hi mxnmatch-ga,
For uniformly accelerated motion your equation is
x(t) = .5 *a*t*t + v*t + x(0)
For swinging, motion is constrained to an arc,
so that the only independent coordinate is the angle.
In both cases, easiest way to display the motion is to use
the energy conservation equation:
1/2 * m * v * v + m * g *h = constant
m cancels out, of course
g= 9.81 m / (s * s) is your a in free fall
In both cases h is height above some level, e.g. above cy.
For pendulum (polar coordinates)
h or y = cy - r*sin(alpha(t))
x= cx + r*cos(alpha(t))
where alpha is angle from vertical
The energy equation gives you v for every h you pick
and polar coordinates above give you time t
(or vice versa).
from v and t you can get all other quantities,
it is just trigonometry then.
The diagram is shown at
but you really need not to complicate your life with
most of that. If you stick to the energy equation above
and realize that the moment your guy lets go of the rope, the only
acceleration is the gravity g.
The speed vector vx, vy is given by the angle (theta in the drawing)
and magnitude v (same as used above). The state of your guy is just
[position, velocity]. The acceleration is gravity is known. So the
state allows you to continue the motion to any next state, where you
change the 'binding' [on the rope, in free flight].
Search Terms
Pendulum, equation
Please do rate my answer or ask
if anything is not clear.
hedgie |
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Sep 2003 11:31 PDT
Ok, so I solved the energy conservation equation for v and got:
v(t) = sqrt( 2*g*(cY-y(t)) )
but what is y(t)?
You equation you have below allows me to get y(t) if given alpha(t),
but I don't know alpha(t). I know alpha(0) (since that's just the
initial angle from vertical), but I don't know alpha(t).
Of course I still need to know x(t). If I knew x(t) then I could get
y(t) by using the circle equation. You have an equation to give me
x(t) if given alpha(t), but again I don't know how to get alpha(t).
I've been working under the assumption that the initial equation you
gave for uniformly accelerated motion doesn't really apply here
because a pendulum isn't uniformly accelerated in either the x or y
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Sep 2003 21:36 PDT
Ok, so to calculate it using Runge-Kutta I would do:
A' = f(t,A)
k1 = f(tn, An)
k2 = f(tn + h/2, An + (h/2)k1)
k3 = f(tn + h/2, An + (h/2)k2)
k4 = f(tn + h, An + h k3)
An+1 = An + (h/6)(k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4)
But I'm having trouble translating that further because tn isn't an
independent variable of An.
Would k1 and k2 be:
A''(t) = -g / L * sin( A(t) )
k1 = A''( A(tn) )
k2 = A''( A(tn) + (h/2)*k1 )
or would it be something like:
A''(t) = -g / L * sin( A(t) )
k1(tn) = A''( A(tn) )
k2(tn) = A''( A(tn) + (h/2) * k1(tn+h/2) )
Neither looks at all good to me. The first one drops the time
component completely which obviously can't be right. The second one
requires that I know what A(tn+h/2) is. That's just silly because
A(tn+h) is the value I'm solving for. I don't know what A(tn+h/2) is.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Sep 2003 21:46 PDT
You are quite right.
Swinging is not uniformly accelerated motion.
x(t) = .5 *a*t*t + v*t + x(0)
was there to gently correct yours
x(t) = a*a*t + v*t + x(0)
Now to the algorithm:
The 'state' of your guy is x,v, vx, vy and mode
mode is either 'free' or 'swing' as determined by logic of the game
--- you keep updating that state in each step
if mode is same as before, then
step: If mode = free then
x=x + vx*dt
y=y + vy*dt
vy= = vy - g *dt
draw guy at x,y
goto step
if mode = swing
these x, vx, .. are the state, which you know at each t
what happens next, at t+dt ?
Well, we know velocity vx, vy , so we update
x=x + vx*dt
y=y + vy*dt
draw guy
now we need new velocities:
magnitude v from energy equation
v=sqrt( E- gh/2)
alfa = arc tg x/y
vx = v * cos alfa
vy = v * sin alfa
goto step
If mode just changed from mode to swing
calculate energy E (that is constant in the energy equation
I gave yo., You cannot ignore it.
First, let pick a coordinate system at xc yc
Let E=0 when pendulum is at equilibrium xe=0 y= - R
then energy NOW is
E =y*g + 1/2 * m * v *v where v= sqrt (vx ^2 + vy^2) , right?
these x, vx, .. are the state, which you know at each t
That is. Do not mess up cordinate systems:
We placed center to Cx Cy here for simplicty
so you need to transform as you jump
That should be easy - but feel free to ask
for clarificarion
if all is clear, rate the answer please.
Comment by Shawf is 'All Correct' but is it a clumsy approach to
the algorithm. Energy equation represent Eq. of. Motion already
solved exactly, so you can choose any dt your graphics requires
and not worry about accuracy of the slover. By staying with x,y,
you have directly what your graphics needs.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Sep 2003 22:00 PDT
I gave yo., You cannot ignore it
should be
I gave you, You cannot ignore it
That is. Do not mess up cordinate systems:
should be
That is it. Do not mess up cordinate systems:
Sorry about that. Nobody's perfect - but then
what do you want? Good grammar or good algorithm?
Good spelling or good logic? :-)
Clarification of Answer by
17 Sep 2003 22:08 PDT
I assume you can correct yourself
few tiny typos like:
v=sqrt( E- gh/2)
should be
v=sqrt ( 2* (E - g * y))
and we take mass m=1, h=y
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Sep 2003 20:50 PDT
Thanks! We're on the home stretch now. However, I'm still having some
vx should start out as a small positive value and then increase until
the center (x=0) and then it should become negative. I think it would
then increase in value until we reach the right limit of the swing at
which point it becomes 0 and then a small negative value again.
However, in the equation you've given, vx never goes negative as far
as I can tell. I made a graph of the following in MuPAD:
where x is in the range [-50,50].
The result is an arc where vx is 0 at -50 and 50 and vx is 1 at x=0.
vx is never negative in that equation.
In case it's not clear, the equation started out as:
x*x + y*y = r*r
In this situation I have r=50, so I solved the circle equation for y
and substituted it into the first equation and then graphed it.
On the other hand, the equation for vy seems to show that vy is always
negative. vy should be 0 when x=0, positive when x>0, and negative
when x<0.
Of course, in both cases you need to multiple those values by v in
order to get the actual vx and vy. But since v is always positive it
wouldn't affect the signs of the result.
Right now, if I start swinging from the left then it actually looks
like a little jump instead of a swing. If it starts out at x=-25 then
when it reaches x=+25 it goes toward down-right for infinity.
By fiddling things around I found that if I start my swing on the left
side and change
y=y + vy*dt
to instead be
y=y - vy*dt
then I am able to swing from left to right (and the radius stays
constant). However, it never stops swinging. It just keeps going
faster and faster until it becomes horizontal at which point it
wiggles up and down across y=0 but stays on the right side.
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Sep 2003 20:51 PDT
Oh wait, I didn't see your correction. I'll try that and get back to you.
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Sep 2003 20:55 PDT
Nope. Even after I fixed the equation for v, it still does the same
thing (just faster).
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Sep 2003 20:59 PDT
BTW, if I start my swing on the right side it immediately starts
moving further toward the right. Obviously it is supposed to start
moving left.
Clarification of Answer by
19 Sep 2003 09:24 PDT
Please do nottake the pseudocode to represent a debuged program.
It sketches the general idea and usually needs some checking,
of signs, etc.
In the meantime, please check things like
alfa = arc tg x/y
may it is arc ctg x/y
You need to draw the triangle V, vx. vy etc
I usually do details like that during coding and debuging
usually. Not in the algorithm design stage.
I have to run right now - and will return to this soon.
Clarification of Answer by
19 Sep 2003 13:31 PDT
sorry for a delay mxnmatch
Let's check those signs: The coordinate system
has center at Cx, Cy, x axis is positive to the right, y up ...
