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Q: biographical information on J.F. Hampton ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   6 Comments )
Subject: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Asked by: ken-ga
List Price: $40.00
Posted: 22 Apr 2002 06:58 PDT
Expires: 31 May 2002 06:43 PDT
Question ID: 2600
I am looking for information on John Fitzgerald Hampton. The name may also be  
written as J.F. Hampton, or Jack Fitz-Gerald Hampton. He was the author of  
Modern Angling Bibliography, London, 1947, Hampton On Pike Fishing, London,  
1947, and several books on food service and catering. I am assuming that he is  
no longer living, but he was listed in International Authors and Writers Who's  
Who in 1976 as living in Birmingham, England. I am planning to publish a new  
angling bibliography based in part on Hampton's 1947 book, and I would like to  
include biographical information on Hampton. I would like to find out (1) when  
he died, (2) did he leave any family, (3) how to contact any family or  
relatives, (4) find a portrait of Hampton, and (5) any other biographical  
information on Hampton. The only clue that I have come up with so far is the  
fact that he may have been a member of The Flyfishers' Club of London, but I  
have not been able to confirm that. 

Request for Question Clarification by seeker-ga on 22 Apr 2002 21:44 PDT
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the author John Fitzgerald Hampton. 
I have started to research your question but wanted to check if you had any  
further information to assist me. I am continuing my search  
while waiting for your clarification and have a couple of possible  
leads for you. 
For example, are you able to provide his date and place of birth? An exact  
place & date of birth could help us locate him in the vital records held in the  
UK government database.  It would also further assist in finding and locating  
any of his remaining family or relatives through birth and marriage records. 
Thank you for your question. 

Request for Question Clarification by seeker-ga on 28 Apr 2002 17:10 PDT
Dear Porter 
As per your request I am still researching the web for  
John (Jack) Fitz-Gerald Hampton and discovered that the  
UK vital statistics records currently available on the web  
only cover the period from 1837-1900.  
The period from 1900 to present are kept in "Hard copy" and   
have not been transferred to digital format for the web.  
According to one of the commentators (mhofstede-ga)  
Mr. Hampton was born in 1909 and he is therefore not  
in this electronic database.  
Handwritten records of the vital statistics are available at  
the General Register Office, Smedly Hydro Trafalgar Road, Southport,  
Merseyside PR8 2HH, United Kingdom. 
If you wish to order a "Hard copy" of Mr. Hampton's death certificate
through the mail, please let me know so that I can help to guide you
through the paperwork involved.
Furthermore, reply from the London School of economics to  
verify Mr. Hampton's graduation proved fruitless,  
I am still looking and following other leads. 

Clarification of Question by ken-ga on 02 May 2002 17:36 PDT
To Seeker: did you get my message asking for help in getting J.F.
Hampton's death certificate from the General Register Office? Let me
know what the proceedure is, please. Have you discovered anything else
about Hampton? Ken
Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
Answered By: seeker-ga on 15 May 2002 14:14 PDT
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Dear Ken

From my research I have discovered that UK vital records from 1901 to
present are available in hard copy only.

I would like to suggest that you establish some personal contacts with
either private investigators or a vital records ordering service in
the UK to help you to obtain further information about Mr. Hampton.

In addition, I was able to locate Mr. Hampton's publisher,
W&R Chambers now called Chambers Harrap publishers.

Below is reply to my email from Chambers Harrap:

"Thank you for your email. Unfortunately I couldn't find any record of
this author in our files. Harrap went into receivership some years ago
and was subsequently acquired by Chambers, who only kept mainly the
dictionaries and
reference books. I suggest that you contact The Society of Authors (84
Drayton Gardens, London SW10 9SB Tel: 0207 272 6642, Fax: 0207 373
5768), who may be able to help you trace the Estate, alternatively you
could try the website, which has information on family trees."

Alternatively, you may wish to contact the UK General Records office
(GRO) and try to utilize their Traceline help service or contact their
overseas inquiry desk for further assistance telephone number is +44
(0) 870 243 7788.

The General Records office (GRO) UK maybe able to assist you with
Their Traceline service however, you must first call them at: 0151 471
4811 to discuss your needs. There is also another office linked to the
GRO called
the Family Records Center (FRC) that performs the same functions as 
the GRO.

For Traceline please see:

"If you require a certificate the minimum details required for a
search to be carried out are the full names and approximate date of

"Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Office for
National Statistics (ONS). Payment from abroad should be by
international money order, cheque or draft (payable in London) in
favor of ONS and should always be expressed in sterling. If you are
applying by post, please do not send cash. Payment can also be made by
Visa, Access, Mastercard or Switch. Cash is accepted at the Family
Records Centre (FRC).

