Request for Question Clarification by
27 Sep 2003 18:58 PDT
I've found a site that tracks many of the type of details you are
seeking, and appears to contain hundreds of summaries of contracts
awarded to Siemens for GPRS, GSM, 3G, and other other wireless UMTS
Each summary differs a bit as to its content, level of detail, and so
on. A typical summary includes information such as:
--Siemens awarded a contract worth $67+ million
--contract is to supply and install a mobile radio system in a
national railway network
--Siemens will provide equipment to include phones, switchboards, base
stations, data transmission equipment, and related equipment and
--The contract work will begin in 2003, and is expected to be
completed in 2006.
The reports available cover Siemens contracts all over the world,
including Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, South America and elsewhere.
I cannot extract huge amounts of information from this site and
present it here due to copyright concerns. But I can certainly steer
you to the motherlode of information itself so that you can make use
of the information that is available.
Let me know if I should post information about accessing the site as
an answer to your question. If not, please let me and the other
researchers know how you would prefer to proceed on this.