Hi there,
The Blogger template can be found by clicking on the Template tab at
the top right of your Blogger account.
The Blogger help files say:
"Comment functionality is not yet built into Blogger. In the meantime,
however, there are several third-party tools and services that will
allow you to easily add comments to your Blogger blog."
Follow the link to see the third-party services you could use.
2. mailto: in the sig line
According to the Blogger help files:
<BlogItemAuthorEmail> is the email address of the author of a post, as
stored in the Profile Editor.
The usage appears to be <$BlogItemAuthorEmail$>, just insert it in the
template where you wish it to appear.
I made a clickable email link of the author's name by going to the
template and replacing
posted by <$BlogItemAuthorNickname$>
posted by <a href="mailto:<$BlogItemAuthorEmail$>"><$BlogItemAuthorNickname$></a>
3. Search this blog
First of all, an RSS is
"... a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites,
including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites
like Slashdot, and personal weblogs. Once information about each item
is in RSS format, an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes
and react to the changes in an appropriate way."
More at http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/12/18/dive-into-xml.html
Here's an example of a Blogger RSS feed:
RSS Syndication was offered as a part of Blogger Pro:
Blogger just recently offered all the Blogger Pro features to regular
Blogger users for free. Although I can't make it work on my Blogger
account at present, one can only presume that it will be available in
the future, because an email to Blogger Pro users says:
"We're no longer offering Blogger Pro as a separate product and we're
folding most of the features into regular (free) Blogger.
Don't worry - nothing you paid for is going away. Your subscription is
still valid, and you will continue to have access to features like RSS
and post-via-email that are still not in the free version."
In the meantime, if you can't wait for Blogger to offer it again (one
cannot subscribe to Blogger Pro any more), and you are using your own
server for your blog, there is a Perl program that can create a RSS
feed for you:
Don't be surprised if Google incorporate Blogger searching one day,
with constant index updates.
4. Permalinks
I found this at the Blogger Unofficial FAQ blog
Several of the Blogger tags are used to build permalinks, which are
the links for each post that lead to that post's permanent location in
the archives. To make permalinks work, you need two sets of tags.
Before the <$BlogItemBody$> tag, include
<a name="<$BlogItemNumber$>"></a>
(or <a id="post<$BlogItemNumber$>"></a> if you insist on XHTML)
Then, for the link itself, use
<a href="<$BlogItemArchiveFileName$>#<$BlogItemNumber$>"><$BlogItemDateTime$></a>
(or <a href="<$BlogItemArchiveFileName$>#post<$BlogItemNumber$>"><$BlogItemDateTime$></a>
for XHTML)
Since it may not be obvious to everyone what the link is, even if you
use "link" as the text rather than the post time, including
title="Permanent link to this item in the archives" is a good idea.
In my current Blogger blog, and I haven't touched the template, there
is a "#" below each entry, which links to the archived page containing
the entry. I have chosen monthly archiving, so the entire month of
entries appear when it is clicked on. The best way around this is the
newly introduced ability to have daily archives.
In the template you can change the second "#" in this line to
"permalink" or whatever you wish to call it...
<div class="byline"><a
href="<$BlogItemArchiveFileName$>#<$BlogItemNumber$>">#</a> posted by
<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$> @ <$BlogItemDateTime$></div>
Google search keywords:
blogger permalinks
"rss is"
rss blogger
The Blogger KnowledgeBase is a good starting point for any questions
you have in the future:
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |