The controversy began on October 11, 1979, when John B. Connally
delivered a speech outlining his views on the Middle East. The speech
was delivered to the Washington Press Club.
Connally stated:
"A clear distinction must be drawn by the United States between
support of Israel's security, which is a moral imperative, and support
for Israel's broader territorial acquisitions. We must now pursue a
new approach based not merely on individual Arab or Israeli interests,
but on American interests."
Connally also stated that the Camp David agreements did not "provide
the basis for successful negotiations on the remaining issues."
He also proposed a Palestinian decision on whether to set up an
"independent entity" on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, or the
creation of an automous area within Jordan.
He also stated:
"The tension between black and Jewish communities is only the latest
in a series of conflicts that could, in time, impinge upon the
integrity of our own society."
Source: The New York Times, October 12, 1979, p.A1, "Connally Urges
Israeli Withdrawal From 3 Areas Occupied Since 1967" by Bernard
Connally was also quoted as saying, "I did not... as is customary for
presidential candidates... take all my cues on Israel from the Israeli
embassy and 'lobby."
"A Certain People: American Jews and their Lives Today" (1985) by
Charles Silberman, p. 338.
search strategy:
new york times, library database, connally israel
I hope this helps. |