Hello feghoot-ga:
It was a pleasure to answer your question. Historians, at least agree
on one point: The origins of the term, classical liberalism as we
know it today.
It is widely believed that the Englishmen John Locke (1689) was the
first person who provided a complete doctrine of individual freedom.
In his theories, he emphasized the different aspects of classical
Although, some philosophers agree that Thomas Hobbes (1588 1679) is
also to be credited with the term, classical liberalism.
Both of these men lived in the same period. The only difference is
that John Locke introduced the words, classical liberalism in
writing whereas Thomas Hobbes spoke of the intellectual classical
Nobel Prize Winner F.A. Hayek credits Cisero as the precursor to
classical liberalism. Cisero vehemently defended the Roman code and
later Greek and Roman philosophers idealized his ideas of natural laws
and freedom.
I have included the links to some of the web pages that will not only
prove my findings but also provide you a starting point on such a
research. Instead of reiterating my findings, I will let you analyze
my research.
I am providing you some very useful keywords at the end. Please don't
forget to type in these Useful Keywords on Google. You will find
many important links.
The Origins of Classical Liberalism Its definition & History
The Rise, Decline and Reemergence of Classical Liberalism
Classical Liberalism Timeline
Early Classical Liberalism In Depth Scholarly Studies
Intellectual History of Classical Liberalism
Liberalism & Classical Liberalism
Classical Liberalism Political Liberalism & its meaning
Classical Liberalism, Libertarianism & Individualism
The Culture of Classical Liberalism
Readings on Classical Liberalism
Useful Keywords
origins classical liberalism
classical liberalism AND john locke
classical liberalism
classical liberalism AND Thomas hobbes
classical liberalism theory
I hope it help. Please clarify if you are not satisfied with this
answer. Let me know how I may be of further assistance. Thank you for
using Google Answers.
Leader-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Sep 2003 13:17 PDT
I'm sorry, but that is not what I've asked for. I'm not interested in
the history of "classical liberalism" as a SUBJECT. I want to know
the origin and early usage of the TERM, as I indicated in the title of
my question. I've already seen ALL of those web sites: I too know how
to type "classical liberalism" into google. :-)
I am looking for usages of the TERM in older writings, perhaps from
the progressive era. Prior to 1962. All of the writings you listed
were written after 1962.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Sep 2003 14:03 PDT
I am sorry. I am doing research and will post my clarification soon. Thanks.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Sep 2003 21:23 PDT
Hello again:
I am still researching. I will post my clarification soon. Thanks.
Clarification of Answer by
28 Sep 2003 19:46 PDT
Hello feghoot-ga:
Thank you for your patience. I did some research on the earliest use
of the word, "classical liberalism" but couldn't find anything
conclusive. I went to the New York Public Library and browsed through
the notable books by authors such as Hayak, Mises ,Rand and a few
others in order to look for the early use of the word, "classical
liberalism" but couldn't find one. Keeping in mind the famous works on
classical liberalism, I checked the following books:
The Road to Serfdom by Hayek (1944), Constitution of liberty (1960)
Hayek, The counter revolution of science (1952): The discovery of
freedom by Lane (1943): Human Action (1944) Mises and Omnipotent
Government (1944) Mises.
I used the following page as a reference for the quality work on
classical liberalism:
I also browsed through internet without any success.
I am aware of the fact that you posted this question assuming the high
standard of service form Google Researcher; therefore I will advise
you to re-post your answer free of charge or please ask for a refund.
Please see FAQ Answers to your questions.
Please be advised that we try to provide our best services but
sometimes misinterpretation occur. I acknowledge that I should have
clarified before answering as I completely misunderstood the question.
Again, I am very sorry for the mistake. The only compensation that I
can provide you is to assist you in whatever research you are doing.
You may clarify again and ask me to help you on a related aspect and
than take a full refund for this question. It will just provide me an
opportunity to serve you without wasting your money.
Request for Answer Clarification by
14 Oct 2003 05:33 PDT
I'm familiar with the Lockesmith site's pseudo-history. They are a
thinktank producing neoliberal propaganda, not a credible source. In
that document, they are attempting to claim the term "classical
liberalism" for their own modern ideology.
From what I gather, some time during the progressive era (1900 +/- 30
years) the term "the new liberalism" was coined, and the old
liberalism was dubbed "classical liberalism". I want to know what was
meant by that old classification, whether the full, rich range of
older liberalism was meant or if some subset was intended.
None of the sources you have checked lie within the progressive era.
You may want to search for where "new liberalism" is used to see how
they categorize the earlier liberalisms.
Clarification of Answer by
14 Oct 2003 06:29 PDT
Thanks feghoot-ga:
I will start doing research and let you know of my progress.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Oct 2003 12:03 PDT
Hello feghoot-ga:
I am still doing research. I will post a summary within two days to
let you check if there is anything of importance. Thanks.
Clarification of Answer by
21 Oct 2003 09:05 PDT
Hello feghoot-ga:
I did research on your question but couldn't find anything conclusive.
I tried online as well as library research but was unable to come to
any result that might provide a substantial clue.
I think, this might not be my field and I sincerely apologise.
Again, I will like to remind you to please ask for a refund. You will
be able to ask for a full refund until 26th October.
Also, if you have another question (that is not related to this
topic), please feel free to post it as a clarification request or as a
comment on this page (remember te URL). It will provide me an
oppertunity to answer without you being charged.