"Please note - if you do not make your cheque payable to ONS we will
be unable to process your order and your cheque will be returned to
you therefore delaying your application.

"Postal Fees
Correspondence should be addressed to:
General Register Office, PO Box 2, Southport, 
Merseyside, PR8 2JD  UK

You can also apply in person to:

The Family Records Centre (FRC)
1 Myddelton Street,
London EC1R 1UW 

Full birth, Marriage, death or adoption certificate  
£ 6.50

Short (abbreviated) certificate of birth  
£ 6.50

Priority service (24 hour service excluding weekends and Bank

Full birth, Marriage, death or adoption certificate  
£ 22.50

Short (abbreviated) certificate of birth   
£ 22.50

"The lower postal fees apply only where the exact General Reference
Office index reference is supplied.

"However, if the index reference quoted is incorrect, an
administrative/checking fee of £4.50 will be charged for
the first reference checked, and £3.00 for each subsequent 
reference on the same application 

"Please note that for applications made at the FRC an administrative
charge of £3.00 will be retained if:

the GRO index reference quoted is incorrect the details and checking
points quoted do not correspond to the entry

In both these cases, a certificate will not be produced."
"Applying from abroad? 

"You can apply from abroad by writing to or telephoning GRO. The
telephone number is +44 (0) 870 243 7788. Payment should be made by
credit card or by an International Money Order made out to ONS
expressed in pounds Sterling with a UK clearing bank.

"Registration District, Registration Sub-district and County
Reference Number - for GRO certificates this is the same as the number
after the district code in the GRO index e.g. for a death registered
in Liverpool (district code 7b) which appears in the GRO index as 7b
123 this will be 123

*Where and when died 

*Name and Surname 




*Cause of death and either

*The name of the doctor who issued the Certificate for   
 Registration or the fact that a doctor had not been in attendance 

*Signature, Description (qualification to be informant) and 
 residence of  informant 

*When registered 

*Signature of registrar 

"Some certificates may have extra information in the margin
After 1953, the information is broadly similar except that date 
and place of birth replaces age and the maiden name of married women
is given "

For GRO information in the UK please see:

General Records Office:

GRO Fee table and other relevant information:


There are also private fee based services that are able to assist you
in your search.

UK private investigators:

Vital records ordering service:

Regrettably since all current vital records are kept in hard copy and
I am unable to access them from a distance I hope that I have been
able to provide you with enough information to allow you to pursue
this further on your own.

Search Terms: UK vital records, John Hampton, Jack Hampton, John
Fitzgerald Hampton, W&R Chambers, Scottishpublishers, Fly Fishing,
London Fly Fishing Clubs,London school of economics Alumni .


Request for Answer Clarification by ken-ga on 15 May 2002 17:25 PDT
Dear Seeker;
Thanks for the additional information. It provides a lot of leads for
me to work through. Thanks for your help. Ken
ken-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars
I didn't get the concrete information that I was looking for on my
question, but Seeker did provide a large number of promising leads for
me to run down. These may eventually provide the information that I
need. I am pleased with all of the help that Seeker provided. Ken

Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
From: duncan-ga on 22 Apr 2002 13:41 PDT
did the International Who's Who give any part of the Birmingham address?
Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
From: ken-ga on 23 Apr 2002 08:36 PDT
to Seeker & Duncan; I have never been able to find John Fitzgerald Hampton's 
birth date. His listing in International Authors & Writers Who's Who 1977, 
lists him under the name Jack Fiz-Gerald Hampton, address 29 St. James Road, 
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2NX. They give his place of birth as "Hampton, 
Middx."...Educated London School of Economics & Political Science". Besides his 
book titles they list him as "Broadcaster, Norwegian Radio, BBC Wales. Hons: 
Silver Medalist Int. Culinary Exhib., Frankfurt, Germany; FHCI; ARSH.".

Keep working. I really would like to know more about him, and if he left any 
family, to get in touch with them to get biographical material. Thanks. Ken
Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
From: mhofstede-ga on 24 Apr 2002 01:09 PDT
Here is some more recent information on Jack Hampton, taken from The Writers 
Directory 1984-1986:

"Hampton, Jack Fitz-Gerald. British, b. 1909. Business/Trade/Industry, 
Sports/Physical Education/Keeping fit. Lectr., Walsall Sch. of Art, and Sutton 
Coldfield Coll. of Further Education. Publs: Hampton on Pike Fishing, 1947; 
Modern Angling Bibliography, 1947; Catering Establishments and Prevention of 
Food Poisoning, 1952; Factory Canteens and Their Management, 1952; Canteen 
Cookery, 1953; Club Management and Control, 1956. Add: 14 Speedwell Rd., 
Edgbaston, Birmingham B5, England."