Let's say the extreme right position is alpha= -30
(we swing from 250 to 330, 330 = -30,
as we measure angles from the x axis OK?)
x is positive R+cos alpha
y is R* sin alpha (which is negative)
height h= R+y , E= m* g *h both positive
v which you get from E is magnitude, it is positive
You look at the triangle formed by tangential velocity vector V
size is v, vx= v * sin alpha which is negative vy= v * cos alpha
so x gets smaller, returning to the y-axis
y gets larger (but being negative, smaller in absolute value)
I do not see a problem here.
Just be careful not to let the 'remaining energy D= E- 1/2 * m* v *v
get too small (or even negative). Reverse the motion before that happens.
Is it working now ?
Clarification of Answer by
20 Sep 2003 03:19 PDT
I guess , from your nonresponse, that it is not working.
So I went to the next step, reducing pseudocode
to code, and after a bit of debugging I decided
to modify it a bit:
The MODE =0 for FREE
+1 for swinging right
-1 for swinging left
we keep a track if the kinetic energy Ekin = E-m*g*h )
and when it get small (depending on time step, ..)
we explicitly reverse
That way v= sqrt( 2 * Ekin/m)) is always OK
(no root of negative number)
v always come out positive - that is property of function sqrt
in reality both + -, both positive and negative root have
physical meaning (same energy for swinging Left and Right)
so we use MODE to decide which way we go:
alfa= alfa +adot * dt * MODE
adot = v/radius -- angular velocity
than we update x and y from the alfa
and so on
It works. I would post the code, but it is in tcl
so I will just give you printout:
time @ x y angle(in rd) Ekin
wish swing.tcl
===== case start
$== now @ -3.26821810432 -3.78401247654 angle: 4.0 Ekin
0.556802495308 -0.756802495308
===== -.2 1.40712472795 9.9 5
4.5 @ -2.0039958604 -4.58082968374 angle: 4.3 Ekin
0.556802495308 -0.916165936749
4.6 @ -1.65691857462 -4.71748034835 angle: 4.37461919963 Ekin
0.716165936749 -0.94349606967
4.7 @ -1.25224105388 -4.84064999178 angle: 4.45924578746 Ekin
0.74349606967 -0.968129998357
4.8 @ -0.830714835702 -4.93050837762 angle: 4.54547200561 Ekin
0.768129998357 -0.986101675523
4.9 @ -0.395954719993 -4.98429732858 angle: 4.63311503148 Ekin
0.786101675523 -0.996859465717
5.0 @ 0.0469414412798 -4.99977964525 angle: 4.72177740656 Ekin
0.796859465717 -0.999955929051
5.1 @ 0.492477277911 -4.97568750333 angle: 4.81104439182 Ekin
0.799955929051 -0.995137500665
5.2 @ 0.934942452283 -4.9118105227 angle: 4.90048464725 Ekin
0.795137500665 -0.98236210454
5.3 @ 1.36863618696 -4.80903680457 angle: 4.98965513007 Ekin
0.78236210454 -0.961807360915
5.4 @ 1.78809664516 -4.66933725357 angle: 5.07810636548 Ekin
0.761807360915 -0.933867450714
5.5 @ 2.18831990208 -4.49569305071 angle: 5.16538794205 Ekin
0.733867450714 -0.899138610141
5.6 @ 2.56495257356 -4.29197137634 angle: 5.25105400597 Ekin
0.699138610141 -0.858394275269
5.7 @ 2.91444456673 -4.06275926772 angle: 5.33466851489 Ekin
0.658394275269 -0.812551853544
5.8 @ 3.23415231296 -3.81316913034 angle: 5.41581001323 Ekin
0.612551853544 -0.762633826068
5.9 @ 3.52238766844 -3.5486314423 angle: 5.49407570517 Ekin
0.562633826068 -0.709726288459
6.0 @ 3.77841272556 -3.27469040908 angle: 5.56908462638 Ekin
0.509726288459 -0.654938081815
6.1 @ 4.00238537215 -2.99681686674 angle: 5.64047974445 Ekin
