The Adbusters Media Foundation (whose website is called has produced an advertisement which features Jimi
Hendrix's version of the national anthem. Here is the text of the ad:
Because my country has sold its soul to corporate power
Because consumerism has become our national religion
Because we've forgotten the true meaning of freedom
And because patriotism now means agreeing with the president
I pledge to do my duty... and take my country back.
According to the website, the ad was scheduled to
air today on CNN at 4:30 PM (EST), which would have been during the
broadcast of "Crossfire":
"It's a go: Adbusters' Unbrand America TV Spot is poised to hit the
airwaves. We've wrangled a 30-second chunk of national airtime. More
than half a million tubes, all ours. Watch it- with everyone else
tuned to CNN- Monday, September 22, around 4:30 EST." This Ad on CNN
You can view the ad in Quicktime or Real format here: Adbusters' Unbrand America TV Spot
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "unbrand america" + "cnn"
If this is not the ad you're looking for, or if anything is unclear,
please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance
before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |