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Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
Category: Health Asked by: levsen-ga List Price: $17.00 |
14 Jun 2002 16:05 PDT
Expires: 14 Jul 2002 16:05 PDT Question ID: 26146 |
I am considering to go and live in Australia for a couple of years. My concern is with the ozone hole and consequent higher UV radiation in Australia. Please inform me about the health risks related to UV rays of residents of Australia as compared to people in other countries (or compared to Australians before there was an ozone hole 50 years ago) and whether and how this situation affects daily lives (skin protection, medical exams, insurance premiums, whatever). I don't know if that matters, but I would live in a city (Sydney or Merlbourne) and have a normal office job. I have light skin, do not tan, and my grandfather had skin cancer. I like to be outside but no extreme hiking/sailing/whatever activities. It'd be best to get a balanced view from someone who lived both in Australia and elsewhere and who is actually concerned about long-term health. |
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Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
Answered By: davidsar-ga on 14 Jun 2002 16:54 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Thanks for your question. I do a lot of environmental work, and appreciate the chance to field a query like this. I haven't been to Australia myself, but I hear from friends that it's a wonderfully delightful country/continent/state of mind. Like any journey, you need to be mindful of changed conditions, and your safety. So too with Australia, especially regarding UV radiation. Bottom line is this: Australia gets a lot of UV radiation, and Aussies get a lot of skin cancer, and may be endangered in other health areas as well. How much of this is due to the ozone hole, and how much to the fact that they're a fun loving, out-doorsy, devil may care sort of culture is an open question. The Public Health Association of Australia at http://www.phaa.net.au/policy/stratos.htm put it like this: "Stratospheric ozone depletion resulting in increased exposure to UVR is likely to have deleterious health and environmental consequences for Australia. Ultraviolet radiation, particularly UVB, has important consequences for human health, being etiologically linked with --both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer (which are estimated to increase in incidence at 1 or 2 times the rate of increase in UVB, which itself increases at twice the rate of ozone depletion); --non-malignant skin damage; --ocular effects, including cataracts (especially of the cortical type), pterygia, climatic droplet keratopathy and acute photokeratitis; --and depression of immune function, especially the T-effector limb of the immune response, with unknown but potentially important consequences for human malignant and infectious diseases." Quite a list, eh? The Atmosphere Theme Report of the Australia State of the Environment Report 2001 at: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/24565/20020416/www.ea.gov.au/soe/2001/atmosphere/atmosphere03-9.html#healtheffects is even more explicit about the cancer effects: "Skin cancer is the major type of cancer in Australia. Malignant melanoma has been increasing in incidence in white populations worldwide at 3 to 7% per year since the early 1960s. Australia has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world, 28 per 100 000 person-years in 1990. Melanoma incidence has been recorded since the late 1970s in most states and has doubled in both men and women from 1980 to 2000. There are only limited data on trends from three national surveys for the incidence of non-melanocytic skin cancer. In 1990, the Australian incidence rate for this form of cancer was 980 per 100 000 person-years, and the incidence rate in 1995 was more than 25% higher than in 1985. These surveys underestimate the true incidence rate because they do not include people with undiagnosed or untreated non-melanocytic skin cancer." But they also say it's hard to know how much of these high numbers is a direct reslut of the ozone hole: "Because of the very long lead time between exposure to UV radiation and the related occurrence of skin cancer, the increasing incidences of skin cancers in Australia (Figure 82) from 1980 to 1996 are thought to be associated primarily with behaviour in relation to exposure to UV radiation that presumably took effect before there was any significant depletion of the ozone layer. However, it is reasonable to assume that any increase in UV radiation as a result of ozone depletion has contributed, and will contribute, to increases in the incidence of skin cancer." The main conclusion about health effects, though, is this: ""The Australian climate, with high levels of UV radiation, is conducive to elevated incidences of sunburn and other UV-related medical problems, such as melanoma. Human behaviour, much more than ozone depletion, determines the overall effect of UV on people in Australia. " In other words, if you stay out of the sun when you can, and wear sun block when you can't (and a wide brim Panama hat wouldn't hurt, either), then you greatly minimize any risks from the high UV levels. More and more native Australians are swearing off their devotion to tanning, and in doing so, are taking charge of their exposure levels. No reason you couldn't do the same. I hope this answers your question to your satisfaction. No, I haven't lived in (or even visited) Australia, but I have been working on environmental and public health issues for the last twenty years, and I like to think I have a pretty good sense of balance on these things. Let me know if you need any additional information. Dave Search strategy: [UV radiation "ozone hole" australia "health effects"] |
rated this answer:![]() Hey this came out much better than I thought! Also, I don't know what makes people write all these comments for free. Are you all aspiring researchers? I love you all. |
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Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
From: tehuti-ga on 14 Jun 2002 17:10 PDT |
