"Tom Grimm...
Tom grew up in Ogden and graduated from Weber State University. He
worked for several years in the retail industry before launching the
Price Savers Wholesale Warehouse chain in Salt Lake City in 1984. He
later served as President and CEO of Pace Membership Warehouse in
Denver and took the helm of the Sam’s Club division in 1998."
source: Utah Food Industry Association:
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Or use Google's cached version:
I also did a search on a library database that includes the
publication "Supermarket News." Here is an excerpt from a 1998
article about Grimm:
"He was president and chief executive officer of Pace Membership
Warehouse, Denver, a one-time subsidiary of Kmart Corp., Troy, Mich.,
before it was acquired by Wal-Mart in 1994.
Before joining Pace, Grimm was president and chief executive officer
of Price Savers Wholesale Warehouse, Salt Lake City. He was one of
Price Savers' founders in 1982 and helped build the company's sales to
$1 billion in 1991, when Pace acquired the company. Earlier in his
career Grimm held senior merchandising and marketing positions with
Grand Central Stores, Salt Lake City; the Medi Mart drug store
division of Stop & Shop Cos., Boston; Cunningham Drug Stores, Detroit,
and Venture Stores, St. Louis. Grimm began his retail career in 1969
as a buyer for Target Stores, Minneapolis. "
Supermarket News, Oct 12, 1998
Also see:
"Tom Grimm Announces Retirement From SAM'S CLUB" from
fashionwindows.com, cached by Google:
Grimm is also on the alumni honor roll at Weber State University:
search strategy:
"tom grimm", "sam's club"
"tom grimm", "pace membership"
I hope this helps. |