Dear Smokey Mischief,
There are several organisations that grant or loan money to Third
World entrepreneurs. Lets start with a long list, available from the
Directory of Developmental Organisation, that contains organisations
that assist with funds to small businesses in Guyana in particular <>.
Another source could be:
Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED), Guyana - IPED
promotes the development and growth of micro and small businesses. All
clients must save in an emergency fund. Managerial and technical
training is mandatory for all clients.
Lot 254 South Rd., Bourda
If your friend is between 18 and 30, s/he could participate in their
Guyana Youth Business Trust,2289,World-401-11-0-0-0-0,00.html
The Empretec Guyana Center provides all sorts of assistance to
entrepreneurs and small business owners:
International Guarantee Fund (IGF)<> assists
small entrepreneurs in the Third World to become independent of
subsidies and aid by helping them create their own income. In this
way, organizations of entrepreneurs in precarious financial situations
have shown that they can be cost effective. (From their Web Site).
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration <> loans funds for small
Calvert Social Investment Foundation < > has Investment, Research and
Donation products that support community development organizations,
across the country and around the world.
UP Micro Loans <> assists businesses in
several Third World countries. Guyana is not mentioned as a main
recipient, but they write that they help in other countries as well.
The site Alternative Finance has a long list of bodies involved in
microfinance and other Third World or poor business initiatives <>
George Soros Funds for small businesses are available here:
I hoe that answered your question. I used the following search terms:
Guyana "small businesses"
Guyana "entrepreneur"
Guyana "entrepreneurship"
Guyana "micro finance"
Guyana microfinance
Please contact me with any clarification before you tip/rate the
answer. |