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Q: Old signs in Czech ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Old signs in Czech
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: renoh-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 14 Sep 2003 20:59 PDT
Expires: 14 Oct 2003 20:59 PDT
Question ID: 255931
I am looking to purchase old signs in the Czech language, such as
metal old signs or advertisements.  They can be rustic or distressed,
wood okay also.  Maximum size of 3 feet, more or less.  They can be
vintage reproductions.  If you absolutely can't find anything in the
Czech language, Slovak is okay also.  Also can be old signs or
advertisements in English about Czech services in the US, or about the
Czech Republic, or Czechoslovakia.  For instance, an old sign from a
Czech restaurant or deli, etc.  Often times "Czech" is written
"Bohemian" in English.  There were many businesses owned by Czech
people in the Chicago area, especially Berwyn and Cicero.  Also some
enclaves in Iowa and Texas.  Can also be old street signs, again in
Czech, or something to do with the Czech/Czechoslovak people.  There
is a "Masaryk" square or street in Mexico City, for instance, and
Masaryk was the first president of Czechoslovakia.  Also can be
something with the words Prague, or Praha, the capital of the Czech
Republic.  Can also be anything w/ Moravia, or Moravian, which is a
state in the Czech Republic.  Also can be wall clocks, mirrors,
thermometers, etc., which have Czech writing or advertising on them. 
No neon or electric signs please.  If you absolutely cannot find
anything old or antique/old reproduction, any new tin signs would be
okay, but really prefer it to be rustic, distressed, old, quirky.

Request for Question Clarification by hedgie-ga on 15 Sep 2003 03:16 PDT
Hi Renoh

  I would need some clarifications before working on your question.

  Do you only want old signs from czech communities in the US,
  Texas, Iowa, Midwest,...
  or would antique signs from Czech Republic do? 
 They would probably be cheaper, even with shipping.

 Are you also interested in replicas, or retro signs?

 Do you read Czech?  

For example, would a site with something like this be useful?

 "..Plechové reklamní tabule, repliky p?vodních starých reklam .."

Also, if possible,a bit about the goals may help --
 is this to crete 'ambience in a pub, or so',
or rather a nostalgia collection? 

There are many kinds of the old signs on sale in Czech Republic,
do you have preferenc for topic(s)?


Clarification of Question by renoh-ga on 15 Sep 2003 21:41 PDT
Signs from the Czech Republic would be great and yes I do read Czech. 
It is to go on an outdoor patio, primarily as decoration.  You see a
lot of similar stuff being sold in French.  Replicas are okay.  I am
looking for something with a "retro" look, but I'm not sure if this is
what you mean.  The web site you have written in Czech sounds exactly
like what I'm looking for.  As to what topic the sign should be on, it
really doesn't matter, something quirky and interesting would be good;
actually, anything where I could easily take a look at a picture of it
would be great.  I also saw a 11" or so round plaque thermometer w/ a
French saying in it, and since this will be outdoors, anything similar
in Czech would do.  Let me know if this helps.  Thanks!
Subject: Re: Old signs in Czech
Answered By: hedgie-ga on 16 Sep 2003 00:43 PDT
Thanks for the clarification. That helps. 

   Before I proceed to what you want,
  I will just note that the phrase I quoted 
   "Plechové reklamní tabule, repliky puvodních starých reklam "  
 is from   , which is located in CR (Czech Republic)
  but it turns out that it specialises only in old  US automobile 
  license plates only, so this site is not for you!   

 Also, by retro  I  mean
    "Involving, relating to, or reminiscent of things past;
retrospective: "
Here are some photos of retro Czech ad signs:    

 Please do click on 

  smaltovane cedule  for (outside)
  Plechove cedule (for interiors)    

 to see more samples.  This site is not designed well.  
It is using gifs and java-script badly, so I cannot list the URLs.
 Incredibly there is no contact on  the czech version of the site
 Clicking on the 'English' flag disables the display of images but
  yields their address and email:

  Here is another shop making retro signs which you can see: 
Here is sample page in the English version:   

 They are doing  enamel thermometers and clock faces, too:
(click on "other products") 

   Their email is:     

Many others do replicas of old signs and retro-look signs.
For example:     

Here is one enamel shop from Slovakia   

There are also collections of  old prints  and graphics
 (which can be transferred onto signs)      

  which may be of interest.

