Hello Norton!
It appears that Grab.com is suffering from technical difficulties.
A WHOIS query at [ http://www.whois.sc/grab.com ] shows the domain as
Active, but lists the page title as "403 Forbidden" - a code which is
returned by the server when access is deliberately being denied,
usually because there is a problem with the site or it is undergong
Connected Encyclopedia explains the 403 Forbidden error here:
403 Forbidden
Attempting to access the page produces a 500 Internal Server Error,
which indicates that there is a technical problem with the site that
the owners need to fix before it will function correctly again.
The text of the error reads:
"Technical Information (for support personnel)
* Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)
The precision is invalid.
/aspaddin/Grab/GrabGeneral.asp, line 58"
...which indicates that there is a problem with the site's database.
For additional information, you can contact the sites owners:
Bradford & Reed, inc. (GRAB13-DOM)
1040 1st Avenue Suite 260
NEW YORK, NY 10022
Domain Name: GRAB.COM
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
mailbits.com (DN2523-ORG)
1040 1st Avenue Suite 260
New York, NY 10022
212 355 0505 fax: - - 1-718-380-6672
Hope that helps!
Search terms: None. Attempted to access the site, and ran a WHOIS
query. |