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Q: Why Isn't My Site Listed In Many Search Engines and Not At All With Google? ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Why Isn't My Site Listed In Many Search Engines and Not At All With Google?
Category: Computers > Internet
Asked by: landotheterrible-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 09 Sep 2003 19:00 PDT
Expires: 09 Oct 2003 19:00 PDT
Question ID: 254045
Please visit this link, a site I put together for my wife's business: ,and view the source code. I'm puzzled as
to why this site isn't ranked higher than it is and not at all with
Google (which is the only engine I really care about). I've paid
$250.00 to one of those services which submits everywhere and it
helped the ranking with a few engines but it's still not with Google.
I'm hoping it's because I've messed up the description or meta tags
and whatnot. I'm not a professional web designer but I'd like to be.
This problem is really irking me. Thanks for your help.
Subject: Re: Why Isn't My Site Listed In Many Search Engines and Not At All With Google?
Answered By: serenata-ga on 10 Sep 2003 11:14 PDT
Hello Landotheterrible ~

To answer to your question, the reason your site hasn't been indexed
by Google is that it is in Flash, and Google doesn't index flash very
well, if at all.

The only flash Google indexes are links within the flash file. "We're
not going to index flash directly, but we figured it would help
webmasters to follow Flash links" (GoogleGuy, October 29, 2001,
WebmasterWorld discussion thread "Google Indexes Flash")

In the case of, the flash links lead to more flash,
but there is nothing of "substance" for Google to index. Any text is
also in Flash, and Google definitely cannot index that text within the

You said you have been picked up by other search engines. I noticed
that Alta Vista ( and All the Web
( both picked up your description meta tags
to list your site, something Google doesn't do. Instead, Google relies
on a page's content and PageRank for inclusion, which is addressed

In addition, you are not listed in either the Open Dirctory Project
( or Yahoo!, both of which Google expressly recommend in
"What else can I do to get listed in Google?"

     "Google partners on the Web include Yahoo! and Netscape.
      If you are having difficulty getting listed in the Google
      index, you may want to consider submitting your site to
      either or both of these directories. You can submit to
      Yahoo! by visiting
      You can submit your site to Netscape's Open Directory
      Project (DMOZ) by visiting Once your site
      is included in either of these directories, Google will
      often index your site within six to eight weeks."
   - ://

Getting Listed In Google

Google offers specific recommendations on how to develop a
Google-friendly website. As a rule, sites designed following those
recommendations and suggestions have no problems getting their site

Starting with "How do I get my site listed on Google?" Google
addresses Flash and splash screens in "Reasons your site may not be

     "We want to point users to content pages, not to doorways
      or splash screens."
   - ://

You should pay particular attention to Google's Webmaster Guidelines,
especially the Technical Guidelines and the suggestion for using a
text browser to see what the Googlebot sees when it visits your page
   - ://  

Google's Facts & Fiction, especially the last item with the types of
files that Google does index (you'll notice Flash isn't there)
   - ://  

and even Google's User Support Discussion Forum 
and pay particular attention to the discussions about Google and
Flash, such as this one,

The Flash on looks pretty, although it took almost 45
seconds to download on my highspeed connection (imagine what a visitor
will experience on a dialup connection), it just can't be indexed by
Google as it is.

The Importance of PageRank
and Links To Your Page

Google explains "The best way to ensure Google finds your site is for
your page to be linked from lots of pages on other sites. Google's
robots jump from page to page on the Web via hyperlinks, so the more
sites that link to you, the more likely it is that we'll find you
   - ://

and addresses the importance of PageRank in both its PageRank
Information, here:
   - ://

and in "Why Use Google?"
   - ://

In other words, besides having content which can be indexed by the
Google crawlers (Googlebot), relevant sites which link TO yours will
help increase your chances of being listed in Google's index.

Establishing Links   
As stated, Google's PageRank is based on the number of pages which
link to your site.

"The best way to ensure Google finds your site is for your page to be
linked from lots of pages on other sites. Google's robots jump from
page to page on the Web via hyperlinks, so the more sites that link to
you, the more likely it is that we'll find you quickly." (SEE Google's
" How Do I Get My Site Listed on Google? - 2. Submitting Your site")
   - ://  
There are many practical ways of establishing links which are
beneficial to you in your endeavor to get respectable position
placement on search engines. These methods may take time, but they
also help in establishing credibility and help with your page rank.

Approach like-minded or complementary businesses about linking to your
site (with a reciprocal link from your own). This works without
harming search engine positioning or page rank.

Google specifically warns "Don't participate in link schemes designed
to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid
links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your own
ranking may be affected adversely by those links." (See Google's
Quality Guidelines - Basic principles)
   - ://  
It stands to reason that what's good for Google, currently ranked as
the number one search engine is good rule to follow for other search

Articles on Link Popularity

A couple of excellent articles on how to establish the right kind of
links are available in Traffick's "Ten Steps to Building Links to Your
Site", Craig Fifield - 5/3/2002
and "The Right Way to Improve Link Popularity", By Paul J. Bruemmer -
4/14/2002 -
Notice both articles offer suggestions which can be easily adapted for
use on any website without resorting to link farms. They both point
out the differences and offer easy ways to get started to the kind of
linking search engines prefer.

Using SEOs

You mentioned "I've paid $250.00 to one of those services which
submits everywhere and it helped the ranking with a few engines but
it's still not with Google."

You may want to read Google's cautionary information on the use of
such services, here:
   - :// 

And Google specifically cautions against the use of "unauthorized
software" to submit your site or check your ranking on Google in its
"Quality Guidelines - Basic principles"

     "Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages,
      check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing
      resources and violate our terms of service. Google does
      not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Gold™
      that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google."
   - ://

They will ban your site for the use of such software. If you choose to
get help from a SEO later, make sure they do not use such software to
submit your site.

Submitting Your Site
to Google

Once you have your site ready, you may wish to submit your site to
Google by hand using its AddURL page:
   - :// 

I am confident that by changing your site by adding rich text content
that can be indexed and by following Google's Guidelines, you should
be able to get listed in Google's index.

Search Stragegies:

The above was answered from personal bookmarks, Google's guidelines
and information for webmasters, and bookmarks for resources with
information on how to design a Google-friendly site.

If you wish to find further information, there are excellent and
knowledgeable resources available on Webmaster World

and Danny Sullivan's Search Engine Watch

Good luck and best wishes, 
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