Hello Diebad,
My search returned the following results for alternatives to the
D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program and for the most
popular anti-drug programs in use in public schools.
According to a study by Denise Hallfors, published in August 2002, in
Health Education Research, a journal for educators the most popular
programs in use in schools are D.A.R.E., Here's Looking at You 2000
and McGruff's Drug Prevention and Child Protection.
The survey included school districts from Arkansas, California,
Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, New
Jersey, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin.
First Coast News
National Center for Policy Analysis
Here's Looking At You
You may read a description of the program here:
Contact for: Here's Looking At You
Organization: AGC/United Media
Email: agc@mcs.net
Address: 1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 100
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (800) 323-9084
Website: http://www.chef.org/prevention/looking.php
McGruff's Drug Prevention and Child Protection
McGruffs School Safety Programs teach tens of thousands of Hoosier
kindergartners, first, second and third graders how to protect their
own personal safety, ways to "say no to drugs," and that they dont
need gangs to "fit in." Each classroom program, based on U.S.
Department of Justice studies, includes take-home materials so that
parents may reinforce these vital messages during dinner or bedtime.
Dr. Hallfors discusses the following proven programs:
Proven programs are available, such as Reconnecting Youth, Life
Skills Training, Project ALERT, Project STAR, Alcohol Misuse
Prevention and Project Northland, Hallfors said. These and other good
programs offer schools a growing choice of effective drug prevention
and education curricula.
National Center for Policy Analysis
Reconnecting Youth
You may read a description of the program here:
National Educational Services
P.O. Box 8
Bloomington, IN 47402-0008
Phone: 800-733-6786
Fax: 812-336-7790
E-Mail: amyr@nesonline.com
URL: http://www.nesonline.com/Public/index.asp
LifeSkills Training (LST)
You may read a description of the program here:
For materials: Princeton Health Press
115 Wall St.
Princeton , NJ 08540
Phone: 609-921-0540
Fax: 609-921-3593
E-Mail: e-mail phpinfo@AOL.com
URL: http://www.lifeskillstraining.com/
Project Alert
You may read a short description of the program here:
BEST Foundation for a Drug-Free Tomorrow
725 South Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA 90017-5416
Phone: 213-623-0580
Fax: 213-623-0585
E-Mail: info@projectalert.best.org
URL: http://www.projectalert.best.org/
Midwestern Prevention Project (MPP, referred to locally as Project
You may read a short description of the program here:
Dr. Mary Ann Pentz, Principal Investigator Karen Bernstein, Project
Manager University of Southern California Department of Preventive
Medicine School of Medicine USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
1441 Eastlake Avenue, MS-44
Los Angeles , CA 90089-9175
Phone: 323-865-0325
Fax: 323-865-0134
E-Mail: karenber@usc.edu
Another description of Project Star
Alternative contact information
Project Northland
You may read a short description of the program here:
Cheryl L. Perry, Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health,
University of Minnesota; for Project Northland materials contact: Ann
Standing, Hazelden at 651-213-4030 or 800-328-9000
300 West Bank Office Building, 1300 S. Second St., Suite 300
Minneapolis , Mn 55455
Phone: 612-624-4188
Fax: 612-624-0315
E-Mail: perry@epi.umn.edu
URL: http://www.hazelden.org/
Sara Veblen-Mortenson, 612-624-0057
Here is an alternative description of the program
Additional information that may interest you
Scroll down to the center of the page of the following link to see a
list of instructional programs used by schools for alcohol, tobacco
and other drug (ATOD) prevention education.
Right Choices for Youth Program Guide:
The SourceBook of Drug and Violence Prevention Programs for Children
and Adolescents.
Hamilton Fish Institute Programs Database
Search criteria:
Most successful anti-drug programs in public schools
Successful anti-drug programs in public schools
School drug prevention programs
Hallfors survey drug
Anti drug programs +schools
I hope the above information helps you in your research. If anything
is unclear or if a link does not function, please let me know and Ill
be glad to offer further assistance.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |