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Q: students in Latam ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: students in Latam
Category: Reference, Education and News
Asked by: cerebro-ga
List Price: $9.50
Posted: 13 Jun 2002 13:37 PDT
Expires: 20 Jun 2002 13:37 PDT
Question ID: 25361
total population of active students (middle school, high school,
university) students from the following countries.
costa rica

numbers must be related to official entities from the years 2001 and
2002 (provide the links but specify just the numbers, I dont have time
to read through all the documents)

number of students that have access to an Internet Connection in:

costa rica

that´s it

Request for Question Clarification by mvguy-ga on 13 Jun 2002 18:01 PDT
By "access to an Internet connection" do you mean classroomn access or
access from home?

Clarification of Question by cerebro-ga on 14 Jun 2002 06:16 PDT
home access

Request for Question Clarification by politicalguru-ga on 17 Jun 2002 08:03 PDT
There are no official data from 2002 (*maybe* from its first quarter).
Would you like earlier data?

Clarification of Question by cerebro-ga on 17 Jun 2002 09:16 PDT
Ok, I seetle for 2001 figures or 2002 forecast whchever comes first
Subject: Re: students in Latam
Answered By: runix-ga on 17 Jun 2002 10:25 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

The leading sources to find this kind of information are the World
Bank and UNESCO. You have to look for World Development Indicators,
you can check them either online or ordering a CD ROM. You have free
access to some of the indicators, but you have to pay for deeper

About the numbers you are asking for: 

Internet users	878000
Personal computers (per 1,000 people)	35.44
Primary education enrolment ratios (%) 85
Secondary education enrolment ratios (%) 46
Tertiary education enrolment ratios (%) 16.7

Costa Rica	
Internet users	250000
Personal computers (per 1,000 people)	149.14
Primary education enrolment ratios (%) 89
Secondary education enrolment ratios (%) 40
Tertiary education enrolment ratios (%)30.3

Internet users	180000
Personal computers (per 1,000 people)	21.75
Primary education enrolment ratios (%) 122%*
Secondary education enrolment ratios (%) 55%*
Tertiary education enrolment ratios (%)
*There is no oficial information available about ecuatorian education
rates at World Bank and Unesco data bases. I took these rates from
Guia del Mundo, this is a non oficial source.

Internet users	2712380
Personal computers (per 1,000 people)	50.57
Primary education enrolment ratios (%) 100
Secondary education enrolment ratios (%) 51
Tertiary education enrolment ratios (%) 16

Internet users	90000
Personal computers (per 1,000 people)	36.98
Primary education enrolment ratios (%) 91 (statistic from 1996)
Secondary education enrolment ratios (%) Not available**
Tertiary education enrolment ratios (%)31.5
**There is no oficial information about secondary enrolment in Panama,
neither in their oficial statistical site nor in international
organizations ones.
Internet users	950000
Personal computers (per 1,000 people) 45.51	
Primary education enrolment ratios (%) 84
Secondary education enrolment ratios (%) 22
Tertiary education enrolment ratios (%)29 (statistic from 1995)

Adittional links:

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of
development assistance and statistic information.

Google list of latin american estadistical deps (very useful, although
you have to understand a spanish written chart). For Ecuador, again,
there are no educational numbers:

Unesco observatory on the Information Society
A Global watch service on ethical, legal and societal challenges of
the Information Society. You can find papers about penetration of the
internet in emerging markets.

Search strategy:
Development Indicators 
Indicadores de desarrollo 
Educacion primaria, secundaria y terciaria 
Acceso a internet 
Cuadros comparativos de educacion

I hope you'll find this information interesting. 
You should remember that statistical information is offen outdated in
these countries in particular.


Clarification of Answer by runix-ga on 17 Jun 2002 10:49 PDT
The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank's premier
annual compilation of data about development. For this answer, I used
the last report, "World Development Indicators 2002", by World Bank.
This means that it was published this year, but the information in
each country might have been colected before.

