Clarification of Answer by
11 Sep 2003 06:12 PDT
Hi again Scoobie ~
Thanks for your Request for Clarification.
If two people have already told you the same thing about to change
Outlook Express's line width to wrap automatically and it's not
working, then we need to figure out what it is that is causing these
settings NOT to work in your case.
As you can see, the way you were told in the standard way to adjust
that line width, and if it's not working for you, there is a
possibility there may be a glitch in your Outlook Express and need to
reinstall it or there's something in your computer which will not
accept these settings.
Before we get to that point, though, you might supply some information
which may help troubleshoot this:
What size window are you currently using to send outgoing email? (ie.,
full screen? smaller? Is it wide enough to hand the setting you have?)
What size font (default font) are you using? (it defaults to Times
Roman as a rule, about 12 pt)
What is the line width you have set? That is, is the window for
creating email wide enough to accommodate the line width you have set?
As you using PLAIN text, and not Rich text for your email? (click the
format tab while you are composing outgoing email)
Are you using just a plain space between the words, and NOT a Ctrl
Space, which will produce one long line of text?
Are you copying/pasting really long URLs or other unbroken material
which would not necessarily break at the line width you have set?
Are you using any graphics or background graphics or stationery that
might produce this effect?
You might want to check your newsgroup mailing size as well, to make
sure it is the same size as your plain text settings and that they
Outlook Express by default is set at 76 spaces wide, so it should have
wrapped at that length in the first place.
If you are not doing anything different than other users, there is the
possibility you may need to reinstall the Outlook Express in the hopes
it 'fixes' what isn't working for you or to make it work as it should.
Start with the above questions, and specifically make sure you are
indeed using plain text with no stationery or any kind of graphic as a
part of your email for starters and see if it works.
Hope this helps,