Info on the potential effects of the ozone hole in Australia: http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/exhibits/scientia/wwwjul96/brennan/ozone2.htm Given your family history of skin cancer, and the fact you have fair non-tanning skin, if you lived in Australia, you would have to be meticulous about protecting yourself from the sun. There is some controversy about whether sunscreens offer sufficient protection. Some researchers in Philadelphia argue that while sunscreens may offer protection from erythema (i.e. going lobster-red), they might not necessarily protect from the effects of UVA light at the level of the skin cells http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2000/suppl-1/71-78gasparro/abstract.html Therefore, to be really safe, you would have to wear protective clothing and avoid being out when the sun is at its highest. I'm afraid I do not know anything about the Australian health insurance system so cannot say whether your skin type and family history would result in you having to pay higher premiums. One thing you might need to bear in mind is that, if you ever undergo genetic screening to see whether you have an inherited susceptibility to skin cancer, insurance companies might have the right to see the results of your tests before deciding your premiums. It is rather a strange situation at present. An insurance company cannot coerce you into being tested, but they do have the right to see your results if you do take that decision. |
Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
From: jaj-ga on 14 Jun 2002 17:29 PDT |
I'm a fair-skinned Briton who lived in Australia for nine years, so I have some personal experience to add to Dave's excellent research. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, and this was the case even before the ozone hole became a matter of concern. There has been a massive public health education effort over the last two decades - I can testify to this, as I can still sing the "Slip, Slop, Slap" jingle 16 years after leaving the country. "Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat" sums up the necessary precautions, although sunglasses are a good idea as well. Sensible use of personal protection greatly reduces UV exposure and hence the risk of skin cancer, and other medical problems where UV is a risk factor, such as cataracts. It's no great imposition to do the things that reduce the risk, and if you don't tan anyway you're not going to be tempted to ignore the guidelines for the sake of getting a tan. The public health campaign is having an effect, and the rates are starting to drop. One advantage of the high rate is that the medical profession is well aware of the possibility of skin cancer, and detection and cure rates are very high. There is also a thriving research programme. You don't specify where you live at the moment, but you may find the following chart from the World Health Organization website useful for comparing UV levels in Melbourne and Sydney with your current location: http://www.who.int/peh-uv/UVIpublic.htm#travelling The Cancer Council of Victoria has an excellent website on UV and skin cancer at http://www.sunsmart.com.au/ You might want to browse this site to get a feel for what the cancer prevention organisations recommend. Search strategy: "UV Australia", then picking out the Bureau of Metereology website and following links from there. |
Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
From: jaj-ga on 14 Jun 2002 18:21 PDT |
A further comment now that I've refreshed my memory on the medical care system: Australia has a tax-funded medical insurance system called Medicare, which can be supplemented by private health insurance. If you are a visitor or temporary resident, you are not normally eligible for Medicare cover. The normal private policies are not suitable for such people, because they are designed to supplement the Medicare system and wouldn't fully cover someone who isn't eligible for Medicare. If you have a permanent resident's visa, you normally would be eligible for Medicare. Medicare is a universal system, paid for by a tax surcharge, and does not have any restrictions based on your existing health or genetic profile. There are eight countries with a reciprocal health care agreement with Australia which gives some basic medical cover for visitors and temporary residents from those countries (New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Malta and Ireland), but you would still require a top-up private policy suitable for non-residents. If you will need insurance cover as a temporary resident, the relevant government website has this to say: http://www.health.gov.au/haf/docs/visthlth/2001hlth.htm#hifov "Private health insurance for overseas visitors in Australia is available from Australian registered health organisations, insurance brokers and general insurers. To obtain contact details for insurers offering private health insurance for overseas visitors, you can phone the Department of Health and Aged Care on (02) 6289 7531." Which is not entirely helpful, because it doesn't give the number in the format for dialling from overseas. You need to dial your international access code, then 61 2 6289 7531. Note that even if the Australian insurers aren't concerned about your risk level for skin cancer (which I think is likely to be the case), you may find that your local insurers are concerned about it when you return to your home country. Search strategy: "Medicare Australia" |
Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
From: sahaja108-ga on 14 Jun 2002 19:13 PDT |
This is a comment from an Australian who lives in Melbourne... Yes the ozone layer hole does extend over Tasmania and also Melbourne at times during the year. At present not all the year in Melbourne (I cant speak for Tasmania on that) Preventive measures: sunglasses and large dollop of common sense! (even on a cloudy day I may wear sunglasses, depending on how the light intensity feels) I'm not aware of the ozone hole extending much north of Melbourne, certainly not yet to Sydney, let alone Brisbane. The high rates of skin cancer in Australia are due to the dumb Aussie habit of frying their skin on the beach. Those playing outdoor sports use zinc cream on the faces and other exposed parts of the body. Its a great country, dont be put off (I came here in 1986 from Britain...) |
Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
From: sovereign-ga on 16 Jun 2002 00:48 PDT |
the ozone risk terms are all fake !!! |
Re: Health Risks Related to Ozone Hole in Australia
From: cfletcherb-ga on 06 Jul 2002 08:48 PDT |
Good question! I am also a non-tanner and have dreams of being a long-term Aussie visitor some day... Let me suggest that you might want to research the idea that having abundant antioxidant intake (like Vitamin E and C, whether from food and / or supplements) will reduce the skin damage that sun over-exposure can do. I've seen it suggested that a rub-down with olive oil after sun exposure would be helpful this way. Another idea floated in the alternative health world suggests that keeping your refined sugar intake very low will help improve your body's ability to respond to the radiation damage (so avoid sugary sodas while you're out playing at the beach, for example). Keep in mind that there are informed folks out there who point to LACK of sun exposure, and the consequent low Vitamin D levels, as a potential cause of health problems, so in theory, it is possible to be TOO rabid about avoiding sun exposure. Try www.mercola.com for info on this subject. |
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