 This place   makes and sells   
Provozuje a prodává nafukovací hrady    'inflatable castles'  

but that perhaps is going too far?

    Search Terms

 retro, signs, czech
 and the same in Czech with preferences in google set to Czech 
 namely               -Reklamní a informa?ní tabule, smaltovna    

and similar in czech search engine: 

  This was quite an interesting search on both .com and .cz domains.
 There are other sources,  so feel free to ask for clarification
 if you want/need it. These offerings  illustrate same specialised
 but you may think of others. You may also ask for clarification
 if you need information about arranging payment and shipment
 from the Czech Republic.


Request for Answer Clarification by renoh-ga on 21 Sep 2003 21:37 PDT
Thanks for your answer.  The first website you mentioned only takes
orders of 500 or more.  The others were more helpful, but none of the
signs look "distressed", as it is popularly done here.  I wonder if
any antique type shops would have a more distressed loo or maybe truly
old signs.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 22 Sep 2003 06:20 PDT
In my answer I listed  those shops which make
  new signs which look old - retros and replicas.

  The antique shops (bazars) have cabboodles of the truly old signs,
  some very distressed, but unfortunately it is all scattered 
  and not well presented on the internet. There is no 'specialised
  in signs' antique shop in Prague.

   Here are some bazars from czech search engine

and here some antique shops

 I looked at some of those sites and found it unproductive. You may
try it.

This is google search for "starozitnosti, cedule" in google with with
preferences set to 'czech only'


It has hits like:
Staro?itnosti Stejskal
 ... mistr?.Nepo?kozené sklo, porcelán, porcelánové figurky a p?edm?ty
ze st?íbra,
 bronzu, m?di a mosazi.Reklamní smaltované cedule.Lidové d?evo?ezby
                        ========================= -
but it does not show what they have. That is fairly typical.

  May be you need someone who will go to antique shops with a digital
  camera and e-mail you pictures. I am afraid, this is a different 
  question which may be not be handled by this service. You may look
 and perhaps ask at if researcher is
 to recommend a specific person to act as such agent.


Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 23 Sep 2003 23:42 PDT
Thinking about your project, 
 "primarily as decoration .. humorous, old era.czech motives and

I got an idea!

You may want to look at the posters by Adolph Born. He is absolutely
and many of his drawings have motives from the Habsburg Era. Posters,
even original prints are available.

Some of his work is shown at the

Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 09 Oct 2003 19:42 PDT
      what is the state of your project?

      Did you find in the list an antique stores and bazars
      a shop which has 'signs' you are looking for?
      Or did you finished your project without the 'signs'?
      Or are you still looking?
     I happened to  see some 1920 era 'signs' in an antique shop yesterday.
     I can upload digital photosof them on a public server and post URL here,
     but I would need to know that you are still searching.

     Please give me some update or rate the answer.

Request for Answer Clarification by renoh-ga on 09 Oct 2003 22:13 PDT
The photos sound great - I'm still looking.  Thanks!

Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 11 Oct 2003 02:17 PDT

            This is the final summary of my search for the source
of the vintage ad signs in czech. I think we have covered all angles.

 I have identified the following as a good source   of Czech vintage
   It currently about lists 5 items, but new items show up 
  This is a URL to check  from time to time.    

A place which may be worthwile to contact is the following  store in

         " ... also has an unique gift shop offering collectables,
Hallmark Cards and Gifts,
 along with specialty items. In a town filled with people of Czech
heritage and
also attracting people of  Czech heritage .."      

Finally, I uploaded three photos which illustrate what can be found
in a randomly-chosen Prague antique store. 
The prices range from $10 to $100 in the store. 
This store, located in  the of Prague center was not interested in
shipping abroad.
 The signs are considered low-end items, not worth the trouble
of  being advertised on the internet or shipped overseas.    

If you want to buy something from an antique store in Prague and do
not already
have contacts in the Czech Republic,  you could post another Google
question to have
someone find you an intermediary.    As you know, Google researchers
are prohibited
from assuming such roles themselves.

Good luck on your project!    