0.454938081815 -0.599363373348
6.2 @ 4.19526400185 -2.7202499802 angle: 5.70792884243 Ekin
0.399363373348 -0.54404999604
6.3 @ 4.35868196708 -2.44987581519 angle: 5.77112404584 Ekin
0.34404999604 -0.489975163039
6.4 @ 4.49480307358 -2.19014733059 angle: 5.82977982101 Ekin
0.289975163039 -0.438029466119
6.5 @ 4.6061687443 -1.94504742849 angle: 5.88362916298 Ekin
0.238029466119 -0.389009485698
6.6 @ 4.6955456567 -1.71809516206 angle: 5.93241742654 Ekin
0.189009485698 -0.343619032411
6.7 @ 4.76577988168 -1.51239615159 angle: 5.97589264772 Ekin
0.143619032411 -0.302479230319
6.8 @ 4.81965972035 -1.33074422036 angle: 6.01378974951 Ekin
0.102479230319 -0.266148844072
6.8 !!!!! reversal
6.9 @ 4.72464241832 -1.63638443497 angle: 5.94976499482 Ekin 5
7.0 @ 4.24415261358 -2.64332529074 angle: 5.72615819707 Ekin
0.127276886993 -0.528665058147
7.1 @ 4.14716901765 -2.79302508743 angle: 5.69048231068 Ekin
0.328665058147 -0.558605017486
7.2 @ 3.98032121237 -3.02606064817 angle: 5.63315299373 Ekin
0.358605017486 -0.605212129634
7.3 @ 3.79208329296 -3.25885014987 angle: 5.57326935511 Ekin
0.405212129634 -0.651770029973
7.4 @ 3.57709670741 -3.49347665598 angle: 5.50961308051 Ekin
0.451770029973 -0.698695331196
7.5 @ 3.33438640242 -3.725837801 angle: 5.44239924042 Ekin
0.498695331196 -0.7451675602
7.6 @ 3.0631817068 -3.9518246205 angle: 5.37178087658 Ekin
0.5451675602 -0.790364924099
7.7 @ 2.76331600934 -4.16702347396 angle: 5.29794541354 Ekin
0.590364924099 -0.833404694792
7.8 @ 2.43530402009 -4.3668403142 angle: 5.2211102052 Ekin
0.633404694792 -0.87336806284
7.9 @ 2.08041967751 -4.54663105666 angle: 5.14152347925 Ekin
0.67336806284 -0.909326211333
8.0 @ 1.70074570941 -4.70185750868 angle: 5.05946447226 Ekin
0.709326211333 -0.940371501736
8.1 @ 1.29918782137 -4.82826169597 angle: 4.97524296602 Ekin
0.740371501736 -0.965652339195
8.2 @ 0.879446812004 -4.92204970565 angle: 4.88919812296 Ekin
0.765652339195 -0.984409941129
8.3 @ 0.445944552299 -4.98007363965 angle: 4.80169656073 Ekin
0.784409941129 -0.996014727929
8.4 @ 0.00370329873796 -4.99999862856 angle: 4.7131296402 Ekin
0.796014727929 -0.999999725712
8.5 @ -0.441817996874 -4.980441432 angle: 4.62390998273 Ekin
0.799999725712 -0.996088286401
8.6 @ -0.884922336547 -4.92106822329 angle: 4.53446727896 Ekin
0.796088286401 -0.984213644658
8.7 @ -1.31989625755 -4.8226417936 angle: 4.44524349926 Ekin
0.784213644658 -0.964528358719
8.8 @ -1.74123934567 -4.68701243236 angle: 4.35668766124 Ekin
0.764528358719 -0.937402486472
8.9 @ -2.14388522243 -4.51705171025 angle: 4.26925034891 Ekin
0.737402486472 -0.903410342049
9.0 @ -2.5233979141 -4.31653367497 angle: 4.18337820637 Ekin
0.703410342049 -0.863306734993
9.1 @ -2.87612971072 -4.08997284674 angle: 4.09950864443 Ekin
0.663306734993 -0.817994569349
9.2 @ -3.19933037248 -3.84243219429 angle: 4.01806499919 Ekin
0.617994569349 -0.768486438858
9.3 @ -3.49120229463 -3.57931649033 angle: 3.93945236857 Ekin
0.568486438858 -0.715863298066
9.4 @ -3.75090130957 -3.30616686903 angle: 3.86405432888 Ekin
0.515863298066 -0.661233373805
9.5 @ -3.97848748314 -3.0284711236 angle: 3.79223070477 Ekin
0.461233373805 -0.60569422472
9.6 @ -4.17483396782 -2.75150165203 angle: 3.72431654028 Ekin
0.40569422472 -0.550300330407
9.7 @ -4.3415043298 -2.48018954001 angle: 3.66062240988 Ekin
