I am a college teacher in the MIS/CIS department and need to formulate
a course satisfying the following condition:
1) course is related to CIS/MIS
2) course is equivalent to 1 semester unit (9 weeks, 3hr per week)
3) course addresses the following:
a) students are able to recognize when information is necessary
b) develop effective research strategy
c) locate, retrieve, and use information in a variety of formats
d) critically evaluate and synthesize information
e) effectively create, present, and communicate information
f) use computers and other info tech tools
g) understand the social, legal, and ethical issues relating to
information and its use
Please help me/give me ideas in developing the lesson plan (week by
week) for this course, including sample books, creative ideas, course
objectives, syllabus, etc.
Please identify any similar courses at other colleges that closely
resemble this one. |