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How Do You Fill the Bride's Name Out on a Marriage License?
Category: Relationships and Society > Law Asked by: grammatoncleric-ga List Price: $4.50 |
09 Sep 2003 18:00 PDT
Expires: 09 Oct 2003 18:00 PDT Question ID: 254020 |
Hi All, My fiancee and I are thinking about getting married in the Virgin Islands. I may come back to Google Answers for a little help in getting the basic details of that nailed down. For now, though, I have a simple question. When filling out a marriage license for the Territorial Court of the USVI or for any Court in the United States (for that matter), how should a bride who is changing her name fill out the license? Does she put her new surname where it says "Name (first, middle, last)?" I'm basically confused as to what the technicalities are for a woman to change her name via marriage license. Use the USVI marriage license as an example (the following are section titles). If my fiancee's name is Jane Middle Roe and my name is John Robert Doe, what should the following look like (assuming she wants to be married as Jane Middle Doe or Jane Roe Doe)? 8a. BRIDE'S NAME (First, Middle. Last) 8b. MAIDEN SURNAME (If different) |
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Re: How Do You Fill the Bride's Name Out on a Marriage License?
Answered By: serenata-ga on 10 Sep 2003 00:54 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello Grammatoncleric ~ In answer to your question about the bride's name, you would use her CURRENT legal name, inasmuch as she would not have a "new" last name, should she decide to take your name, until after the marriage has taken place. 8a. is the Bride's name now (if she has been married before) and 8b. is her maiden name if she has been married before and now has a last name different from her name at birth. ================ Actually, the license is a form that is issued by the Clerk of the Court. You must also file an Application for the license. If the bride or groom have been married before, a certified copy of any previous divorce decree must accompany that application. I have found a website - Marriage Laws (marriagelaws.com) - that explains the procedures and forms necessary to obtain a marriage license pursuant to the Virgin Island Code, here: - http://usmarriagelaws.com/search/caribbean/us_virgin_island/ You can print the forms from here: - http://usmarriagelaws.com/html/print_applications.shtml ================= MarriageLaws.com also seems to do a creditable job of explaining the procedure for obtaining a marriage license for most of the United States. Most states require both an application and then the issuance of a license, as you can see here: - http://usmarriagelaws.com/search/united_states/ ================= If you wish to view the actual law, Lexis/Nexis has the actual law and instructions for the Application under "Virgin Islands Code : TITLE 16 DOMESTIC RELATIONS : Chapter 1. Marriage : § 35. Examination of applicants for marriage license" - http://www.michie.com/virginislands/lpext.dll?f=templates&fn=fs-main.htm&2.0 and "§38. Issuance of marriage license; form" can be found there as well. Search strategies: * US Virgin Islands marriage laws * US Virgin Islands code Lexis/Nexis - Domestic Relations - Application for Marriage License - Issuance of Marriage License Good luck and best wishes to you both, Serenata | |
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Re: How Do You Fill the Bride's Name Out on a Marriage License?
From: robertskelton-ga on 09 Sep 2003 20:30 PDT |
Here is the form: http://fantasiaweddings.com/forms/VI-License.pdf I couldn't find the answer online. My assunmption is that the name you put down is the woman's current legal name, and the maiden name bit is in case she was previously married and still uses the surname from that marriage. By entering her original maiden name, birth and marriage certificates could be matched in the future. 8a. Jane Middle Roe 8b. Leave blank unless Roe is not her birth name, in which case enter the birth surname. robertskelton-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: How Do You Fill the Bride's Name Out on a Marriage License?
From: mvguy-ga on 09 Sep 2003 22:19 PDT |
I couldn't find the answer either, but I agree with Robertskelton-ga. At the time the form is filled out, the bride still has her maiden name, so that is the name she should use. As far as the name change goes, in most if not all states all the woman has to do is notify Social Security, the drivers' licensing bureau, her employer and other applicable parties of the name change. Usually no special form is needed. If a couple does something untraditional (such as both adopting a hyphenated name), they may need to take additional steps to get the name officially recognized. It used to be in some states that a woman had to take special steps if she wished to keep her maiden name, but I don't believe that is still the case. |
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