Request for Answer Clarification by renoh-ga on 12 Oct 2003 20:57 PDT
Thanks for your answer.  The pictures you sent are exactly the kind of
signs I am looking for.  I'm not sure how to post the question to find
a person in Prague to find and send some.  Thanks!

Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 13 Oct 2003 08:48 PDT
          I am happy that we found what you are looking for.

    Something like this may do it:
 title:   Finding an agent in Prague , Czech Republic       

     " I need a  trustworthy agency  or agent 
 who would purchase local merchandise in the Czech republic
and ship it to the U.S. " 
Then specify : 

(1)what you what you  would want the agent to  do:

- Go to x number of  stores of his choice  (in Prague only?)
 -email photos  to you
- purchase items you select
 -ship  with insurance  

 (2)  Tell researcher what is a good answer 
how many agents/firms the Google researcher
should provide for you as a sufficient answer e.g. 3?  5?    

What he should he tell you about them
- contact data
 - hourly   rates
- years in business

(3) Price the question per guide mentined here


Most important: Do cooperate by answering RFCs (Requests for
Often researchers check the customers past question/answer dialogs
deciding taking on an assigment.


Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 28 Nov 2003 06:33 PST
      From time to time I look through my old answers and when I see 
      unrated one, I wonder if customer feels I have not done enough.

      My goal is provide enough info to satisfy any question I pick
      and so Inow put the following on the end of all (reasonable) dialogs:

     If you are happy with the answer, please do rate it . It helps me 
     to improve my skills if I know how well, or how badly, I did answer.
     If you are not happy, please do ask for clarification.

I would love to know where you are with your patio.
I have been in a small town in Moravia(on unrelated trip) and took few
more snapshots of signs,
I may have figured out a way to order them.
 But I need to know where you are before I invest more efort into this.


Request for Answer Clarification by renoh-ga on 28 Nov 2003 22:33 PST
Thanks for your message.  I actually haven't done much about it so
far, and figured I would just wait until someone I know goes there. 
If you have a way I could get it otherwise, let me know!  As far as
rating your answer, I think that you have done a super job!  Thanks! 
R. Mullen

Clarification of Answer by hedgie-ga on 30 Nov 2003 00:08 PST

    I have put a few more snapshots of signs into 

   These are in an antique shop in small town near Brno. 
  Owner said Sign5.JPG is not for sale - but of course,  most
  things do have a price.  The others were 1 to 3 thousand CZK.
  One thousand CZK is about $25 these days.   

    As you know, as researchers
  we are not allowed to get involved in any transactions.
  However, we are allowed to post contact data for businesses.
  Naturally, any arrangement would between you and the business.

   I asked about their policy on shipping abroad  and was told,  that
   they do not do it. It is a hassle and not worth it. I asked some more
   and was told:  "For anything to to be exported, which is over 50 years old
    one needs  certtication that item is not 'a national treasure',
add  another 500 KCZ to go to Brno to get it. It just is not worth all
that trouble." They do not have an e-mail as they do not touch
anything which not old. "If it does not has a wind-up handle, it is
not old. "   Mr.  Vavricek said.

   In another antique store, this one in Prague, they did not have any signs, 
   but do have an email  address, speak English, and are willing to
arrange the transaction. Naturally,  they would want to have expenses
and S/H paid in
   advance and add some markup to get it from the other store. 
  They look  honest - and I would guess  some 10% would do it. 
  Paper checks on US banks are not a workable option and PayPal has not 
  arrived as yet,   but an International Money Order should work.

 Their email is:
  address: ANTIK V DLOUHE
                 Dlouha 37,
                 Praha 1,
                 Czech Republic, Europe  

  The other store, the one near Brno, 
  Bazar Antik has phone +(420)   516 453 406 
  The very first store, for first three signs I originally posted,
is in Prague, on Pstrosova ulice.
 Once you establish  credit with the ANTIK on Dlouha, 
 I suppose they  will be able to find other signs, scattered around. 
 There is no specialist,  I am told, but there is some networking
between dealers.

       If you are happy with the answer, please do rate it . It helps me 
     to improve my skills if I know how well, or how badly, I  answered.
     If you are not happy, please do ask for clarification (i.e. post an RFC).
There are no comments at this time.

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