Hope this helps.
Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
From: research-ga on 24 Apr 2002 06:09 PDT
I've found a lead regarding Hampton. Need to follow it up and make
sure that it goes somewhere, but I have some faith that it will. If it
does, I'll post what I find here. Might take a few days, or a bit

By the way, still waiting for Google Answers to reply on my
application as a researcher. Not sure how long the process takes, wish
they would respond in some way so I would know.

-Lynn / Researcher
Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
From: ken-ga on 30 Apr 2002 07:17 PDT
attention seeker-ga.  Thank you for information on J.F. Hampton & the
General Register Office. Yes, I would like a copy of the death
certificate, and would appreciate advice on how to go about obtaining
it. Let me know if you find anything else. Ken

attention mhofstede-ga: the information that you gave me on J.F.
Hampton from Writers Directory 1984-86 is the same as that in
International Authors & Writers Who's Who, although I am not sure
without going back through my research that I knew his birth date of
1909. That helps. It also implies that he was alive c.1986, which is
really interesting. Thanks. Ken
Subject: Re: biographical information on J.F. Hampton
From: texast-ga on 16 Jun 2002 04:18 PDT
I haven't found any biographical information to add, but here's some
more grist for your mill - miscellaneous information I came across on
the Web, produced by a Google search on "angling John Fitzgerald

URL: ://


Here's a mention of the book you might find interesting due to the
opinions expressed by the reviewer.



In 1947 J. Fitzgerald Hampton released "Modern Angling Bibliography"
which covered the period between 1881 and 1947. At the time it seemed
to be a predecessor of what was to come, for the author states that it
was his intention to revise Westwood and Satchell and that his
research would not be completed for some time, but unfortunately, the
document did not eventuate.

"Modern Angling Bibliography" is a handy but incomplete little work;
it does contains reference to Wigram and his "Trout and Fly in
Tasmania" but strangely, not Howard Joseland (copy on table). As to
date no one has tried to bring the list of works world wide up to date
and with the amount of books published since 1901, I doubt if anyone
ever will.


This is a mention of a first edition of the book..



264  DAY, Francis. British and Irish Salmonidae. Williams and Norgate,
1887.     £398.00

Royal 8vo. Original black cloth, covers with multiple fillet borders
in blind, spine gilt, black endpapers; viii + pp. 298 (+ errata leaf),
with 9 excellent high‑tone chromolithographed plates of "landed"
salmon, by F. Woolward after Day, 3 uncoloured lithographed anatomical
plates, and wood‑engraved illustrations; some light rubbing to
joints, and well‑nigh immaculate internally, bar a slight crease
to the front free‑endpaper, this is a fine copy of a scarce
title on the subject.

First edition. Fitzgerald Hampton, "Modern Angling Bibliography": "An
exhaustive treatise on the Salmonidae of the British Islands, equally
valuable to the Angler, the Fish Culturist, and the Scientific

Fitzgerald Hampton p. 31; Wood p. 313.


This site mentions a different publisher than the one mentioned in
your query.  It might also be a good resource site for you in general
- the books listed are not for sale, but you can request photocopies
of the pages.



Over the past several years while conducting historical fly tying
resesarch for our latest book, Rare and Unusual Fly Tying Materials: A
Natural History, numerous references were quite helpful. We assembled
the following bibliography as a list to aid others conducting similar

- This is the first time a strategic fly tying bibliography is
- Citations for books published pre-1900 are taken from Westwood &
Satchell's 1883 Bibliotheca piscatoria. - Additional citations from
other bibliographers will also be added, as well as comments from our
own staff.
- Readers are invited to submit references of other books they have
found useful. Please include author, title, edition date, publisher,
etc. Email us with your submission.
- In the future we plan to add links to show selected features from
particular books, such as the frontis, the hand colored plates, fly
patterns, etc. We also plan to include information on the various
- While a few eighteenth and nineteenth century titles that deal
extensively with fly tying are being reprinted, most remain quite rare
and difficult to find. Therefore, we presently offer a fee-based
service for photocopying sections of or entire books in our collection
for research purposes. Books marked with an asterik (*) are contained
in our library.

The fee for photocopying is $0.20 per B&W page, $2.00 per color page.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery from receipt of payment.

We take Visa, Mastercard, American Express, personal checks, and
postal money orders.

Fax (508-376-6276) or call (508-376-2209) us with your request.

QUOTED FROM WEB SITE (different publisher mentioned):

Hampton (J. Fitzgerald) Modern angling bibliography books published on
angling, fisheries, fish culture from 1881 to 1945. 99pp. London:
Herbert Jenkins Ltd.


Hope some of this helps you in your research!  Good luck!


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