0.350300330407 -0.496037908001
9.8 @ -4.48060964163 -2.21903971107 angle: 3.60143623494 Ekin
0.296037908001 -0.443807942213
9.9 @ -4.59465610715 -1.97208905911 angle: 3.5470268692 Ekin
0.243807942213 -0.394417811822
10.0 @ -4.68639228094 -1.74290773972 angle: 3.49764995737 Ekin
0.194417811822 -0.348581547944
10.1 @ -4.75866227291 -1.53464437978 angle: 3.45355712214 Ekin
0.148581547944 -0.306928875956
10.2 @ -4.81426764335 -1.35012112722 angle: 3.41501084502 Ekin
0.106928875956 -0.270024225444
10.2 !!!!! reversal
10.3 @ -4.71574068794 -1.66186334099 angle: 3.48041080709 Ekin 5
10.4 @ -4.22982260274 -2.66619593229 angle: 3.70401760484 Ekin
0.132372668198 -0.533239186458
10.5 @ -4.13004039392 -2.81829138745 angle: 3.74040065971 Ekin
0.333239186458 -0.56365827749
10.6 @ -3.96056004263 -3.05187878998 angle: 3.79812753269 Ekin
0.36365827749 -0.610375757997
10.7 @ -3.76943153815 -3.28502448685 angle: 3.85843161858 Ekin
0.410375757997 -0.657004897369
10.8 @ -3.55140310403 -3.51959315727 angle: 3.922492196 Ekin
0.457004897369 -0.703918631453
10.9 @ -3.30554031641 -3.75145348053 angle: 3.99009433335 Ekin
0.503918631453 -0.750290696106
11.0 @ -3.03113352286 -3.976459426 angle: 4.06108155977 Ekin
0.550290696106 -0.7952918852
11.1 @ -2.72808774363 -4.1901715076 angle: 4.13526314078 Ekin
0.5952918852 -0.838034301519
11.2 @ -2.39699903275 -4.38798309443 angl
Clarification of Answer by
20 Sep 2003 03:21 PDT
we keep a track if the kinetic energy Ekin = E-m*g*h )
and when it get small
should be
we keep track f the kinetic energy Ekin
when it gets small, we reverse
Request for Answer Clarification by
22 Sep 2003 00:04 PDT
I've got it working! Thanks for all your help! I continued with the
previous approach instead of using the alfa= alfa +adot * dt you
mentioned in your most recent message.
However, I was never able to get all the signs working correctly
because there were so many different signs to worry about. (the sign
of h, the sign of the velocity, vx and vy, the sign of alfa, etc. I
was trying to make sure this worked even if I started the swing while
above 0,0 and while having an initial vx and vy (say because I was
jumping and swung the rope to grab something below me).
So, I ended up just taking the absolute value of all the numbers
everywhere. I then just added a sequence of if-then-else statements to
make all the signs work correctly. It's not pretty, but it solved all
my problems and made the code easier to understand because I don't
need to worry that the wrong sign in one part makes things go really
goofy in another part. Signs were hard to debug because sometimes two
mistakes would cancel each other out if I'm swinging in the lower left
quadrant but then things break when I enter the lower right quadrant.
The only thing that isn't quite right is that if I start swinging from
very near vertical (above 0,0) then it seems to lose a little bit of
total velocity because it swings in between points that are a little
bit to the right and left of the vertical. But it looks good and I
think the problem might just be that I'm putting in the initial
kinetic energy wrongly, but I'll figure that out later on.
I'll close the question in a little bit (I want to keep it open just
in case you have any additional comments). Thanks!
