Hello bpitt-ga,
The name of the Judge's putter in Caddyshack was Billy Baroo.
Below I am providing several online references so you may verify that
this is the correct answer.
From Warner Brothers' 1980 comedy classic "Caddyshack", featuring Bill
Murray, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield and the late Ted Knight as the
club snob Judge Smails who called his putter "Billy Baroo".
Source: Golf Glossary
Question number 7 on the Caddyshack Trivia Quiz is What is the name
of Judge Smails putter?
Billy Baroo
Little Smails
Billy Club
Bushwood Special
I chose Billy Baroo and it was correct.
Caddyshack Trivia Quiz
"Spaulding, this calls for the old Billy Baroo. (grabs putter ) Oh,
Billybillybilly. Oh ... Billybillybilly. Don't let me down, Billy."
Time for the old Billy Baroo
"Oh Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy"
- Judge Smails, "Caddyshack"
Search Criteria:
Caddyshack putter
Caddyshack putter Billy
Caddyshack putter Judge Billy
Billy Baroo
I hope this answers your question! If anything is unclear or if a
link does not function, please let me know and Ill be glad to offer
further assistance.
Best Regards,
Bobbie7-ga |