[sorry to have posted this above...I meant it as my answer]
Request for Question Clarification by pafalafa-ga on 25 Sep 2003 13:26 PDT
Members of Congress routinely file Personal Financial Disclosure forms
that detail their holdings of any stocks either valued at $1,000 or
more, or that produced $200 of income, or more.
The publicly-available PFDs have been compiled by a group known as
OpenSecrets.org, and can be found at:
"Personal Financial Disclosure Reports "
"To get to the politician's personal financial disclosure documents,
type in the first few letters of his or her last name. This year's
filing (2001 calendar year, filed in 2002) is available for all
members of Congress except those who were granted extensions into the
summer. We also have documents for President Bush and Vice President
The PFDs should provide you the information you are looking for
(stocks are lsited in Part III of the report). If you need additional
information -- or if anything here is not clear -- just let me know by
posting a Request for Clarification, and I'll be glad to assist you
search strategy: used bookmarked site www.opensecrets.org |