You will find more data about this key source in:

Request for Answer Clarification by cerebro-ga on 17 Jun 2002 15:59 PDT
student population in each of the countries mentioned?
poblacion estudiantil creo que en colombia son como 9 millones de
estudiantes pero quiero cerciorarme.

Clarification of Answer by runix-ga on 18 Jun 2002 10:46 PDT

Here you have the student population in numbers (not rates) about each
of the countries mentioned.
In the case of Colombia, the total student population seems to be
11.493.863, according to an excellent research I found at:

When comes to absolut numbers and not rates, it seems to be useful to
check the oficial stadistic deps in each country. International
organizations such as World Bank ( ) have more
elaborated reports, usually using rates.

In some cases (such as Colombia, for instance) I've included two
optional sources, there are no big differences between them.
For Panama, I couldn't reach oficial numbers, so I give you three
optional journalistic sources.

Here is the complete report:

Student Population

People between 6 and 9 years going to primary school: 865234
People between 10 and 14 going to high school: 287831
People between 15 and 19 going to high school: 252445
People between 19 and 24 going to Terciary and University courses:
Total: 1.591.494
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo (Ecuador)

Total of pupils at preeschool: 899.707
Total of pupils at primary school: 5.088.295
Total of pupils at high school: 4.272.012
Total of pupils at Universities and other superior levels: 1.233.848
Total student population: 11.493.863

Source: “Situación de la educación básica, media y superior en
Colombia”, by Corpoeducación, written by Alfredo Sarmiento Gómez, Luz
Perla Tovar and Carmen Alam (2001). (great source!)

Total of pupils at primary school: 5.162.260
Total of pupils at high school: 3.594.083

Source: Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica

Total of pupils at primary school: 14 792 528
*Total of pupils at high school (secundaria): 5 349 659
*Total of pupils at high school (bachillerato): 2 594 242
*Total of pupils at high school (profesional técnico): 361 541
*Total of pupils at high school (normal): 200 931
Total of pupils at University: 1 718 017
Total: 25.016.918 

*Note: There are diffrent kinds of High School, with different
academic orientations.

Source:  SEP. Estadística Básica del Sistema Educativo Nacional.
Inicio de Cursos, 2000/2001.

Total of pupils at primary school (1 to 9nth grade): 4,299,671  
Total of pupils at high school (educación media): 400,794  
Total of pupils at Universities: 486.735
Total : 5.187.180 

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Venezuela

Pupils at preschool (Preescolar):  716.529 
Pupils at primary school (Educación Básica):  4.249.389 
Pupils at high school (Educación Media):  333.704 
Pupils at superior levels (Educación Diversificada):  563.258
Total: 5.862.880

Pupils studying at universities (included befote at “superior
levels”): 486.735

Source: Oficina Central de Estadística e Informática.

Costa Rica
People between 6 and 12 going to school: 386.069
People between 13 and 18 going to high school: 237174
People between 19 and 25 studying (at university or other levels):
Total: 851.682
Source: Censos Nacionales de Vivienda y Población de Panamá 2000

Panamá (couldn’t find oficial numbers, I find some academic and
journalistic researchs)
1) People studying at superior levels: 102.158 (1998)

Source: “Privilegio y discriminación a la orden del día en la
educación superior hondureña”, by Faustino Ordóñez Baca:

“La población estudiantil es de aproximadamente (…) 100.000 en Panamá”
(Student population in Panama is about 100.000). Refering to superior
levels of education, by 2001.

Source: “La educación superior en Centroamérica y Republica
Dominicana”, by World Bank and the Goberment from Guatemala, 2001:

3) People studying at universities: 68 465 (1993)

Source: Estadísticas Universitarias. Contraloría General de la
República de Panamá. des: Demanda de Educación Universitaria, at “La
demanda de educación superior en panamá de 1980 a 1993 una
aproximación cuantitativa”, by María de Jesús Freire Seoane and
Gersán A. Joseph Garzón:
Good luck!

cerebro-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
very complete research I believe que sabes hablar español tambien

Subject: Re: students in Latam
From: runix-ga on 18 Jun 2002 22:56 PDT
Sí, también hablo español :)
Espero que la información te resulte util. 

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