters and website owners on Webmaster World about search
engines and dynamic pages.

I performed a search on Webmaster World for just the term "dynamic",
and you will notice that I left the dynamic parameters in the URLs. If
you list those URLS within your links (as I have done below), the
information will be dynamically delivered with the latest additions to
the discussion threads, yet would also be indexed by most search

1. In this thread, there is a discussion of Inktomi crawling
dynamically generated pages:

2. There is another thread that gives good examples of dynamically
driven pages and static pages with dynamic content, which may help
answer your own question about 'dynamic' pages here:

3. Another discussion specifically about Google and indexing dynamic
pages can be found here:

4. A specific discussion on ways to build templates and aid in
recognition of dynamically generated pages can be found in this


There *are* ways to get dynamically web pages indexed by search

For smaller sites with a manageable number of dynamic pages, sometimes
it is easier to create a site map that features links to each of the
dynamically generated pages. The obvious benefit is that if you're
using a content management system, it can still be used to update the
dynamic pages - but search engines have a static page that serves as a
doorway to them so that they can be properly spidered.

For larger sites, the best way is to employ one of the many methods
used to change the syntax of a dynamic URL so that it appears to be

An example could be:

and could be rewritten as:'s Jennifer Laycock gives a good example of rewriting for
either a Unix server or using .asp in her discussion of Optimizing
Dynamic Content here:

Remember, search engine algorithms change constantly in order to
deliver the most relevant information. GoogleGuy, a Google engineer
and regular poster to Webmaster World (and probably the closest we
will get to an "official" Google answer) says:
"We're getting better on dynamic pages every month thanks to better
analysis. I think we crawl dynamic pages better than any general
search engine at this point.."
"In general, it's still a good idea to keep the number of parameters
short. But we are getting better over time" 

I am very sure your marketing consultant referred to 'penalizing' in
the manner of not getting. As you can see from the above links (both
the articles and the Webmaster World discussions), it is still
difficult to get dynamic content listed unless you restrict the
parameters or 'help' by the use of static pages or rewrites.

Search Strategies

   search engine + dynamic content
   webmaster world + dynamic content
   mod rewrites

I trust this helps in understanding the issue of search engines and
dynamic content a bit better.

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by gjcmg-ga on 11 Sep 2003 15:59 PDT
Thanks for the inforation and links. Your answer has been very

However, I note from the links you gave that the meaning of 'dynamic'
that matters to search engines, is that the page URL contains a '?'.
You did not make that clear in your answer and therefore assumed that
my pages are dynamic. The URLs on my own pages contain no '?', so I do
not believe they are 'dynamic' to search engines.

For example, I have a single page: default.aspx on the server.  If
this page is referenced by the URL,
the page will contain information and links about New Mexico high tech
jobs. But if it is referenced by the URL, then it will contain information and
links about California high tech jobs. In each case the page will
parse the URL and then get the appropreate information from the page
and the database to provide relevant information for the state.

I assume that search engines will never know that they are dynamic
because there is no querystring with a question mark.

If the search engine works with URLs, then the
'' will be indexed to look like a New
Mexico page, but '' will be indexed to
look like a California page.

Or does the search engine index only a single page, 'default.aspx' and
therefore will not take into account the URL calling the page and so
the page will not work as far as indexing is concerned?????

Any ideas?


Clarification of Answer by serenata-ga on 11 Sep 2003 19:22 PDT
Hi Gary ~ 

I like "Gary" better than gjcmg, if you don't mind.

Under Google's "Facts & Fiction" - last item on the page:

"Fiction: Sites are not included in Google's index if they use 
          ASP (or some other non-html file-type.)

    Fact: At Google, we are able to index most types of pages and 
          files with very few exceptions. File types we are able 
          to index include: pdf, asp, jsp, hdml, shtml, xml, cfm, 
          doc, xls, ppt, rtf, wks, lwp, wri."

Performing a search on Google for the term "default.aspx", returns
over 1 million pages, so yes, it is possible to index dynamic pages.

I did not look beyond the source code of a half dozen of the results
(and not the "obvious" pages like Microsoft's). I would imagine it is
safe to assume that some of those pages are dynamically generated,
although I see the results of the generated pages and not the actual

So far as your two examples go:

Searching Google for
and for
produced no results.

Searching for and show both
sites are indexed by Google.

I realize this doesn't answer why your particular default.aspx pages
aren't being indexed, but it does show that such pages CAN be indexed
by Google, which answers your original question. I also suspect that
there are static portions of some of the pages, with the dynamic
content generated after certain criteria are met. Unfortunately, I
cannot determine what those criteria are.

I think you might compare your own coding to the suggestions I cited
in my answer, which may be able to help.

Good luck,
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