Dear luisffoliveira,
Concerning the first song, I have, alas, only bad news. I tried
everything I could think of to identify it by the extracts of the
lyrics you provided. But neither general search engines nor special
lyrics search engines were able to lead me to the right song, though I
tried various combinations, variations and writing variants. When this
brought me nowhere, I called two music TV stations and three radio
stations, but they could not help me either. After that, I surrendered
to the odds. I am shamefaced, but the first song proved absolutely
untraceable. Maybe it is a tune by little-known artists of very
limited or purely local notoriety since there seems to be no
information at all on a song with those or similar lyrics, I'm afraid.
But now to the good news: I managed to find out all details on the
second song! It is "Dark Hearted Discos" by the British band, Hefner.
It has been released February 25, 2002 together with four other songs
as "The Hefner Brain", a CD-EP (PURE125CDS) or 10-inch vinyl
(PURE125X), respectively, by the UK-based record label Too Pure.
You can find the complete lyrics of "Dark Hearted Disco" here: - hefners unofficial home on the web
A discography of the band Hefner can be found here:
Hefner - UK-only discography
This is Hefner's section on the website of Too Pure:
Too Pure - Artists - Hefner
Search terms used:
"cause you've got time and you can start again":
hefner "dark hearted discos":
Again, I beg your pardon for not finding out more concerning the first
song and hope you are content with the information on the second tune.
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