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Q: sites like "Google Answers" ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   8 Comments )
Subject: sites like "Google Answers"
Category: Computers > Internet
Asked by: redosam-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 12 Sep 2003 15:03 PDT
Expires: 12 Oct 2003 15:03 PDT
Question ID: 255213
Where can I find sites like "Google Answers"?
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Sep 2003 16:45 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello, Redosam.

I am reposting your remarks from the "Comments" section:

> To me you have answered the question and I got what I 
> am looking for so you should get paid for your time. Please 
> answer the flowing related question so I could close it:
> Why Google Answer is still on Beta? and when is it get out of Beta?

I am pleased to say that Google Answers emerged from the cocoon
several months ago:

"In May 2002, Google launched a new service called 'Google answers'.
Google answers is an extension to the conventional search - rather
than doing the search yourself, you pay someone else to do the search.
Customers ask questions, offer a price for an answer, and researchers
answer them. Prices for questions range from $2 to $200, Google keeps
25% of the payment, passing the rest to the researchers, and charges
an additional 50c listing fee. In May 2003 this service came out of

Wikipedia: Google Answers

If you examine the "Google Answers" logo that appears in the upper
left corner of this page, you'll notice that it no longer displays the
word "BETA". On Monday, May 5, 2003, Google Answers officially came
out of Beta. As you can imagine, there was much rejoicing among the
Google Answers Researchers.

Here's a look at the old logo, for comparison:


Google search strategy:

Google Web Search: "google answers" + "out of beta"

Thank you very much for being so gracious as to offer to pay me for my
comment directing you to information about services similar to Google
Answers. While there may be a few places on the 'Net that are a bit
like Google Answers in some ways, there is, in my opinion, nothing to
equal the dedication, energy, teamwork, and broad-based knowledge that
you will find here. Try the rest, then fly the best. ;-)

Best wishes,
redosam-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars

Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Sep 2003 15:54 PDT
This question has been asked before, in various forms. Here you'll
find one of the best and most thoroughly researched answers:

Here are two additional answers that are, in my view, of surpassing
excellence. Although these questions were asked from the standpoint of
a person interested in becoming an Internet researcher, much of the
information may be of interest to you:

I very much doubt that I can improve upon the answers linked above, so
I am posting this as a free comment rather than a paid answer.

Best wishes,
pinkfreud, Google Answers Researcher
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: mvguy-ga on 12 Sep 2003 16:10 PDT
Here are two listings of similar (and some not so similar) sites:

Google Directory

Yahoo Directory
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 13 Sep 2003 07:54 PDT
And here's one more ...

Internet research services similar to Google Answers

Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: taxmama-ga on 13 Sep 2003 10:37 PDT
Hi redosam

You've gotten some excellent information
from PinkFreud and others who were kind enough
to save you the fee.

Here's one more site that no one seems to have found:

People answer questions (bidding required)
and post articles (free and paid).

You can read the profiles of the advisers.

They've just added a new Live Paid Chat feature 
to their service.

Search - personal knowledge

Best wishes

Your TaxMama-ga
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: redosam-ga on 13 Sep 2003 15:55 PDT

Thank you very much for your kindness. To me you have answered the
question and I got what I am looking for so you should get paid for
your time. Please answer the flowing related question so I could close
Why Google Answer is still on Beta? and when is it get out of Beta?

Thanks again
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: redosam-ga on 13 Sep 2003 15:57 PDT

Thank you very much for your contrbution.
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: redosam-ga on 13 Sep 2003 16:06 PDT
Knowledge_seeker and TaxMama,

thank you for your comments. It was really helpful.
Thanks again
Subject: Re: sites like "Google Answers"
From: redosam-ga on 13 Sep 2003 16:07 PDT
I have gone through some sites similar to Google answers. Each has
some advantages and disadvantages.
What I like most about google answers is that the answers are puplic,
which alows in my openion share of knoledge as will as it gives a
chance to gage and feel the Resarchres knowledge and style. On the
other hand, I believe that Google Answers should allow for some
questions to be answered privately (specially for personal life
Moreover, I can see that there is a room for improvement that could be
done to the site (e.g. the user interface).


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