Want to see the final product? Here it is (in Java):
public void doUpdate(double dt) {
if(!swinging) {
swinging = true;
double origVx = 0;
double origVy = g*dt;
origV = Math.sqrt(origVx*origVx + origVy*origVy);
prevV = origV;
double origH = radius + origYOffset;
origPotentialEnergy = Math.abs( 2*g*origH );
origKineticEnergy = origV*origV;
if( (origVy < 0) == (origVx < 0)) {
// going clockwise
swingingClockwise = true;
} else {
// going counterclockwise
swingingClockwise = false;
prevKineticEnergy = origKineticEnergy;
double h = radius + yOffset;
double curPotentialEnergy = Math.abs(2*g*h);
double curKineticEnergy = origKineticEnergy +
(origPotentialEnergy - curPotentialEnergy);
double curV;
assert curKineticEnergy >= 0;
if(curKineticEnergy < 0)
throw new
org.g42.exception.RuntimeExceptionCarrier("curKineticEnergy < 0");
double curKineticEnergyChange = (curKineticEnergy -
if(curKineticEnergyChange < 0) {
// kinetic energy is decreasing
if( Math.abs(curKineticEnergy) < 0.0001 ) {
swingingClockwise = !swingingClockwise;
curV = Math.sqrt( Math.abs(curKineticEnergy) );
if(curV > maxVelocity*1.10) {
maxVelocity="+ maxVelocity +" curV="+ curV);
maxVelocity = curV;
double f;
f = Math.atan( Math.abs( xOffset / yOffset ) );
double alfa = (Math.PI/2 - f);
vx = Math.abs( curV * Math.cos( alfa - Math.PI/2 ) );
vy = Math.abs( curV * Math.sin( alfa - Math.PI/2 ) );
if(xOffset > 0) {
if(yOffset > 0) {
// up right
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = vx;
vy = -vy;
} else {
vx = -vx;
vy = vy;
} else if(yOffset < 0) {
// down right
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = -vx;
vy = -vy;
} else {
vx = vx;
vy = vy;
} else {
// middle right
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = 0;
vy = -vy;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = vy;
} else if(xOffset < 0) {
if(yOffset > 0) {
// up left
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = vx;
vy = vy;
} else {
vx = -vx;
vy = -vy;
} else if(yOffset < 0) {
// down left
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = -vx;
vy = vy;
} else {
vx = vx;
vy = -vy;
} else {
// middle left
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = 0;
vy = vy;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = -vy;
} else {
if(yOffset > 0) {
// up middle
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = vx;
vy = 0;
} else {
vx = -vx;
vy = 0;
} else if(yOffset < 0) {
// down middle
if(swingingClockwise) {
vx = -vx;
vy = 0;
} else {
vx = vx;
vy = 0;
} else {
// middle middle
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
yOffset += vy*dt;
xOffset += vx*dt;
// It's not actually necessary if you only swing a few times,
but if you leave something
// swinging for minutes or hours or more then this is needed
to keep it on track (unless you up the number of
// calculations per second much higher in order to keep
greater accuracy. But that's somewhat pointless if
// this fudge is available. So long as we only want to move
along a circle then this will be fine.
if(alternate) {
double xOffsetSign = 1;
if(xOffset < 0) {
xOffsetSign = -1;
} else {
xOffsetSign = 1;
xOffset = xOffsetSign * Math.sqrt( Math.abs(radius*radius
- yOffset*yOffset) );
} else {
double yOffsetSign = 1;
if(yOffset < 0) {
yOffsetSign = -1;
} else {
yOffsetSign = 1;
yOffset = yOffsetSign * Math.sqrt( Math.abs(radius*radius
- xOffset*xOffset) );
alternate = !alternate;
prevV = curV;
prevKineticEnergy = curKineticEnergy;
prevKineticEnergyChange = curKineticEnergyChange;
Clarification of Answer by
22 Sep 2003 02:37 PDT
congratulations mxnmatch
Looks good. The hack of 'staying on track'
is not needed if the x,y, is calculated from
alfa. The combination of that and the energy
approach is the most stable method, which
satisifies constrain and conservation forever,
for any dt. But - there are many OK ways to
achieve the same goal.
good luck